List of Deadly Women episodes

List of Deadly Women episodes


Deadly Women mini-series (2005)

Each of the three original episodes covered the cases of four women or groups of women who were united by the central theme of the episode.


  • Ep = Episode number within the season
  • = Overall episode number

Season 1: 2005

Ep Title Directed by: Written by: Original air date
1 1 "Obsession" Chris Thorburn February 08, 2005
Obsessions can take many forms: beauty, devotion, ego and power. In 16th century Central Europe, Elizabeth Báthory, a Hungarian noblewoman, was obsessed with youth and beauty. According to legend, Báthory murdered as many as 650 young woman believing that drinking their blood would preserve her youth. Báthory became known as the "Blood Countess." In Romania during the 1920's and 30's, Vera Renczi's fears of infidelity and abandonment ostensibly caused her to murder the men in her life. Renczi poisoned her husbands, lovers and one son with arsenic before placing their bodies in zinc-lined coffins in her wine cellar. In New Orleans during the early 19th century, French socialite Delphine LaLaurie was believed to be a cruel sadist who beat, tortured, and performed medical experiments on slaves in the basement of her mansion. And in Washington State, Linda Burfield Hazzard, a doctor and a delusional "fasting specialist," believed she could "heal" her patients through exhausting diets and starvation. Hazzard's practice of starvation resulted in the death of a visiting English heiress in 1911
2 2 "Greed" Chris Thorburn February 15, 2005
Learn the secrets of Black Widows, women who killed their spouses, lovers and children for profit. Meet the women who have made murder their trade. In the early 1900s, on a small farm in La Porte, Indiana, Norwegian immigrant Belle Gunness used strychnine to poison her suitors and boyfriends before feeding their remains to the hogs. Gunness's motive was to collect life insurance, cash and other valuables from her victims. Between 1907 and 1917, in Windsor, Connecticut, nursing home proprietor Amy Archer-Gilligan purchased life insurance policies on her elderly residents before poisoning them with arsenic. In Cordele, Georgia, greed lead Janie Lou Gibbs, a church going mother and grandmother who once ran a day-care center, to poison her three sons, a grandson and her husband in the 1960s for the sole purpose of collecting life insurance. And during the 1880s in Liverpool, England, sisters Catherine Flannigan & Margaret Higgins worked together to poison their own family members in an attempt to claim insurance payouts. The two sisters became known as "The Black Widows of Liverpool." 
3 3 "Revenge" Chris Thorburn February 22, 2005
Crimes of revenge are usually single acts of passion. But sometimes the female killer is driven by a deeper, smoldering anger. These are women who border on the pathological who kill and kill again. In New South Wales, Australia, Katherine Knight brutally stabbed her de facto husband to death in the early morning hours of February 29, 2000 before dismembering him and using parts of the body to cook up a grisly stew. Knight was convicted in October 2001 and became the first Australian woman to receive a life sentence without the possibility of parole. The Blanche Taylor Moore, Ruth Ellis and Lainz Angels of Death cases are also profiled in this episode

Deadly Women TV series (2008-present)

Deadly Women resumed production of Season 2 in 2008, with slight changes. There is a new narrator, and each episode now features three cases instead of four.


  • Ep = Episode number within the season
  • = Overall episode number

Season 2: 2008

Ep Title Directed by: Written by: Original air date
1 4 "Thrill Killers" John Mavety Paul Hawker October 09, 2008
A bizarre journey into the world of women who kill for thrills, Thrill Killers transports us into the teenage territory of Indiana pack-leader, Melinda Loveless, whose jealousy sparks a revenge rampage that leads to the kidnap and torture of an innocent 12-year-old. Thrill Killers also takes us into the mind of 16-year-old Brenda Spencer, who opens fire on a schoolyard, killing two and wounding nine because she "doesn't like Mondays". And from Brisbane, Australia a so-called "lesbian Vampire murder"-a tale of satanic rituals, and gothic goings-on that culminates in the slaying of a male victim to satiate Tracey Wiggington's lust for blood
2 5 "Fatal Attraction" John Mavety Paul Hawker October 16, 2008
No one doubts a woman's capacity to love, but sometimes lust can turn lethal. On May 19, 1983, Diane Downs shot her three children, killing one of them. Diane's motive was simply to free herself of parenthood so she could pursue a romantic relationship with a man who didn't want children. In 1925, Martha Wise poisoned three of her family members to death and crippled more than a dozen with arsenic. And in Perth, Australia, lesbian couple Valerie Parashumti and Jessica Stasinowsky drugged, bludgeoned, and strangled their 16-year-old flatmate Stacey Mitchell to death
3 6 "Twisted Minds" John Mavety Paul Hawker October 23, 2008
When a deranged mind of a Deadly Woman snaps, there's no telling when the killing will stop. In a rage driven by years of untreated schizophrenia, 25-year-old Sylvia Seegrist opened fire on innocent shoppers in a Philadelphia mall in 1985. Twelve years later, in Sherwood, Arkansas, depression drove Christina Marie Riggs to smother her own children to death and attempt suicide afterwards. And in St. Petersburg, Florida, Bobbie Sue Dudley, a registered nurse suffering from Münchausen syndrome, murders twelve nursing home residents by overdosing them with insulin injections
4 7 "Dark Secrets" John Mavety Paul Hawker October 30, 2008
Dark Secrets are the stock-in-trade of Deadly Women. For twelve years, Florida-based serial killer Judy Buenoano secretly murdered lovers and family members to claim on insurance policies she'd set up in advance. On the other side of the world, and in a different era, Eugenia Falleni lived a double life. Born a woman, but living as a man in conservative turn-of-the-20th century Sydney, Australia, Falleni killed to keep her true gender concealed. And in Texas, pediatric nurse Genene Jones secretly killed as many as 46 infants left in her care between 1980 and 1982. It was a "Dark Secret" that even hospital administrators tried to pretend wasn't happening
5 8 "Bad Medicine" John Mavety Paul Hawker November 06, 2008
Medicine can do a power of good but, in the hands of a Deadly Woman, Bad Medicine can be devastating. In 1986, Seattle-based Stella Nickell poisoned her husband and an innocent shopper by planting cyanide-laced pain-relief capsules on drug store shelves. In Australia, on a killing spree that lasted from 1991 until 1999, serial killer Kathleen Folbigg murdered four of her children by suffocating them. And in 1991, British nurse Beverley Allitt murdered four children and injured five others by injecting them with insulin or potassium, causing cardiac arrest. This is what happens when Angels of Mercy turn into Angels of Death
6 9 "Predators" John Mavety Paul Hawker November 13, 2008
Women are more often prey than Predators, but the exceptions are Deadly Women indeed. Famed "Monster" serial killing prostitute Aileen Wuornos shot and killed seven men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Decades earlier, Anna Marie Hahn, a German immigrant, preyed upon fellow Germans in Cincinnati during the 1930s. Hahn poisoned her victims and stole money from them-just as Dorothea Puente preyed on the down-and-out in Sacramento during the 1980s. Puente was accused of poisoning her victims, stealing their social security cheques, then burying seven of their bodies in her tiny back yard. In this episode we'll discover what drove these Deadly Women to prey on the unsuspecting-as serial killing Predators

Season 3: 2009

Ep Title Directed by: Written by: Original air date
1 10 "Young Blood" John Mavety August 20, 2009
Sometimes the innocence of childhood is swept away by dark thoughts and violent currents. In a childhood without love, a murderous urge can fill the vacuum. In Newcastle upon Tyne, England, ten-year-old Mary Bell becomes a murderer after she strangles a four-year-old boy to death on May 25, 1968, just one day before her 11th birthday. Two months later, at age 11, Bell murders another little boy, becoming Britain's youngest female serial killer. In Fayette County, Georgia, troubled teen lovers Holly Harvey and Sandra Ketchum are forbidden from seeing one another by Holly's grandparents. Holly resents her grandparents and their strict rules, and with the help of Sandra, the two teens decide to murder the elderly couple by stabbing them to death. And in Gary, Indiana, 15-year-old Paula Cooper and her friends need some quick cash so they decide to rob 78-year-old Bible teacher Ruth Pelke under the pretense of asking for Bible lessons. Upon allowing the girls into her home, Ruth Pelke is brutally stabbed to death by the ringleader of the clique, Paula Cooper
2 11 "Blood for Money" John Mavety August 27, 2009
Money is the driving force behind many crimes, especially murder. These women would stop at nothing to get their hands on the cash they needed. In 1934, Eva Coo and Martha Clift drove Henry Wright, a fellow employee, to an isolated location in Oneonta, New York. There, Eva bludgeoned him with a mallet and Martha ran over him with a car. Coo and Clift's motive for murder was simply to collect the life insurance that had been purchased on Wright. In Texas, Celeste Beard conspires to murder her husband, a retired television executive and self-made multi-millionaire, with her lesbian lover Tracey Tarlton. And in 19th century Australia, baby farmer Sarah Makin murders innocent infants while collecting money from the childrens' mothers
3 12 "The Disturbed" September 03, 2009
Some killers are so troubled and so disturbed that their actions are almost impossible to comprehend. Nurse Jane Toppan murders at least 31 of her patients in a sadistic fashion, Dana Sue Gray kills three women and severely injures another due to a crave for power, thirst for cash and hatred of her mother. And in Florida, an unstable babysitter named Christine Falling betrays parents trust by suffocating the children that she's supposed to protect
4 13 "Behind the Mask" September 11, 2009
In the suburbs and in the office, the most terrifying killers in history went about their deadly work unnoticed. Their murderous intents hidden benteath masks of sanity. Helen Golay and Olga Rutterschmidt kill homeless men for insurance money, Betty Lou Beets murders two husbands before burying them in her yard, and Kim Hricko sets her loving husband on fire to hide her affair with another man
5 14 "Forbidden Love" September 17, 2009
When sexual cravings are out of control, when desperation for love becomes all consuming, when illicit desire is thwarted by others... some women step outside the boundaries of society. "J.R.", age 12 and her 23 year-old boyfriend brutally slaughter her parents and brother so they can be together[1], Sharee Miller uses the Internet as a tool to manipulate her lover into killing her husband, and Kristin Rossum murdered her husband to hide her affair with her boss and addiction to crystal meth. All three women killed in very different fashions, but they were united by the fact that they mudered in the name of Forbidden Love
6 15 "Hearts of Darkness" September 24, 2009
Some women burn madly with jealousy, it becomes an anger so deep that they'll be prepared to kill to satisfy it. But what else is it that drives women to breaking point? Winnie Ruth Judd impulsively murders her friends after fighting over a man and has them cut up with intention of dumping the remains in the Pacific Ocean, Carolyn Warmus was so desperate for a man's love that he shot his wife nine times, and Daphne Wright butchered another deaf woman to protect the only love she's ever known. Some of these killings impulsive, some more cold and calculated, but all of thier troubled began with a Heart of Darkness
7 16 "Evil Influence" October 01, 2009
Sometimes, an everyday woman can become a cold-blooded killer while under the spell of a dangerous man. Myra Hindley and her satistic boyfriend Ian Brady go on a sick, muderous rampage that takes the lives of five children. In August 1969, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten slaughtered seven prominent people in the Hollywood hills, all three girls were diciples of infmaous cult leader Charles Manson. Tania Herman was so under the spell of her lover Joe Korp, that she willingly killed her lover's wife simply because he asked her. These women became deadly while under an Evil Influence
8 17 "Fatal Obsession" October 08, 2009
When a woman's desire spirals out of control, there are always caualties. To avoid being exploited of her phony pregnancy, Lisa M. Montgomery murdered another woman in cold blood so she could steal her baby. Best friends Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme were so obsessed with each other and their fantasy world, they killed a loving mother to protect their friendship. Catherine Birnie was hopelessly in love with a sexually sadistic serial killer and became one herself. These Deadly Women destroyed other lives and their own for the sake of their Fatal Obsessions
9 18 "Lethal Lovers" October 15, 2009
Most psychopathic killers work alone, but in rare circumstances, murder plays matchmaker for a sinister couple with twisted thoughts. For almost three decades, Rosemary West and her husband torture, rape and murder at least 11 women before burying them under their patio, Martha Beck helps her con artist boyfriend trick women and three lives (two women and a toddler) are cutshort as a result, and Erika Sifrit goes to Ocean City with her husband, giving an innocent couple an invitation back to their condo... an invitation that's to die for. When united with their men, these deadly women change from innocent women to Lethal Lovers
10 19 "Mothers Who Kill" October 22, 2009
Most women would die to protect their children, so what could drive a mother to murder her own flesh and blood? Waneta Hoyt kills her babies and blames Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (aka SIDS) for the deaths to gain sympathy from other people, driven by a deadly delusion, Andrea Yates drowns her five children one by one to save their souls, and Susan Smith outrages the nation by sending her two young boys to a watery grave in order to earn back her lover. These deadly women broke a sacred bond by taking young lives, they are Mothers who Kill
11 20 "Born Bad" October 29, 2009
Is it possible to be born evil? These deadly women lead some people to believe so. Gertrude Baniszewski tortures and murders sixteen year-old Sylvia Likens and gets her children to help do the dirty work, Antoinette Frank was a killer cop who shot a fellow officer and two owners of a Vietnamese restaurant she helped guard at nighttime, and Sharon Kinne traded her life as a suburban mom for a life of crime and still may be among us today. There are numerous factors that can drive a woman to kill, but these deadly women were among the select few who were simply Born Bad
12 21 "Lethal Vengeance" November 05, 2009
Revenge is one of the oldest motives for murder in the book, but some people are so consumed by it that they go overboard and shock countless people with their crimes. At age sixteen, Sarah Marie Johnson shot both of her parents because they wouldn't let her see her nineteen year old boyfriend, Piper Rountree wouldn't rest until her ex-husband was in the grave for leaving her, and Christa Pike led a pack of teens to cut a classmate over 300 times and bludgeon her with a rock before taking a piece of the skull as a trophy. For these deadly women, the quest to seek retribution was so powerful that they went out of control, methodically seeking Lethal Vengence
13 22 "Blood Lines" November 12, 2009
When murder is a family affair, no good can come out of it. Barbara Opel talked children (including her own daughter) into brutally murdering a helpless old man who generously helped them during trying times, out in the Wild West, Kate Bender was prepared to help her family of serial killers, and Sante Kimes led her son into a life of crime, they left a trail of frauds, scams, bills and bodies behind them. For these deadly women, killing is personal as it ran in their Blood Lines

Season 4: 2010

Ep Title Directed by: Written by: Original air date
1 23 "An Eye for an Eye" August 12, 2010
Revenge is a powerful emotion that can feed on itself and when these deadly women were crossed, they answered with brutal murder. Power-hungry drug addict and prostitute Karla Faye Tucker used a pickaxe to murder an ex-boyfriend and a woman he was having a one-night-stand with. Upon being sentenced to death however, she experiences some profound changes for the better, making her execution one of the most controversial in United States history. Volatile, hot-tempered single mother Jessica McCord used her children as a lure to send her loving ex-husband and his new wife to a fiery grave as revenge for leaving her. And Clara Harris responds to her husband's ongoing affair with his receptionist by attacking them in a four-star hotel and running over him with her car in the parking lot. When these women were wronged, they gladly took an Eye for an Eye
2 24 "Outlaws" August 19, 2010
While their sisters chose sensible lives of motherhood and sought out wholesome careers, they lived lives of crime. Infamous drug lord Griselda Blanco has roughly 100 people murdered by her hand or her order during the Drug Wars in Miami, but outdoes herself by putting a contract on one of her hitmen and killing his two year-old son by mistake in a drive-by. Bad girl Barbara Graham had so much hatred towards her abusive mother that she pistol whips a lonely widow to death in order to let it all out, turning what was supposed to be a mere robbery into bloody murder and landing her a spot in the gas chamber. Self-proclaimed "Queen of Thieves" Juanita Spinelli fostered young teens and taught them to become her henchmen, but when they accidentally kill an innocent man, she murders one of her helpers to keep him from talking. These Deadly Women don't play boy the rules, they are Outlaws
3 25 "Fortune Hunters" August 26, 2010
Greed can become so intense that even those women who seemingly have it all will do anything to have more. For these women, getting that money meant murder. Serial wife Jill Coit married a man for his money and when he learns she's been married eleven times, he divorces her and she ends the relationship (along with his life) for good with a gun. Once former exotic dancer Marjorie Orbin got all she ever wanted from her wealthy husband, she shot, dismembered and disposed of his body in the desert. Caring, church-going lady Barbara Stagershoots her sleeping husband after he discovers that she's greedy, an adulteress and a liar. An identical "accident" with her previous husband and tape recordings by her fearful husband ultimately give her away. These women used sex and seduction to get the ring from the man who had money, they were Fortune Hunters
4 26 "Dangerous Liaisons" September 02, 2010
Apart, a man and woman can be innocent and safe to have walking around among us. But when united, they create bonds that leave devastation and death in their wake. Rebellious teenager Caril Fugate and her out-of-control boyfriend go on cross-country killing spree that leaves 11 people dead. But whether she's an innocent hostage as she claims to be or a willing accomplice remains in dispute. Sexually sadistic alcoholic Valmae Beck willingly lures a twelve year-old girl into a deadly trap to help her equally sexually sadistic husband satisfy his darkest desires and was turned on by the incident just as much as he was. Under the spell of her dangerous husband, Tracey,Ashley Humphrey stalks and kills Tracey's ex-girlfriend Sandy to prevent her from pressing rape charges against him. These women didn't act alone, they became killers due to Dangerous Liasons
5 27 "Till Death Do Us Part" September 09, 2010
Although marriage is meant to last forever, we all know that it doesn't always work out. Women killing their husbands is relatively rare, so when it happens, people notice it. Preacher's wife Mary Winkler shoots her sleeping husband, claiming she was subjected to physical, sexual and emotional abuse. After a trial that gained national attention, her sentencing would become one that would divide the nation. Rebecca Salcedo married a socially awkward rich man for his money and after learning she'd only get a few thousand dollars by divorcing him, she creates a sinister plan to take him for all he has. Betty Broderick helped put her husband through law school and gave him four beautiful children, but he repaid her by cheating on her. After divorcing Betty, Dan and his new wife took custody of the kids and made it a priority to make her life miserable. However, when they went too far, Betty snapped and shot them both as they slept in their mansion. These Deadly Women made a wedding vow that they took to a whole new level- "Til Death do us Part". 
6 28 "Master Manipulators" September 16, 2010
In the presence of a charismatic woman with devious intentions, we become pawns in their game of chess They can easily talk people into doing whatever they want them to do, for these women, that includes murder. For black widow Sharon Nelson the process was simple- marry a man for his money, drain the bank accounts, turn to her secret lover, talk him into killing her husband and move on to a new man. Seductress Virginia Larzelere got every man she came into contact with (including her own son) tangled in a web of lust and greed, which allowed her to hire a hitman to shoot her husband in the middle of the day in his dental office.Sheila LaBarre inherits her husband's farm and entices young men to help share the work... and her bed. Only after moving in with her does Sheila reveal her monstrous nature and she ultimately lured at least two men to a fiery grave. These women were users and abusers of other people, they were Master Manipulators
7 29 "The Sacred Bond" September 23, 2010
A woman who murders a partner, spouse, stranger, friend or acquaintance will shock society, but there's a special Hall of Infamy designated for the women who kill their own. Theresa Knorr was driven by series of deadly delusions to kill two of her daughters in a story so grotesque that detectives didn't believe it until two Jane Doe cases confirmed the story as told by her lone surviving daughter. Fueled by a potent cocktail of prolonged alcohol abuse, intense anger problems and unstable mental health, Debora Green set her house on fire and killed two of her three children (one girl escaped through her bedroom window) to get back at her husband for leaving her. Diane O'Dell had a series of bad relationships and was pregnant often. If the father wasn't around for the birth, Diane made it a habit to smother the infant to death and place their body in a box. This happened on three separate occasions and it wasn't until decades later when everything was exposed. These mothers killed their own flesh and blood, breaking The Sacred Bond
8 30 "Beyond Suspicion" September 30, 2010
Beautiful eyes, a bright smile and a charming personality can help mask a killers identity, making them that much more dangerous because we never see then coming. In an attempt to gain power and respect, Tillie Gburek portrayed herself as a fortune teller who predicted when people would die. To make her predictions come true, her clients were given her signature hearty stew that was laced with arsenic. She remained undetected for years and could've killed as many as 20 people. A lifetime over-achiever, fresh out of law school, Beth Carpenter was determined to take custody of her niece, but the judge granted custody to her sister Kim and her partner Buzz. Taking the law into her own hands out of anger, she and her boss hired a hitman to kill Buzz for $5000. Caroline Grills inherited her mother-in-law's beautiful home by killing her via food laced with thallium (rat poison), but she enjoyed it so much that she killed two more relatives over a nice cup of tea. What makes these women so deadly is that you'll never guess who they are, as they're Beyond Suspicion
9 31 "In Cold Bood" October 07, 2010
Many killings happen in the heat of an argument, but the coldest killings are the ones that are carefully planned out and women are more likely than men to plan an elaborate murder scheme. After just five months of marriage, Wendi Davidson murdered her husband because her parents didn't approve of him. She injected him with poison, tied weights to his body, threw it in the river and stabbed the corpse in excess of 40 times to keep it from surfacing. Anu Singh was a troubled young woman who planned to commit suicide and threw a party to celebrate her final day on the earth, no one knew she was planning to take her fiance to heaven with her. While Joe died after being given multiple shots of heroin, Anu didn't die. Black widow Lynn Turner married two police officers while working as a dispatcher. When she got bored with her husbands, she simply killed them by poisoning them with ethylene glycol(aka antifreeze)hidden in a bowl of Jell-O. These women weren't impulsive, they killed In Cold Blood
10 32 "Under His Control" October 21, 2010
Love can be a force for good, but when some women become blindsided by love, they can view murder as a sign of devotion.Jennifer Reali was with a man who used seduction and Bible passages to convince her to murder his wife, painting the murder as an act of mercy to set her free of the pain she was suffering from a disease called lupus. Alongside her greedy boyfriend Carl, Bonnie Heady abducted a six year-old boy by posing as his aunt and they held him at ransom for $600,000. Even after his parents sent the money, they killed the boy to keep him from revealing their identities. Using threats to hurt her family members and reveal humiliating information to the public, Fred Andros convinced his lover Dawn Silvernail to kill the woman whom he made Dawn have lesbian sex with while videotaping the affairs. These women may have never murdered otherwise, but they became killers Under His Control
11 33 "Secrets and Lies" October 28, 2010
In some cases killers are sneaky enough to the point everything is not what it seems to be. Anjette Lyles was a lively, successful restauranteur who was secretly obsessed with black magic and when relatives got in the way of what she wanted, she'd simply kill them. Two husbands, a mother-in-law and her young daughter all died of arsenic poisoning at her hands. Susan Grund's desires to 1.) be sexually desired by men and 2.) come across as a devoted, classy wife did not mix. When her husband Jimmy became aware of her actions, he soon died after being shot. She was jailed for it, but there's still a dispute as to who the perpetrator really is. Audrey Marie Hilley secretly used arsenic to kill her husband and her daughter barely escaped a similar fate. Marie soon was on the run- she moved to a different area, used two different identities to cover up her tracks and remained undetected for years. These women are not who you think they are, their true identity is hidden under a series of Secrets and Lies
12 34 "Love Gone Wrong" November 04, 2010
They say that people always do crazy things when they're in love, but these women took that quote to a whole new level. Under the influence of her sociopathic boyfriend, Christine Paolilla murders her four best friends in a robbery gone wrong in Houston and remained on the loose for years. Even during that time, however, she wasn't exactly free as she was being haunted by her murdered friends. Penny Boudreau's boyfriend was sick of the bickering between her and her 12 year-old daughter, so he said "either she goes or I go". Upon saying that, he meant that she must go to live with her father, but Penny took things too far and strangled her only child to keep her boyfriend. Jennifer Hyatte fell in love with a prisoner while working as a nurse and they got married. After her husband's latest parole hearing, she showed up at the courthouse with a gun and shot a guard to free her husband. On the run, they saw a news story at a hotel, revealing that the guard died on the way to the hospital and that branded Jennifer and George as murderers
13 35 "A Daughter's Revenge" November 11, 2010
It's not unusual at all for teen girls to be scolded or punished by their parents. No girl likes this, but some take it more seriously than others. Straight-A student Nicole Kasinskas falls for a guy who soon drives a wedge between her and her mother, who until that point was the most important person in her life. After being denied permission to live with her boyfriend, they punish her mother by bludgeoning and stabbing her to death. In 19th century Great Britain, Constance Kent was furious at her father for cheating on her dying mother with the governess, Mary, whom he marries after Constance's mother dies and has a young son with. She gets revenge towards Mary and her father by slashing the throat of her young half-brother and disposing of him in an outhouse. After her brother is arrested for viciously murdering two people, Belinda Van Krevel[2] blames their father for treating them badly and when her brother gets a life sentence, Belinda takes revenge by having her brother's best friend murder her father. Most parents have no reason to fear their children, but these girls' families paid the price with their lives for A Daughter's Revenge
14 36 "Love Sick" December 09, 2010
When girls are jealous at someone after their boyfriend, the results can be downright lethal. Lisa Michelle Lambert[3] was so furious at the fact that her boyfriend Lawrence raped 16 year old Laurie Show, but it was Laurie she was angry at. Lisa Michelle became obsessed with stalking young Laurie and ended her life by cutting her multiple times in her own bedroom. Daphne Abdela was a spoiled rich girl living near the Dakota in NYC who had an alcohol problem and a need to kill at just 15 years old. Alongside her boyfriend, Christopher Vasquez, she stabbed a regular drinking buddy in excess of 40 times and dumped him in water near Strawberry Fields in Central Park. Sarah Kolb befriended the new girl in town, Adrianne Reynolds, who was in awe of Sarah's boldness. However, when she made out with Sarah's boyfriend, Sarah responded by viciously murdering this young girl, having a friend chop her up and burning the body. These girls were seething with jealousy, they were Love Sick
15 37 "Married to Murder" December 16, 2010
They seemed like you average families from the outside looking in, but these wives wanted out of their marriages and were prepared to do anything to get out. Amy Bosley was caught embezzling millions of dollars and was so consumed by greed, she killed her husband and staged a break-in while hiding the money somewhere. Her plan to get away with murder backfired, but the money remains hidden. Joyce Chant and her sons were suffering at the hands of a controlling abusive husband and father. To escape the madness, she shot her husband and then chopped him up. Michelle Michael married her husband Jimmy for his money and for image, so when he discovers she's having an affair with another man, she went from devious to diabolical. Instead of divorcing him, she turned to murder. Their husbands thought they were married for life, when in all actuality, they were Married to Murder
16 38 "Teen Killers" December 23, 2010
[They were too young to buy a beer, some were too young to even vote, but none were too young to commit brutal murder. Chelsea Richardson and Susanna Toledano killed Chelsea's boyfriends' parents so they'd all inherit the large house and the family's money. Chelsea played mastermind and organized everything, Susanna did the killings to protect the only real friends she had. Canadian sisters "Sandra and Beth"[1] were so sick of watching their loving mother waste the money on alcohol (the money they want to spend), that they developed an elaborate scheme that involved drugging their mother and drowning her in the bathtub. Penny Bjorkland had no history of violence or behavior problems, yet she fantasized what it would be like to shoot someone and she made her fantasy came to life when a man offered her a lift one day and she emptied her pistol twice over by shooting him. These deadly women made a transition from innocent girls to Teen Killers

Season 5: 2011

Ep Title Directed by: Written by: Original air date
1 39 "Deadly Women: Killer Countdown Special" July 22, 2011
2 40 "Twisted Thrills" July 29, 2011
The intimate thoughts of a twisted mind would be enough to stun a community and horrify the world. But thoughts alone may not be enough to turn someone into a killer. This is a bizarre journey into the world of women who kill for twisted thrills. In North Carolina, 19 year old Christina Walters was a powerful leader of one of America's largest and most violent gangs, the Crips. On August 16th 1998, Walters ordered a group of would-be members to take part in an initiation killing of three people. Two of the victims were shot to death; the third victim miraculously survived after being shot seven times. In the Deep South, 15 year old Judith Adams met and eloped with her soul mate, Alvin Neelley, a man who was eleven years older than herself. The Neelley's was not an epic love story, but a tale of depraved outlaws. In the early 1980's, the couple were on a tri-state rampage, holding up convenience stores, petrol stations and lone women. When they grew bored of their life on the road, they started abducting, raping and murdering young women. And in rural Australia, Irene Maslin 
3 41 "Loathe Thy Neighbor" August 05, 2011
Tiffany Cole, Shonda Walter, Melissa Huckaby 
4 42 "Hearts of Stone" August 12, 2011
Lydia Sherman, Paula Sims, Velma Barfield 
5 43 "Kill Their Own" August 19, 2011
Darlie Routier, Frances Newton, Susan Eubanks 
6 44 "To Love and to Murder" August 26, 2011
Louise Peete, Jane Dorotik, Teresa Lewis 
7 45 "Kill for Cash" September 02, 2011
Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, Rosie Alfaro, Kim Snibson 
8 46 "Breaking Point" September 09, 2011
Amber Cummings, Kate Webster, Wendi Andriano 
9 47 "Love to Death" September 16, 2011
Josephine Gray, Elisa McNabney and Sarah Dutra, Shirley Withers 
10 48 "Sacrifice Their Blood" November 4, 2011

To the outside world these caring mothers present a face of love - a suburban Mom, a caring community member, a housewife - but when the doors close, these deadly women will do whatever it takes to have their own needs met, even destroy their family.

Robin Lee Rowe, Marybeth Tinning, Cora Caro 
11 49 "Killer Kids" November 11, 2011
For many parents, their children's teen years can be one big headache. But when typical teenage rebellion turns into deadly rage, a parent's love may not be enough to save their life
12 50 "Deadly Possession" November 18, 2011
These women- a grandmother caring for her grandchildren, a young girl in love with a boy, a mother protecting her son - are consumed with intense love. But when that love is threatened, they find it too much to bear and take measures into their own hands

See also


  1. ^ a b Under Canadian Juvenile Law, the real names of neither "J.R.", "Sandra", nor "Beth" can be mentioned within the episode, as all three were juveniles at the time of the murders; Canadian code prohibits the use of a juvenile offender's real name in print and newspaper. Subsequent articles, including some linked here, do reveal full hames and family names. Each of the juvenile perpetrators in this story received the maximum sentences allowed under Canadian Law: 10 years.
  2. ^ Belinda Van Krevel at
  3. ^ "The Stalking Murder of Laurie Show". Retrieved 2011-06-12. 


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