List of law topics (A-E)

List of law topics (A-E)


Law [From Old English "lagu" "something laid down or fixed"; "legal" comes from Latin "legalis", from "lex" "law", "statute" ( [ Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [ Legal] , Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)] is a system of rules usually enforced through a set of institutions. [Robertson, "Crimes against humanity", 90; see jurisprudence for extensive debate on what law is; H.L.A Hart argued law is a "system of rules" in his work "The Concept of Law" (Campbell, "The Contribution of Legal Studies", 184); John Austin said law was "the command of a sovereign, backed by the threat of a sanction" (Bix, [ John Austin] ); Ronald Dworkin describes law as an "interpretive concept" to achieve justice (Dworkin, "Law's Empire", 410); and Joseph Raz argues law is an "authority" to mediate people's interests (Raz, "The Authority of Law", 3–36).] Law-related topics include:


lists, law related (see below) -- Acts (see below) --


"a fortiori" -- "a posteriori" -- "a priori" -- "a priori assumption" -- A.K.A. -- "ab extra" -- "ab initio" -- Abandon -- Abandoned property -- Abandonment -- Abate -- Abatement -- Abduction -- Abet -- Abeyance -- Able-bodied -- Abolitionism -- Abortion -- Abortion, legal and moral issues -- Abrogate -- Abscond -- -- Abstention doctrine -- Abstract -- Abstract of judgment -- Abstract of title -- Abuse of discretion -- Abuse of process -- Abut -- Acceleration -- Acceleration clause -- Accept -- Acceptance -- Acceptance of service -- Access -- Accession -- Accessory -- Accommodation -- Accomplice -- Accord and satisfaction -- Account stated -- Accountability -- Accounting period -- Accounting reference date -- Accounts payable -- Accounts receivable -- Accretion -- Accrue -- Accusation -- Accused -- Acknowledge -- Acknowledgement of service -- Acknowledgment -- Acquis -- Acquisitive prescription -- Acquit -- Acquittal -- Act -- Act of God -- Act of Parliament -- Action -- Actionable -- Actual controversy -- Actual malice -- Actual notice -- "actus reus" -- "ad colligenda bona" -- "ad hoc" -- "ad idem" -- "ad infinitum" -- "ad litem" -- "ad quod damnum" -- "ad seriatim" -- "ad valorem" -- Addendum -- Adeem -- Ademption -- Adequate remedy -- Adhesion contract -- Adjourn -- Adjournment sine die -- Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal -- Adjudication -- Adjusted basis -- Adjuster -- Administer -- Administration --administration order -- Administrative hearing -- Administrative law -- Administrative law judge -- Administrative procedure act -- Administrator -- Administrator -- Admiralty -- Admiralty actions -- Admiralty court -- Admiralty law -- Admissible evidence -- Admission -- Admission against interest -- Admission of evidence -- Admission of guilt -- Admission to bail -- Admission to the bar -- Admit -- Adopt -- Adoption -- Adultery -- Advance -- Advance directive -- Advancement -- Adversary system -- Adverse -- Adverse interest -- Adverse party -- Adverse possession -- Adverse witness -- Advisory opinion -- Advocate -- Affiant -- Affidavit -- Affiliation -- Affirm -- Affirmation -- Affirmative action -- Affirmative defense -- Affix -- Affreightment -- After-acquired property -- After-acquired title -- After-discovered evidence -- Age discrimination -- Age of consent -- Age of majority -- Agency -- Agency agreement -- Agent -- Agent for acceptance of service -- Aggravated assault -- Agreed statement -- Agreement -- Aid and abet -- Aleatory -- Alias -- Alibi -- Alien -- Alienation -- Alienation of affections -- Alimony -- Aliquot -- Aliunde -- All the estate I own -- Allegation -- Allege -- Allocation questionnaire -- Allocatur -- Allocution -- Allodial -- Alluvion -- Alodium -- "alter ego" -- Alternate director -- Alternative dispute resolution -- Alternative Minimum Tax -- Alternative pleading -- ALWD Citation Manual -- Ambiguity -- Amelioration Act 1798 -- Amend -- Amended complaint -- Amended pleading -- American Academy of Appellate Lawyers -- American Arbitration Association -- American Bar Association -- American Civil Liberties Union -- American Civil Rights Movement -- American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man -- American Depositary Receipt -- American Law Institute -- "amicus curiae" -- Amnesty -- Amnesty International -- Amortization -- An eye for an eye -- Ancillary administration -- Ancillary jurisdiction -- Ancillary relief -- And -- Animal rights -- "animus nocendi" -- "Animus revertendi" -- annual general meeting -- Annuity -- Annul -- Annulment -- Anomie -- Answer -- "ante" -- Antecedent (law) -- Antenuptial (prenuptial) agreement -- Anticipatory breach -- Antidisestablishmentarianism -- Antinomianism -- Antitrust -- Antitrust laws -- Apartheid -- Apparent authority -- Appeal -- Appeal bond -- Appeals court -- Appear -- Appearance -- Appellant -- Appellate court -- Appellate review -- Appellee -- Applicant -- Application -- Appraise -- Appraisement or appraisal -- Appraiser -- Appreciate -- Appreciation -- Apprenticeship -- Approach -- Approach the bench -- Approach the witness -- Appurtenances -- Appurtenant -- Arbiter -- Arbitrary -- Arbitration -- Arbitration award -- Arbitrator -- "arguendo" -- Argumentative -- Arm's length -- Arraign -- Arraignment -- Arrears -- Arrest -- Arrest warrant -- Arson -- Article I and Article III tribunals -- Articles of Association -- Articles of impeachment -- Articles of Incorporation -- Articles of War -- As is -- Asharite -- Assault -- Assault and battery -- Assess -- Asset -- Assign -- Assigned risk -- Assignee -- Assignment -- Assignment for benefit of creditors -- Assigns -- Assisted person -- Assize Court -- Associate justice -- Association -- Assume -- Assumption -- Assumption of risk -- Assured -- Asylum and Immigration Tribunal -- Asylum seeker -- At will -- At will employment -- -- Attached -- Attachment -- Attachment of earnings -- Attempt -- Attest -- Attestation -- Attorney -- Attorney at law (or attorney-at-law) -- Attorney general -- Attorney of record -- Attorney's advertising -- Attorney's fee -- Attorney's work product -- Attorney-client privilege -- Attorney-in-fact -- Attractive nuisance doctrine -- Audit -- Auditor -- Australian Constitution -- Australian Constitutional History -- Australian copyright law -- Authorised share capital -- Authoritarianism -- Authorities -- Authority -- Authorize -- Automatic stay -- Autrefois acquit -- Avulsion -- Award -- Ayatollah --


B.C.L. -- Babylonian law -- Bachelor of Civil Law -- Bachelor of Laws -- Bachelor of Legal Letters -- Back-to-back life sentences -- Bad debt -- Bad faith -- Bail -- Bail bond -- Bail bondsman -- Bail schedule -- Bailee -- Bailiff -- Bailment -- Bailer/Bailor -- Bait and switch -- Balance due -- Balance sheet -- Ban -- Bank -- Bankrupt -- Bankruptcy -- Bankruptcy court -- Bankruptcy proceedings -- Bankruptcy remote -- Bar -- Bar association -- Bar council -- Bar examination -- Bare trust -- Bargain -- Bargain and sale deed -- Barratry -- Barrister -- Basic Law of various jurisdictions -- Basis -- Battery -- Beach bum trust provision -- Bearer -- Bearer paper -- Belief -- Bench -- Bench memorandum -- Bench trial -- Bench warrant -- Beneficial interest -- Beneficial use -- Beneficiary -- Beneficiary (trust) -- Benefit -- Benefit of counsel -- Bequeath -- Bequest -- Berne three-step test -- Best evidence rule -- Best Interests of the Child -- Bestiality -- Beyond a reasonable doubt -- BFP -- Bias -- Biculturalism -- Bid -- Bifurcate -- Bifurcation -- Bigamy -- Bilateral contract -- Bill -- Bill of attainder -- Bill of costs -- Bill of exchange -- Bill of indictment -- Bill of lading -- Bill of particulars -- Bill of rights -- Bill of sale -- Bind over -- Bind over for sentence -- Binder -- Binding arbitration -- Bioethics -- Black's Law Dictionary -- Blackmail -- Blank endorsement -- Blood libel -- Blue law -- Blue laws -- Blue ribbon jury -- Blue Sky Laws -- Bluebook -- Board of directors -- Boiler room -- Boilerplate -- "bona fide" -- Bona fide purchaser -- "bona vacantia" -- Bond -- Bond for deed -- Bondsman -- Booby trap -- Book account -- Book value -- Booking -- Bootleg recording -- Border control -- Bottomry -- Boycott -- Breach -- Breach of contract -- Breach of promise -- Breach of the peace -- Breach of trust -- Breach of warranty -- Breaking and entering -- Bribery -- Bride price -- Brief -- Brief -- British constitution -- British constitutional law -- British nationality law -- Brocard -- Broker -- Brought to trial -- Bucket shop -- Building and loan -- Bulk sale -- Bulk sales acts -- Bulk transfer -- Burden -- Burden of proof -- Burgage -- Burglary -- Business -- Business assets -- Business ethics -- Business invitee -- But for rule -- Buy-sell agreement -- Bylaw -- Bylaws -- Bypass trust --Bypassing law


C.I.F. -- Cadastral map -- "cadit quaestio" -- Calendar -- Calendar call -- Caliphate -- Call -- Call to the bar -- Calumny -- Campaign finance reform -- Canadian Bill of Rights -- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- Cancel -- Cancellation -- Caning -- -- Canon -- Canon law -- Cap -- "capital" -- Capital account -- Capital assets -- Capital expenditure -- Capital gain -- Capital gain tax -- Capital gains -- Capital investment -- Capital loss -- Capital offense -- Capital punishment -- Capital punishment in the United States -- Capital stock -- Capitalization -- Capitalized value -- Capricious -- Caption -- Care -- Careless -- Carjacking -- Carnal knowledge -- Carrier -- Carryback -- Carrying for hire -- Carrying on business -- Carryover -- Cartel -- Case -- Case conference -- Case law -- Case law in the United States -- Case number -- Case of first impression -- Case system -- Case-based reasoning -- Cashier's check -- Casual -- Casualty insurance -- Casualty loss -- Casuistry -- Catechism -- Categorical Imperative -- Catholic Emancipation -- "cause" -- Cause of action -- Caution -- "caveat" -- "caveat emptor" -- Cease and desist order -- Censorship -- Certificate of deposit -- Certificate of incorporation -- Certificate of legal aid costs -- Certificate of title -- Certified check -- "certiorari" -- Writ of Certiorari -- Cessate -- Cestui que trust -- Cestui que use -- "ceteris paribus" -- Chain of title -- Chairman -- Challenge (law) -- Challenge for cause -- Chambers -- Champerty -- Chancellor -- Chancery -- Chancery division -- Change of circumstances -- Change of venue -- Character witness -- Charge -- Charging lien -- Charging order -- Charitable contribution -- Charitable organization -- Charitable remainder trust -- Charitable trust -- Charter -- Chattel -- Chattel mortgage -- Check -- Checks and balances -- Cherem -- Chief Justice -- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada -- Chief Justice of the United States -- Child -- Child abuse -- Child custody -- Child endangerment -- Child neglect -- Child pornography -- Child sexual abuse -- Child support -- Chinese law -- Churning -- Circuit courts -- Circuit judge -- Circumcision -- Circumstantial evidence -- Citation -- Cite -- Citizen -- Citizen's dividend -- Citizenship -- Civil -- Civil action -- Civil and social disobedience -- Civil calendar -- Civil code -- Civil Code of Quebec -- Civil commitment -- Civil death -- Civil disobedience -- Civil disorder -- Civil justice reforms -- civil law -- Civil law notary -- Civil liability -- Civil liberties -- Civil penalties -- Civil procedure -- Civil rights -- Civil union -- Claim -- Claim against a governmental agency -- Claim against an estate -- Claim form -- Claim in bankruptcy -- Claimant -- Class -- Class action -- Class action suit -- Clean hands doctrine -- Cleanup clause -- Clear and convincing evidence -- Clear and present danger -- Clear title -- Clerk -- Close corporation -- Closed shop -- Closing -- Closing argument -- Cloud on title -- Co -- Co-trustee -- Code -- Code of Hammurabi -- Code of professional responsibility -- Codefendant -- Codex -- Codicil -- Codification -- Codify -- Coercion -- Cohabitation -- Cohabitation agreement -- Coinsurance -- Collateral -- Collateral attack -- Collateral descendant -- Collateral estoppel -- Collateral Warranty -- Collective agreement -- Collective bargaining agreement -- Collective rights -- Collective trade marks -- Collusion -- Collusive action -- Color of law -- Color of title -- Comaker -- Comity -- Commencement of action -- Comment -- Commentaries on the Laws of England -- Commercial frustration -- Commercial law -- Commingling -- Commission -- Commissioner of oaths -- Commitment -- Committal -- Common area -- Common carrier -- Common counts -- Common law -- Common property -- Common stock -- Common-law marriage -- Commons -- Community patent -- Community property -- Commutation -- Company -- Company seal -- Comparative law -- Comparative negligence -- Comparative responsibility -- Compensation -- Compensatory damages -- Competent -- Complainant -- Complaint -- Complete contract -- "compos mentis" -- Compound interest -- Compound question -- Compounding a felony -- Compounding treason -- Compromise -- Compromise verdict -- Concealed weapon -- Concealment -- Conciliation -- Conclusion -- Conclusion of fact -- Conclusion of law -- Concubinage -- Concurrent sentence -- Concurrent sentences -- Concurrent writ -- Condemn -- Condemnation -- Condemnation action -- Condition -- Condition precedent -- Condition subsequent -- Conditional bequest -- Conditional discharge -- Conditional dismissal -- Conditional sale -- Condominium -- Condone -- Conduct money -- Confederate States Constitution -- Confess -- Confession -- Confession and avoidance -- Confession of judgment -- Confidence game -- Confidential communication -- Confidential information -- Confidential relation -- Confidentiality -- Confiscate -- Conflict of interest -- Conflict of law -- Conflict of laws -- Confrontation -- Confucianism -- Confusingly similar -- Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith -- Congressional-executive agreement -- Conjugal rights -- Conscientious objector -- Conscious parallelism -- Conscription -- Consecutive sentence -- Consecutive sentences -- Counsul of Force -- Consensu -- Consensual crime -- Consensus -- Consensus ad idem -- Consensus decision-making -- Consent -- Consent decree -- Consent judgment -- Consequential damages -- Consequentialism -- Conservatee -- Conservative Judaism -- Conservative response -- Conservator (law) -- Consideration -- Consign -- Consignee -- Consignment -- Consortium -- Conspiracy -- Conspirator -- Constable -- Constitution -- Constitution of France -- Constitution of Spain -- Constitutional amendment -- Constitutional charter -- Constitutional convention -- Constitutional Convention (Australia) -- Constitutional Convention (United States) -- Constitutional law -- Constitutional monarchy -- Constitutional rights -- Construction -- Constructive -- Constructive dismissal -- Constructive eviction -- Constructive fraud -- Constructive notice -- Constructive possession -- Constructive trust -- Construe -- Consuetudinary law -- Consultancy -- Consultant -- Consumer protection -- Contact -- Contemplation of death -- Contempt of court -- -- Contingency -- Contingency fee -- Contingent -- Contingent beneficiary -- Contingent fee -- Contingent interest -- Contingent remainder -- Continuance -- Continuing objection -- Continuing trespass -- "contra" -- "contra bonos mores" -- "contra legem" -- Contraband -- Contract -- Contract of adhesion -- Contract of sale -- Contract theory -- Contracted-out -- Contractor -- Contribution -- Contributory negligence -- Control -- Controlled substance -- Controlling law -- Controversy -- Conversion -- Convey -- Conveyance -- Conveyancing -- Convict -- Conviction -- Cooperative -- Cooperative housing -- Cop a plea -- Copartner -- Copyhold -- Copyleft -- Copyright -- Copyright infringement -- Copyright law of the European Union -- Copyright misuse -- "coram nobis" -- "coram non judice" -- Coroner -- Corporate governance -- Corporate haven -- Corporate opportunity -- Corporate personhood -- Corporate state -- Corporation -- Corporations law -- "corpus" -- "corpus delicti" -- "corpus juris" -- "corpus juris civilis" -- "corpus juris secundum" -- Correlative rights doctrine -- Corroborate -- Corroborating evidence -- Corroboration -- Cosign -- Cost bill -- Cost of completion -- Costs -- Cotenancy -- Cotenant -- Council Tax -- Counsel -- Counsellor -- Count -- Counter offer -- Counterclaim -- Counterfeit -- Counterpart -- County court -- Coup d'état -- Cour de cassation -- Course of employment -- Court -- Court calendar -- Court costs -- Court docket -- Court of appeal -- Court of Appeal of England and Wales -- Court of Appeals -- Court of customs and patent appeals -- Court of equity -- Court of first instance -- Court of last resort -- Court of law -- Court of protection -- Court of record -- Court of Session -- Court order -- Court room -- Court trial -- Court-martial -- Courts of England and Wales -- Courts of the United Kingdom -- Covenant -- Covenant not to compete -- Covenant that runs with the land -- Covenants, conditions and restrictions -- Creature of statute -- Credibility -- Credible witness -- Creditor -- Creditor's claim -- Creditor's rights -- Crime -- Crime against humanity -- Crime against nature -- Crime against peace -- Crime of passion -- Criminal -- Criminal attorney -- Criminal calendar -- Criminal conversion -- Criminal justice -- Criminal law -- Criminal negligence -- Criminal procedure -- Critical legal studies -- Cross examination -- Cross-complaint -- Cross-examination -- Crown copyright -- Crown corporation -- Crown Court -- Crown entity -- Crown land -- Cruel and unusual punishment -- Cruelty -- Cruelty to animals -- "cui bono" -- "cuius regio, eius religio" -- Culpability -- Culpable -- Cumis counsel -- Cumulative sentence -- Cumulative voting -- Curfew -- Curtesy -- Custodian -- Custody -- Custom -- Customary estate -- Customs -- Customs and Excise -- Customs court -- "custos morum" -- Cut a check -- Cy pres doctrine -- Cyber law -- Cybersquatting --


D.A. -- D.B.A. -- D.U.I. -- D.W.I. -- Damages -- Damnation -- Dangerous -- Dangerous weapon -- Data protection -- Date rape -- Daubert standard -- Day in court -- "de bonis asportatis" -- "de bonis non administratis" -- "de die in diem" -- "de facto" -- De facto corporation -- "de futuro" -- "de integro" -- "de jure" -- De jure corporation -- "de lege ferenda" -- "de lege lata" -- "de minimis" -- "de novo" -- Deadlock -- Deadlock provision -- Deadly weapon -- Dealer --Death tax -- Death penalty -- Death row -- Death duty -- Debenture -- Debt -- Debt bondage -- Debtor -- Debtor in possession -- Decapitation -- Deceased -- Deceit -- Deception -- Decide -- Decision -- Declarant -- Declaration -- Declaration of Arbroath -- Declaration of independence -- Declaration of mailing -- Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand -- Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen -- Declaration of trust -- Declaration of war -- Declaration of war by the United States -- Declaratory judgment -- Declaratory relief -- Decree -- Decree absolute -- Decree nisi -- Decriminalization -- Dedication -- Deduction -- Deed -- Deed of trust -- Deed poll -- "defalcation" -- Defamation -- Default -- Default judgment -- Default rule -- Defeasance -- Defect -- Defective -- Defective title -- Defendant -- Defense -- Defense attorney -- Defense of infancy -- Deficiency judgment -- Deficit -- Defined benefit plan -- Defined contribution plan -- Deforce -- Defraud -- Degree of kinship -- Delayed exchange -- Delegate -- -- Deliberate -- Deliberation -- Deliberative body -- Delict -- Delinquent -- Deliver -- Delivery -- Demand -- Demand note -- Demesne -- Demise -- Democracy -- Demonstrative evidence -- Demurrer -- Denial -- Deobandi -- Deontology -- Department for Constitutional Affairs -- Dependent -- Depletion -- Deponent -- Deportation -- Depose -- Deposition -- Deposition -- Depreciate -- Depreciation -- Depreciation reserve -- Derelict -- Dereliction -- Derivative action -- Derivative work -- Descent -- Descent and distribution -- Desert -- Desertion -- Designated civil judge -- Detailed assessment -- Determinable -- Determination -- Deuce -- Devi -- Devil's Advocate -- Devise -- Devisee -- Devolution -- Devolve -- Devolved government -- "dicta" -- "dictum" -- Digital signature -- Diligence -- Diminished capacity -- Diminished responsibility -- Diminished responsibility in English law -- Diminution in value -- Diplomatic immunity -- Diplomatic recognition -- Direct and proximate cause -- Direct evidence -- Direct examination -- Directed verdict -- -- -- Directors register -- Disability -- Disbar -- Disbarment -- Disbursements -- Discharge in bankruptcy -- Disciplinary procedure -- Disclaimer -- Discontinuance -- Discount -- Discovery -- Discovery of documents -- Discretion -- Discretionary trust -- Discrimination -- Disembowelment -- Disfigure -- Dishonor -- Disinherit -- Disinheritance -- Disjunctive allegations -- Dismiss -- Dismissal -- Dismissal with prejudice -- Dismissal without prejudice -- Disobbedienti -- Disorderly conduct -- Disorderly house -- Disposing mind and memory -- Disposition -- Dispossess -- Dispute resolution -- Dissent -- Dissenting opinion -- Dissolution (law) -- Dissolution of corporation -- Dissolution of the Monasteries -- Distinguish -- Distress -- Distribute -- Distribution of property -- Distributive justice -- District attorney -- District court -- District judge -- District registrar -- District registry -- Disturbing the peace -- Diversion -- Diversity of citizenship -- Divestiture -- Divestment -- Dividend -- Dividend tax -- Divine Right of Kings -- Division of property -- Divisional court -- Divorce -- DNA -- Dock -- Docket -- Document -- Documentary evidence -- Doing business -- "doli incapax" -- Domestic partner -- Domestic partners -- Domestic relations -- Domestic violence -- Domicile -- Dominant estate -- Dominant tenement -- Dominium -- "Donatio mortis causa" -- Donation -- Donative intent -- Donee -- Donor -- Double jeopardy -- Double taxation -- Dower -- Dowry -- Draft document -- Drainage law -- Dram shop rule -- Draw -- Drawee -- Drawer -- Drawing and quartering -- Dreyfus affair -- Driver's license -- Driving under the influence -- Driving while intoxicated -- Droit de seigneur -- Drop dead date -- Drug -- Dubitante -- "duces tecum" -- Due -- Due and owing -- Due care -- Due diligence -- Due process -- Due process of law -- Due, owing and unpaid -- Duress -- Duress in English law -- Duty -- Duty of care -- Duty of care in English law -- Duty to warn -- Dying declaration --


Early Muslim philosophy -- Earned income tax credit -- Earnest payment -- Easement -- Ecclesia -- Ecclesiastical court -- Ecumenical council -- Edict -- Edict of Fontainebleau -- Edict of Milan -- Edict of Nantes -- Edict of Worms -- "ei incumbit probatio qui" -- EIR -- Either -- Ejectment -- "ejusdem generis" -- Elder law -- Election of remedies -- Election under the will -- Elective share -- Electoral reform -- Electric chair -- Eleemosynary -- Element -- Emancipation -- Emancipation Proclamation -- Embezzlement -- Embezzler -- Emblements -- Emergency -- Eminent domain -- Emolument -- Emotional distress -- Employee -- Employer -- Employers' liability -- Employment -- Employment contract -- Employment law -- En banc -- Enabling clause -- Enclosure -- Encroach -- Encroachment -- Encumbrance -- End user license agreement -- Endorse (indorse) -- Endorsement -- Endowment -- Enfeoff -- Enfeoffment -- Enforcement -- English Bill of Rights -- English law -- Enjoin -- Enjoyment -- Enrolled Bill doctrine -- Entail -- Enter a judgment -- Entertainment law -- Entity -- Entrapment -- Entry -- Entry of judgment -- Environmental Impact Report -- Environmental impact statement -- Environmental law -- Ephebophilia -- Equal Access Act -- Equal opportunity -- Equal Protection Clause -- Equitable -- Equitable distribution -- Equitable estoppel -- Equitable lien -- Equitable remedy -- Equity (law) -- Equity of redemption -- Equivalent -- "erga omnes" -- "ergo" -- "erratum" -- Erroneous -- Error -- Errors and omissions -- Escalator clause -- Escape clause -- Escheat -- Escrow -- Escrow account -- Escrow agent -- Escrow instructions -- Espionage -- Esquire -- "esse" -- Essential facilities doctrine -- Establishment clause -- Estate -- Estate by entirety -- Estate in land -- Inheritance tax -- Estop -- "estoppel" -- "et al" -- "et cetera" -- "et seq" -- "et ux" -- "et uxor" -- Ethical calculus -- Ethical code -- Ethics -- Ethics in religion -- Ethnic cleansing -- European Convention on Human Rights -- European Court of Human Rights -- European Court of Justice -- European Patent Convention -- European Patent Organisation -- European Union directive -- Directive (EU) -- European Union Law -- European Union regulation -- Regulation (EU) -- Euthanasia -- Evasion of tax -- Evasion of the law -- Eviction -- Evidence -- "ex aequo et bono" -- "ex cathedra" -- "ex concessis" -- "ex delicto" -- "ex facie" -- "ex gratia" -- "ex officio" -- "ex parte" -- "ex post facto" -- Ex post facto law -- "ex propio motu" -- "ex rel" -- Examination -- Exception -- Exception in deed -- Excessive bail -- Exchange -- Excise -- Exclusionary rule -- Excommunication -- Exculpatory -- Excusable neglect -- Excuse -- Execution -- Execution -- Execution warrant -- Executioner -- Executive -- Executive clemency -- Executive order -- Executive privilege -- Executor -- Executory contract -- Executory interest -- "executrix" -- Exegesis -- Exemplary damages -- "exempli gratia" -- Exempt -- Exempt employees -- Exempt property -- Exemption -- Exhibit -- exigent circumstances -- Exile -- Expectancy -- Expense -- Expert determination -- Expert testimony -- Expert witness -- Express -- Express contract -- Express warranty -- Expropriation -- Extension -- Extenuating circumstances -- Extinguishment -- Extortion -- Extradition -- Extrajudicial -- Extraordinary fees -- Extraordinary General Meeting -- Extraordinary resolution -- Extreme cruelty -- Extrinsic fraud -- Eyewitness --


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