List of monarchs by nickname

List of monarchs by nickname

This is a list of monarchs (and other royalty and nobility) sorted by nickname.This list is divided into two parts:
* Cognomens: Also called "cognomina". These are names which are appended before or after the person's name, like the "epitheton necessarium", or Roman victory titles. Examples are "William the Conqueror" for William I of England, or "Frederick Barbarossa" for Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor.
* Sobriquets: Names which have become identified with a particular person, and are recognizable when used instead of the personal name. Some are used only in a particular context: for example, "Grandmother of Europe" for Victoria of the United Kingdom is generally only used when referring to her family links throughout the royal families of Europe. On the other hand, in some cases the nickname supersedes the personal name, and the individual is referred to by this nickname even in scholarly works; for example, Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus is universally known by his nickname Caligula.

# Nicknames are listed in each section alphabetically, ignoring articles and prepositions.
# Non-English words are rendered in "italics", and translated where possible.
# When the name and nickname are rendered in a non-English language, the nickname will be in "boldface italics".



A swung dash (~) is used to indicate where the personal name occurs in the nickname; thus "~ the Accursed" means "Sviatopolk the Accursed".


*"~ the Able":
**Leopold III, Duke of Austria
**Leopold V, Duke of Austria
*"~ the Absolutist": Miguel of Portugal ( _fr. le Roi Absolu)
*"~ the Accursed": Sviatopolk I of Kiev (Russian: "Святопо́лк Окая́нный")
*"~ the Adopted": Childebert of Austrasia
*"~ the Adventurous": Manuel I of Portugal ( _pt. Manuel O Venturoso)
*"~ (the) "Ætheling" (Old English, "Princeling"): Edgar Ætheling of England (Old English "Eadgar Æþeling")
*"~ the Affable": Charles VIII of France (French: "Charles l'Affable")
*"~ the African": Afonso V of Portugal (Portuguese: "Affonso" or "Alfonso o Africano")
*"~ the Ambitious": William of Austria
*"~ the Ancient": Mircea cel Bătrân of Wallachia (Old Romanian: "Mircea cel Bătrân")
*"~ the Apostate": Julian, Roman Emperor
*"~ the Apostle": Vladimir I of Kiev
*"~ the Avenger": Alfonso XI of Castile


*"~ the Bad":
**Charles II of Navarre (French: "Charles le Mauvais")
**Sigurd Magnusson, pretender of Norway (Old Norse: "Sigurd Slembe" or "Sigurd Slembedjakn")
**William I of Sicily (Italian: "Guglielmo il Malo")
*"~ the Bald":
**Charles II of France (French: "Charles le Chauve")
**Baldwin II, Count of Flanders (Dutch: "Boudewijn II de Kale"; Latin: "Balduinus Calvus")
**Idwal ab Anarawd of Gwynedd (Welsh: "Idwal Foel")
*"~ "Barbe-torte" (French, "Crooked-beard"): Alan II, Duke of Brittany (French "Alain Barbe-torte")
*"~ "Barbarossa" ( _it. Red-Beard): Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor (German: "Friederich Barbarossa")
*"~ Barefoot" or "~ Bareleg": Magnus III of Norway (Old Norse: "Magnus Barfot")
*"~ Barn-Lock": Magnus I of Sweden (Swedish: "Magnus Ladulås")
*"~ the Bastard": William I of England (French: "Guillaume le Bâtard"; Old English: "Wyllelm" or "Willelm bastard")
*"~ the Battler": Alfonso I of Aragon (Spanish: "Alfonso, el Batallador")
*"~ the Bearded": Geoffrey III of Anjou (French: "Geoffroy le Barbu")
*"~ Beauclerk" or "~ "Beauclerc" (French, "Good Clerk"): Henry I of England (French: "Henri Beauclerc")
*"~ Beer-Jug": John George I, Elector of Saxony
*"~ the Bewitched": Charles II of Spain (Spanish: "Carlos el Hechizado")
*"~ the Big Nest": Vsevolod III Yuriyevich of Vladimir (Russian: "Все́волод III Ю́рьевич Большо́е Гнездо́")
*"~ the Black Prince": Edward, the Black Prince
*"~ the Black":
**Leszek II the Black (Polish: "Leszek Czarny")
**Conan IV, Duke of Brittany
**Fulk III of Anjou (French: "Foulque Nerra")
*"~ the Blind":
**Boleslav III of Bohemia (Czech: "Boleslav Slepý")
**Béla II of Hungary (Hungarian: "II. Vak Béla")
**Magnus IV of Norway (Old Norse: "Magnus Blinde")
**Stefan Brankovic of Serbia (Serbian: "Стефан Слепи")
**Vasili II Vasiliyevich of Russia (Russian: "Василий II Васильевич Тёмный")
*"~ the Blond" or "Yellow ~": Selim II of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish: "Sarı Sultân Selim")
*"~ Bloodaxe": Eric I of Norway (Old Norse: "Eiríkr Blóðöx")
*"~ the Bloodthirsty": Ismail of Morocco
*"Bloody ~": Mary I of England
*"~ the Bloody": Nicholas II of Russia (Russian: "Николай II Кровавый")
*"~ Bluetooth": Harold I of Denmark (Old Norse: "Haraldr blátönn")
*"~ the Bold":
**Boleslaw II of Poland (Polish: "Bolesław Śmiały")
**Charles the Bold (French: "Charles le Téméraire"), duke of Burgundy
**Philip the Bold (French: "Philippe le Hardi")
**Philip III of France (French: "Philippe le Hardi")
*"~ the Bolognian": Afonso III of Portugal (Portuguese: "Afonso o Bolonhês")
*"~ the Bookish": Coloman of Hungary (Hungarian: "Könyves Kálmán")
*"~ the Brash": Olof of Denmark
*"~ the Brave":
**Afonso III of Portugal (Portuguese: "Afonso o Bravo")
**Afonso IV of Portugal (Portuguese: "Afonso o Bravo")
**Boleslaw I of Poland (Polish: "Bolesław Chrobry")
**Dan II of Wallachia (Romanian: "Dan II Viteazul")
**Michael of Wallachia and Moldavia (Romanian: "Mihai Viteazul")
**Selim I of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish: "Yavuz Sultan Selim")
*"~ the Broad-shouldered": Haakon II of Norway (Old Norse: "Hákon Herdebrei")
*"~ Broom-plant": Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou (French: "Geoffroy Plantagenet")
*"~ Builder": David IV of Georgia (Georgian: "დავით აღმაშენებელი")
*"~ Bulgar-Slayer": Basil II, Byzantine Emperor (Greek: "Βασίλειος Βουλγαροκτόνος")
*"~ the Burgundian": Afonso III of Portugal


*"~ the Cabbage": Ivailo of Bulgaria (Bulgarian: "Ивайло Лахана")
*"~ the Careless": John I of Aragon (Catalan: "Joan el Descurat")
*"~ the Candid": Alfonso III of Aragon (Catalan: "Alfons el Franc"; Spanish: "Alfonso el Franco")
*"~ the Catholic":
**Alfonso I of Asturias (Spanish: "Alonso el Católico"; Asturian: "Alfonso el Católicu")
**Ferdinand II of Aragon (Spanish: "Fernando el Católico", Catalan: "Ferran el Catòlic")
**Peter II of Aragon (Spanish: "Pedro II el Católico", Catalan: "Pere el Catòlic")
*"~ the Caulker": Michael V, Byzantine Emperor (Greek: "Μιχαήλ Καλαφάτης")
*"~ the Ceremonious": Peter IV of Aragon (Spanish: "Pedro el Ceremonioso", Catalan: "Pere el Cerimoniós")
*"~ the Chansonnier": Theobald I of Navarre/Theobald IV of Champagne (French: "Thibault le Chansonnier"; Spanish: "Teobaldo el Trovador")
*"~ the Chaste":
**Alfonso II of Aragon (Catalan: "Alfons el Cast"; Spanish: "Alfonso el Casto"; French: "Alphonse le Chaste")
**Alfonso II of Asturias (Asturian and Spanish: "Alfonso el Casto")
**Bolesław V the Chaste (Polish: "Bolesław Wstydliwy")
*"~ the Clubfoot": Sverker I of Sweden (Swedish: "Sverker Klumpfot")
*"~ Coal-Burner": Anund Jacob of Sweden (Old Norse: "Emund Kolbränna")
*"~ the Confessor": Edward the Confessor (of England)
*"~ the Conqueror":
**Afonso I of Portugal (Portuguese "Affonso o Conquistador")
**James I of Aragon (Catalan: "Jaume el Conqueridor"; Spanish: "Jaime I, el Conquistador")
**Mehmed II of The Ottoman Empire (Ottoman Turkish: "Mehmed el-Fatih")
**William I of England (Old English: "Wilhelm se Gehīersumiend"; French: "Guillaume le Conquereur")
**Valdemar II of Denmark (Old Norse "Valdemar Sejr")
*"~ Corvinus" (from Latin "like a raven"): Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (Hungarian: "Corvinus Mátyás"; Romanian: "Matei Corvin")
*"Crazy ~": Otto of Bavaria
*"~ the Crosseyed": Vasili Kosoi, Muscovian usurper (Russian: "Василий Косой")
*"~ Crouchback":
**Inge I of Norway (Old Norse: "Inge Krokrygg")
**Richard III of England
*"~ the Cruel":
**Boleslaus I of Bohemia (Czech: "Boleslav I. Ukrutný")
**Louis XI of France
**Peter I of Portugal (Portuguese: "Pedro o Cruel")
**'Peter of Castile (Spanish: "Pedro el Cruel")
*"~ the Crusader": Sigurd I of Norway (Old Norse: "Sigurd Jorsalfare")
*"~ the Curly" Bolesław IV the Curly (Polish: "Bolesław Kędzierzawy")
*"~ Curthose" (Middle English, "short stockings"): Robert II, Duke of Normandy
*"~ Curtmantle" (Middle English, "short cloak"): Henry II of England


*"~ the Damned" or "~ the Accursed": Sviatopolk I of Kiev (Russian: "Святополк Окаянный"; Ukrainian: "Святополк Окаянний")
*"~ the Deacon": Bermudo I of Asturias (Asturian: "Bermudo el Diáconu"; Spanish: "Bermudo el Diácono")
*"~ the Debonaire": Louis I of France (French: "Louis le Débonnaire)
*"~ the Deed-Doer": Edmund I of England
*"~ the Devil":
**Robert II, Duke of Normandy (French: "Robert le Diable)
**Vlad II of Wallachia (Romanian: "Vlad Dracul")
*"~ Do-Nothing", "~ the Indolent" or "~ the Sluggard": Louis V of France (French: "Louis le Fainéant")
*"~ "Dracul" (Romanian, "The Devil" or "The Dragon"): Vlad II of Wallachia (Romanian: "Vlad Dracul")
*"~ "Dracula" (Romanian, "Son of the Devil" or "Son of the Dragon"): Vlad III of Wallachia
*"~ the Drunkard":
**Michael III, Byzantine Emperor (Greek: "Μιχαήλ Γ' ο Μέθυσος")
**Selim II, Ottoman Emperor (Turkish: "Selim Sarhoş")
**Wenceslaus, King of the Romans (German: "Wenzel der Säufer"; Czech: "Václav Opilec")
*"~ the Dung-Named": Constantine V, Byzantine Emperor (Greek: "Κωνσταντίνος Ε' Κοπρόνυμος")


*"~ the Ecclesiastic" or "~ the Priest": Martin I of Aragon (Catalan: "Martí l'Eclesiàstic"; Spanish: "Martín el Eclesiástico" o "el Cura")
*"~ the Elder":
**Eadweard I of England (Old English: "Ēadweard se Ieldra"?)
**Inge I of Sweden
**Martin I of Aragon
**Mircea I of Wallachia (Romanian: "Mircea cel Batran")
**Sverker I of Sweden (Swedish: "Sverker den äldre")
*"~ the Eloquent": Edward of Portugal (Portuguese: "Duarte o Eloquente")
*"Empress ~": Matilda of England
*"~ Epiphanes": several Hellenistic kings, including
**Ptolemy V Epiphanes
*"~ Euergetes": several Hellenistic kings, including
**Ptolemy III Euergetes
**Ptolemy VIII Physcon
*"~ Eupator" : Ptolemy Eupator
*"~ the Executioner": Mehmed I of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish: "Mehmed I Kirişçi")
*"~ the Exile": Władysław II the Exile (Polish: "Władysław Wygnaniec"')


*"~ the Fair":
**Charles IV of France (French: "Charles le Bel")
**Donald III of Scotland (Scots Gaelic: "Domnall Bán")
**Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou (French "Geoffroy le Bel")
**Louis I of France
**Philip IV of France (French: "Philippe le Bel")
*"~ Fairhair": Harald I of Norway (Old Norse: "Haraldr hinn hárfagri")
*"~ the Fair Sun": Vladimir I of Kiev (Ukrainian "Володимир Красне Сонечко")
*"~ the Farmer": Denis of Portugal (Portuguese "Diniz o Lavrador")
*"~ "Fart" (Old Norse, "The Swift"?): Eystein Halfdansson of Romerike and Vestfold (Old Norse: "Eysteinn Fart")
*"~ the Fat":
**Afonso II of Portugal (Portuguese "Affonso o Gordo")
**Charles III, Holy Roman Emperor (French: "Charles le Gros")
**Conan III, Duke of Brittany (French "Conan III le Gros")
**Henry I of Cyprus (French: "Henri le Gros")
**Henry I of Navarre (French: "Henri le Gros"; Spanish "Enrique el Gordo")
**Louis VI of France (French: "Louis le Gros")
*"~ the Fearless": John the Fearless (French: "Jean sans Peur")
*"~ First-Crowned": Stefan of Raška (Serbian: "Стефан Првовенчани")
*"~ Fitzempress": Henry II of England
*"~ Flatnose": Ketil of Man (Old Norse: "Ketil Flatnef")
*"~ Forkbeard": Sweyn I of Denmark (Old Norse: "Svend Tjugeskæg" or "Svend Tyvskæg"; Old English: "Sweyn Forcbeard"?)
*"~ the Fortunate":
**Manuel I of Portugal (Portuguese: "Manuel o Venturoso" or "Manuel o Bem-Aventurado" or "Manuel O Afortunado)
**Dietrich of Oldenburg (Latin "Teudericus Fortunatus")
*"~ the Fowler": Henry I of Germany (German: "Heinrich der Vogler" or "Heinrich der Finkler")


*"~ the Generous" or "~ the Liberal": Alfonso III of Aragon Catalan: "Alfons el Liberal"; Spanish "Alfonso el Liberal")
*"~ the Gentle":
**Frederick II, Elector of Saxony (German: "Friedrich der Sanftmütige")
**Harald III of Denmark (Old Norse: "Harald Hen"); see also "~ "Hen" below
*"~ the German": Louis I of the East Franks (French: "Louis le Germanique")
*"~ the Goat": Rafael Leónidas Trujillo (Spanish: El Chivo")

*"~ the God-Like One": Murad I, Ottoman Emperor (Turkish: "Murat Hüdavendigar")
*"~ the God-Loving": Andrey I Bogolubsky (russian: Андрей Боголюбский)
*"~ the Good":
**Alfonso IV of Aragon (Catalan: "Alfons el Benigne"; Aragonese "Alifonso o Beninno"; Spanish: "Alfonso el Benigno")
**Alexandru of Moldavia (Romanian: "Alexandru cel Bun")
**Fulk II of Anjou (French "Foulques le Bon"?)
**Hywel ap Cadell of Wales (Welsh: "Hywel Dda")
**Haakon I of Norway (Old Norse: "Hákon góði")
**John I of Portugal (Portuguese: "João o Bom")
**John II of France (French: "Jean le Bon")
**Louis I of Holland (Dutch: "Lodewijk de Goede")
**Magnus I of Norway (Old Norse: "Magnus den Gode")
**Philip III of Burgundy (French: "Philippe le Bon")
**William II of Sicily (Italian: "Guglielmo il Buono")
*"~ with the Good Memory": John I of Portugal (Portuguese: "João o de Boa Memória")
*"~ the Good Mother": Maria II of Portugal (Portuguese: "Maria a Boa Mãe")
*"~ the Gouty": Piero I de Medici of Florence (Italian: "Piero il Gottoso")
*"~ the Great": "see" List of people known as The Great
*"the Great Elector": Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg ( _de. Großer Kurfürst)
*"~ Greyfell" or "~ Greyhide": Harald II of Norway (Old Norse: "Haraldr gráfeldr")
*"~ Greymantle": Geoffrey I of Anjou (French "Geoffroy Grisegonelle")
*"~ the Grim" or "~ the Brave" or "~ the Inexorable": Selim I of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish "Yavuz Sultan Selim")
*"~ "Gylle": (Old Norse, "Servant"): Harald IV of Norway


*"~ the Hairy": Wilfred I of Urgel
*"~ Hairy Breeches": Ragnar Lodbrok of Sweden (Old Norse: "Ragnarr Loðbrók")
*"~ the Hammer":
**Charles Martel of the Franks
**Geoffrey II of Anjou
**Geoffrey IV of Anjou
*"~ the Handsome":
**Ferdinand I of Portugal
**Frederick I of Austria
**John II Komnenos, Byzantine Emperor (Greek: "Καλοϊωάννης")
**Philip I of Castile
**Radu of Wallachia ( _ro. cel Frumos)
*"~ the Hardy": Canute III of Denmark (Old Norse: "Hardeknud"; Old English: "Harthacnut")
*"~ "Hardrada" (from Old Norse "Harðráði", "Stern Counsel"): Harald III of Norway
*"~ Harefoot": Harold I of England
*"~ the Holy":
**Canute IV of Denmark
**Eric IX of Sweden
*"~ the Hopeful": Peter V of Portugal
*"~ the Hunchback": Pippin the Hunchback
*"~ the Humane" or "~ the Humanist": Martin I of Aragon
*"~ Hunger": Olaf I of Denmark
*"~ the Hunter":
**John I of Aragon (Spanish "Juan el Cazador"; Catalan: "Joan el Caçador")


*"~ Ill-Ruler": Östen Beli of Sweden
*"~ the Ill-Tempered": Fulk IV of Anjou
*"~ the Impaler": Vlad III of Wallachia
*"~ the Inconstant": Ferdinand I of Portugal
*"~ the Indolent": Louis V of France
*"~ the Iron": Ernest of Austria
*"~ Ironside":
**Bjorn of Sweden
**Edmund II of England


*"~ the Just":
**James II of Aragon
**Louis XIII of France
**Matthias I of Hungary
**Bayezid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire


*"~ the Kind":
**Alexandru of Moldavia
**Alfonso IV of Aragon
*"~ the Kind-Hearted":Eric I of Denmark


*"~ Lackland": John of England (French: "Jean sans Terre")
*"~ the Lamb": Eric III of Denmark
*"~ the Lame": Timur (Persian: "Timur i-Lang")
*"~ the Lawful": Peter I of Portugal
*"~ Law-Mender": Magnus VI of Norway
*"~ the Lawgiver":
**Eric IX of Sweden
**Magnus VI of Norway
**Süleyman I of the Ottoman Empire
*"~ the Learned": Alfonso X of Castile
*"~ the Liberal":
**Alfonso III of Aragon
**Edward of Savoy
**Henry I of Champagne
**Robert I of Normandy (French: "Robert le Libéral")
*"~ the Liberator":
**Alexander II of Russia
**Pedro I of Brazil
*"~ the Lion":
**Albert II of Mecklenburg
**Henry II, Duke of Mecklenburg
**Henry III, Duke of Saxony
**Louis VIII of France
*"~ the Lionheart": Richard I of England (French: "Richard Cœur de Lion")
*"~ the Little Impaler": Basarab Ţepeluş cel Tânăr of Wallachia (Romanian: "Basarab Ţepeluş")
*"~ "Lodbrok" (from Old Norse: "Loðbrók" "Hairy Breeches"): Ragnar Lodbrok of Sweden
*"~ Longshanks": Edward I of England
*"~ the Lover of Elegance": John I of Aragon (Catalan: "Joan l'Amador de la Gentilesa"; Spanish: "Juan el Amador de la gentileza")


*"~ the Mad":
**Charles VI of France
**"'George III of Great Britain
**Joanna of Castile (Spanish: "Juana la Loca")
**Ludwig II of Bavaria
*"~ the Magnanimous":
**Emperor Pedro II of Brazil
**King Alfonso V of Aragon
**John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony
**King John V of Portugal
**Landgrave Philipp I of Hesse
**King Ladislas of Naples
**Inca Roca
**Charles II of Alençon
*"~ the Magnificent":
**Robert I of Normandy (French: "Robert le Magnifique")
**Suleiman I of the Ottoman Empire
*"~ the Maiden":
**Eystein of Norway
** Malcolm IV of Scotland
*"~ "Martel" (German, "The Hammer"):
**Charles Martel of the Franks
**Geoffrey II of Anjou
**Geoffrey IV of Anjou
*"~ the Martyr":
**Edward the Martyr of England
**King Charles I of England
*"~ the Memorable": Eric II of Denmark
*"~ the Merry":
**Charles II of England
*"~ the Mild": Halfdan of Romerike and Vestfold
*"~ the Middle": Pippin of Herstal
*"~ Minus-a-Quarter": Michael VII Dukas, Byzantine Emperor
*"~ Moneybags": Ivan I of Russia
*"~ the Monk":
**Alfonso IV of Leon
**Fortun I of Pamplona
**Ramiro II of Aragon
**Vlad IV of Wallachia
*"~ Monk's-Cloak"?: Jon Kuvlung of Norway
*"~ "Monomakh" (Russian "Мономах" from Greek "Μονομαχος", "One who fights alone"): Vladimir Monomakh of Kiev
*"~ "Monomakhos" (from Greek "Μονομαχος", "One who fights alone"): Constantine IX, Byzantine Emperor
*"~ the Moor": Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan


*"~ New-Day": Valdemar IV of Denmark
*"~ of the Nine Hostages" (Irish "Noigíallach"): Niall Noigíallach of Ireland
*"~ the Noble":
**Charles III of Navarre
**Magnus I of Norway
*"~ No-Counsel" or "~ the Unready": Ethelred II of England (Old English: "Æþelræd Unræd"; Middle English: "Ethelred the Redeless")


*"~ the Old":
**Emund of Sweden
**Gorm of Denmark
**Pippin of Landen
**Mieszko III the Old
*"~ the One-Eyed": Fortun I of Pamplona
*"~ the Outlaw": Edgar Ætheling of England
*"~ "d'Outremer" (French, "from Overseas"): Louis IV of France


*"~ the Pacific": Peter II of Portugal
*"~ the Pagan": Eric VIII of Sweden
*"~ the Pale": Constantius I, Roman Emperor
*"~ the Peaceful":
**Edgar of England
**Olaf III of Norway
*"~ the Perfect Prince": John II of Portugal
*"~ the Philosopher" or "~ the Philosopher King": Edward of Portugal (Portuguese: "Duarte O Rei-Filósofo")
*"~ the Pious":
**Boleslav II of Bohemia
**John III of Portugal
**Louis I of France
**Robert II of France
**Sancho II of Portugal
**William V, Duke of Bavaria
*"~ Ploughpenny": Eric IV of Denmark
*"~ the Popular": Louis I of Portugal
*"~ the Populator": Sancho I of Portugal
*"~ the Posthumous":
**John I of France
**Ladislaus I of Bohemia
**Theobald IV of Champagne
*"~ the Priesthater": Eric II of Norway
*"~ the Prudent": Louis XI of France
*"~ the Purple-Born":
**Baldwin II of Constantinople
**Constantine VII, Byzantine Emperor


*"~ the Quarreller":
**Frederick of Saxony
**Louis X of France
*"~Queen": James I of England
*"~ the Quiet": Olaf III of Norway


*"~ the Red":
**Haakon of Sweden (Swedish: "Håkan Röde")
**Fulk I of Anjou
**John I, Duke of Brittany
**Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor
*"~ the Redeemer": Isabel of Brazil
*"~ the Redless" or "~ the Redeless": Ethelred II of England (Old English: "Æthelred Unræd")
*"~ the Reformer": Joseph I of Portugal
*"~ the Restorer":
**Casimir I of Poland (Polish: "Kazimierz Odnowiciel")
**Garcia VI of Navarre
**Mehmed I of the Ottoman Empire
**John IV of Portugal
*"~ the Righteous": Henry IV of Silesia
*"~ Rufus" (Latin, "the Red"): William II of England

*"~ the Seer": Oleg of Novgorod
*"~ the Shit": James II of England (Irish "Séamus á Chaca")
*"~ the Short": Pippin III, King of the Franks
*"~ the Silent":
**Olav III of Norway
**William I of Orange
*"~ the Simple": Charles III of France
*"~ "Skötkonung" (Old Norse "Tax-King"?): Olof of Sweden
*"~ "Slemme": Emund of Sweden
*"~ the Sluggard": Louis V of France
*"~ the Soldier": Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
*"~ the Soldier-King":
**Frederick William I of Prussia
**Pedro I of Brazil
*"~ Split-Nose": Justinian II, Byzantine Emperor
*"~ the Stammerer": Louis II of France
*"~ the Stout": Olaf II of Norway
*"~ the Strong":
**Magnus Nilsson, Swedish pretender
**Sancho VII of Navarre
*"~ the Stuttering and Lame": Eric XI of Sweden (Swedish "Erik läspe och halte")


*"~ the Tall":
**Canute II of Sweden
**Philip V of France
*"~ the Tennis King": Gustav V of Sweden
*"~ the Terrible":
**Charles, Duke of Burgundy
**Ivan IV of Russia
**Krum of Bulgaria
*"~ the Theologian": John I of Mecklenburg
*"~ the Thunderbolt": Bayezid I, Ottoman Sultan
*"~ Transmarinus": Louis IV of France
*"~ the Trembling": Garcia IV of Pamplona
*"~ the Tremulous": Garcia II of Navarre
*"~ the Troubadour":
**Alfonso II of Aragon
**Theobald IV of Champagne
*"~ the Tyrant": Christian II of Denmark


*"~ the Unlucky":
**Arnulf III of Flanders
**Henry III of Reuss
*"~ the Unready": Ethelred II of England
*"~ the Usurper": Mauregato of Asturias


*"~ the Vain":James I of England (VI of Scots)
*"~ the Valiant": Jean V of Brittany
*"~ the Victorious":
**Afonso VI of Portugal
**Charles VII of France
**Eric VI of Sweden
**Frederick I of the Palatinate
**Valdemar II of Denmark
*"~ the Virgin Queen": Elizabeth I of England


*"~ the Warlike":
**Albert, Prince of Beyreuth
**Bernard VII of Lippe
**Frederick I, Elector of Saxony
**Frederick II of Austria
**Herman of Schwarzenberg
**Michael VI, Byzantine Emperor
**Svyatoslav I of Kiev
*"~ the Warrior": Charles I of Savoy
*"~ Wartooth": Harald Hildetand of Sweden (Old Norse: "Haraldr Hilditönn")
*"~ Wearing-a-Cape": Hugh Capet of France
*"~ the Well-Beloved": Charles VI of France
*"~ the Well-Served": Charles VII of France
*"~ the White":
**Henry III of Silesia
**Leszek I of Poland (Polish: "Leszek Biały")
*"~ Who-Fights-Alone":
**Constantine IX, Byzantine Emperor
**Vladimir Monomakh of Kiev
*"~ the Wicked":
**Ordoño IV of Leon
**Yazdegerd I of Persia
*"~ the Wise":
**Albert II of Austria
**Albert IV of Bavaria
**Alfonso X of Castile
**Charles V of France
**Coloman of Hungary
**Frederick II of the Palatinate
**Frederick III, Elector of Saxony
**Leo VI, Byzantine Emperor
**Robert of Naples
**Sancho VI of Navarre
**William IV of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel)
**Yaroslav I of Kiev []
*"~ the Wrymouth": Boleslaus III of Poland (Polish: "Bolesław Krzywousty")


*"Yellow ~" or "~ the Blond": Selim II of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish: "Sarı Sultân Selim")
*"~ the Young":
**Basarab Ţepeluş of Wallachia (Old Romanian: "Basarab Ţepeluş cel Tânăr")
**Fulk V of Anjou (French "Foulque le Jeune")
*"~ the Young King": Henry the Young King (French "Henri le Jeune")
*"~ the Younger":
**Inge II of Sweden(Swedish "Inge den yngre")
**Louis VII of France (French "Louis le Jeune")
**Pippin III, King of the Franks (French, "Pépin le Bref"; German, "Pippin der Kleine, Pippin der Kurze," or "Pippin der Jüngere"); see also "~ the Short", above
**Sverker II of Sweden (Swedish "Sverker den yngre")


*"The Accursed": Genghis Khan
*"Bonnie Prince Charlie": Charles Edward Stuart
*"The (Bloody) Butcher" or "Butcher Cumberland": William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland [] [] []
*"Caligula": (Latin, "Little Boots"): Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus, Roman Emperor
*"Caracalla" (Latin, "Hooded Tunic"): Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman Emperor
*"Cecco Peppe" (Italian, diminutive of "Francesco Giuseppe"): Franz Joseph I of Austria
*"Champion of the Reformation": John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony
*"Duke of Albany": Charles Edward Stuart
*"Emperor-Sacristan": Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
*"Fat Billy": William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland
*"Father-in-law of Europe":
** Christian IX of Denmark
** Nicholas I of Montenegro
*"First Gentleman of Europe": George IV of the United Kingdom
*"Fox of Mecklenburg": Albert II of Mecklenburg
*"Gloriana": Elizabeth I of England
*"Good King Henry" (French: "le bon roi Henri"): Henry IV of France
*"Good Queen Bess": Elizabeth I of England
*"Grandmother of Europe": Victoria of the United Kingdom
*"The Great Belly-Gerent": Frederick I of Württemberg
*"The Great Elector" (German: "Großer Kurfürst"): Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg
*"Hammer of the North": Harald III of Norway
*"Hammer of the Scots": Edward I of England
*"Harry": Maud of the United Kingdom
*"He of the Little Dagger" (Catalan language: "el del Punyalet"): Peter IV of Aragon
*"Hooded Tunic" ( _la. Caracalla): Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman Emperor
*"The Huckster King": Henry VII of England
*"The Iron Duke": Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva (Dutch: "IJzeren Hertog")
*"King Freddie": Mutesa II of Buganda
*"The King of May" (Italian: "Re di maggio"): Umberto II of Italy
*"Lady of the English": Empress Matilda
*"The Last Knight": Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
*"Lion of Justice": Henry I of England; Henry II of England
*"Lion of the North": Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
*"The Little Corporal": Napoleon I of France
*"Little Sabre" (Italian: "Sciaboletta"): Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
*"The Merry Monarch" or "The Merrie Monarch":
**Charles II of England
**Kalākaua of Hawaii
*"Mrs Brown": Victoria of the United Kingdom
*"Napoleon of the Pacific": Kamehameha I of Hawaii
*"The Nine-Day Queen": Lady Jane Grey of England
*"Old Coppernose": Henry VIII of England
*"The Old Pretender": James Francis Edward Stuart
*"The People's King": Lunalilo of Hawaii
*"The Prince of Whales": [] George IV of the United Kingdom
*"Princess Di": Diana, Princess of Wales
*"Randy Andy": Prince Andrew, Duke of York
*"The Sailor King": William IV of the United Kingdom
*"The Scourge of God": Attila the Hun
*"Skanderbeg" (from Albanian "Skënderbeu", "Lord Alexander"): Gjergj Kastrioti of Albania
*"Soft-Sword": John of England
*"Stupid Willy" (Polish: "Głupi Wiluś"): Wilhelm II of Germany
*"The Sun King" (French: "Le Roi Soleil"): Louis XIV of France
*"Sweet William": William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland
*"Thief of Cairo": Farouk of Egypt
*"The Uncle of Europe": Edward VII of the United Kingdom
*"The Universal Spider" (Old French: "l'universelle aragne"): Louis XI of France
*"The Virgin Queen": Elizabeth I of England
*"The Winter King": Frederick I of Bohemia
*"The Young Pretender": Charles Edward Stuart


*Castro, Jesus de. "IBERCRONOX." []
*Gordon, Bruce R. "Regnal Chronologies." [] . April 2005.
*"List of Wallachian, Moldavian and Romanian Sovereigns, 1310-1947" []
*Marek, Miroslav. "GENEALOGY.EU." [] , June 2005
*Miller, Elizabeth. "Dracula's Homepage." []
*Mladjoy, Ian S. R. [] .
*Ross, Martha. "Rulers and Governments of the World - Vol 1, Earliest Times to 1491", Bowker Publishing Company Ltd, London & New York, 1978. ISBN 0-85935-051-7
*Vajda, Edward. "Eurasian Studies 201." []

ee also

*Victory titles
*List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility
*List of people known as The Great
*List of royal saints and martyrs
*List of military figures by nickname

External links

* [ Regnal Chronologies]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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