

Rombo is one of the six districts of the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. It is bordered to the north and east by Kenya, to the west by the Hai District and to the south by the Moshi Rural District.

The Rombo Districts contain a large portion of Mount Kilimanjaro.

According to the 2002 Tanzania National Census, the population of the Rombo District was 246,479. []

The Rombo District Commissioner is R.R. Mushi and the District Executive Director is Theresia Mbando.


The Rombo District is administratively divided into 20 wards:

* Katangara Mrere
* Kelamfua Mokala
* Keni Aleni
* Keni Mengeni
* Kirongo Samanga
* Kirwa Keni
* Kitirima Kingachi
* Mahida Holili
* Makiidi
* Mamsera
* Mengwe Manda
* Motamburu Kitendeni
* Mrao Keryo
* Nanjala Reha
* Olele
* Shimbi
* Tarakea Motamburu
* Ubetu Kahe
* Ushiri Ikuini


* [ Rombo District Homepage for the 2002 Tanzania National Census]

ee also

*Districts of Tanzania
*Kilimanjaro Region
*Hai District
*Moshi Urban District
*Moshi Rural District
*Mwanga District
*Same District

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