

Infobox Newspaper
name = Strategy+Business

caption = Q1 2008 / Issue 50 cover of "Strategy+Business"
type = Quarterly Business Periodical
format = Magazine
owners = Booz & Company
publisher = Booz & Company
foundation = 1995
editor =
chiefeditor =
assoceditor =
staff =
language = English
headquarters = New York City
ISSN = 1083-706X
website = []

"Strategy+Business" is a business magazine published by Booz & Company whose parent company is the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. The publication was previously known as "Strategy & Business".

Contributors of note

::"For articles on staff writers and other contributors to Strategy+Business see ."
* Academics
** Business
*** Joel Kurtzman
*** Rosabeth Moss Kanter
*** Thomas H. Davenport
*** Jay Conger
*** Vijay Govindarajan
*** Henry Mintzberg
*** Charles Hampden-Turner
*** Jeffrey F. Rayport
** Economics
*** Franco Modigliani
*** Murray Weidenbaum
*** Robert Glenn Hubbard
** Industrial Design
*** James Tennant Baldwin
* Executives
** Robert J. Thomas
** Kate Roberts
** Dov S. Zakheim (vice-president of Booz Allen Hamilton, the parent company of the publisher of Strategy+Business))
** Don Tapscott
** Kenichi Ohmae
* Government Sector
** Diane Coyle
** Charles O. Rossotti
** Jeffrey E. Garten
* Journalist and Authors
** John Micklethwait
** Adrian Wooldridge
** Howard Rheingold
** Nicholas G. Carr
** James F. Moore
** Richard Koch
** Nell Minow
** Sir Harold Matthew Evans
** Martin Vander Weyer
** Ram Charan
** Louis Uchitelle
** Charles Handy
* Scientists
** Jeffrey Schwartz
** Mark Buchanan
** Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg
* Military
** VAdm John Michael McConnell, USN Ret.


From quite early on in the history of the magazine the text of every article has been available without charge online. Currently site registration is required to view most articles.

Issue 1 — Q4 1995

*"The C.E.O. Agenda" by Brian N. Dickie
*"The Perform System: Turning Strategies Into Results" by John K. Shank, Walter G. Jewett Jr., Paul A. Branstad and the Perform Team
*"Restoring Relevance to the Marketing Department: Dismantling the Brandocracy" by Sam I. Hill, David L. Newkirk and Wayne Henderson
*"Make Way for Intelligent Agents" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Thought Leader: Charles Handy" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 2 — Q1 1996

*"Another Reason Why Companies Resist Change" by Jay Marshall and Daryl R. Conner
*"Balanced Purchasing" by Timothy M. Laseter
*"Toward a New Theory of Growth" by Charles E. Lucier and Amy Asin
*"The Next Wave: Re-Engineering for Growth" by Bud Moeller
*"Some Principles of Knowledge Management" by Thomas H. Davenport
*"Managing the Team At the Top" by David A. Nadler
*"Can We Really Train Leadership?" by Jay Conger
*"How Strategic Alliances Work in Biotech" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Will Too Little Capital Stall Global Growth?" by Eswin S. Rubenstein
*"Thought Leader: Minoru Makihara" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 3 — Q2 1996

*"Toward a New Business Model" by Albert J. Viscio and Bruce A. Pasternack
*"Why Bad Things Happen To Good Companies" by Benson P. Shapiro, Adrian J. Slywotzky and Richard S. Tedlow
*"The Marketing Gearbox: Integrating Products, Sales and Service" by Frank V. Cespedes
*"Dynamic Competitive Simulation: Wargaming As a Strategic Tool" by John E. Treat, George E. Thiabult and Amy Asin
*"Partnering for Results: A Case Study of Re-Engineering, The Corning Way" by Roger G. Ackerman and Gary L. Neilson
*"How Novell Manages its Reseller Channel" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Between Chaos and Order: What Complexity Theory Can Teach Business" by David Berreby
*"Whither Germany? Whither Europe?"
*"Thought Leader: Keshub Mahindra" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 4 — Q3 1996

*"The Internet’s Impact On Retail Banking" by Bill Burnham
*"Systems, Modules or Components? New Light On Purchasing" by Timothy M. Laseter, C.V. Ramachandran and Keith H. Voigt
*"How to Treat Customers Right: Winning The Channels Challenge" by Evan R. Hirsh
*"The Passionate Leader: Rhône-Poulenc’s Jean-René Fourtou"
*"The Four Stages of A Business: Life Cycle Lessons From Nature" by James F. Moore
*"Using Networking for Competitive Advantage: The Lippo Group of Indonesia and Hong Kong" by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
*"The New Nature of Trade" by Nico Colchester
*"Along the Infobahn: Data Warehouses" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Thought Leader: C.K. Prahalad" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 5 — Q4 1996

*"Breakthrough Banking: The Revolution Has Begun" by Harry Totonis and Richard Foster
*"Why C.E.O.’s Succeed (and Why They Fail): Hunters and Gatherers in the Corporate Life" by Edward F. Tuck and Timothy Earle
*"Creating Temporary Organizations For Lasting Change" by Edith Howle, Gary L. Neilson and David J. Ortiz
*"The New Soul and Structure Of the Post-Management Corporation" by Richard Koch and Ian Godden
*"The ‘Fast-Food’ Computer Strategy: An Interview With Stan Shih"
*"Process Re-Engineering At GTE: Milestones on a Journey Not Yet Completed" by Charles R. Lee
*"Germany’s Search For Direction" by Stephan-Götz Richter
*"How Hewlett-Packard Runs Its Printer Division" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Finding the Knowledge Needle in the Data Haystack" by David Berreby
*"Thought Leader: John Kao" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 6 — Q1 1997

*"The Internet and Retail Banking" by Bill Burnham
*"Shifting Competition in The Brokerage Industry" by Navtej S. Nandra, Peter C. Davis and Monish Kumar
*"Setting Supplier Cost Targets: Getting Beyond the Basics" by Timothy M. Laseter, C. V. Ramaghandran and Keith H. Voigt
*"How to Stop Bad Things From Happening to Good Companies" by Benson P. Shapiro, Adrian J. Slywotzky and Richard S. Tedlow
*"Segments in Time" by Robert G. Docters, John N. Grim Jr. and John P. McGady
*"How to ‘Truck’ the Brand: Lessons from the Grateful Dead" by Glenn Rifkin
*"The Art and Practice of Japanese Management" by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge
*"Competing in Constellations: The Case Of Fuji Xerox" by Benjamin Gomes-Casseres
*"The Wired Enterprise: Here Come the Intranets" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Thought Leader: Paul M. Romer" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 7 — Q2 1997

*"The C.E.O.’s Information Technology Agenda: Seizing The Right Opportunities" by Charles V. Callahan and Joseph Nemec Jr.
*"Competing in Emerging Countries: The Case of Latin America" by Jorge H. Forteza
*"The Triumph of People Power and the New Economy" by Bruce A. Pasternack, Shelley S. Keller and Albert J. Viscio
*"What the Heck Is A Company, Anyway? Reflections on Identity" by David Berreby
*"Steering a New Course for Japanese Management" by Motokazu Orihata
*"Conceptual Re-Engineering at Nissan" by Robert J. Thomas
*"The Business Expectations and Strategy for the United States of Europe" by Franco Modigliani and Hossein Askari
*"How to Manage Creative People: The Case of Industrial Light and Magic" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Thought Leader: John T. Chambers" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 8 — Q3 1997

*"Global Sourcing: Another Critical Purchasing Skill" by Timothy M. Laseter, C. V. Ramachandran and Tonya M. Leary
*"10X Value: The Engine Powering Long-Term Shareholder Returns" by Charles E. Lucier, Leslie H. Moeller and Raymond Held
*"Strategic Sales Management: A Boardroom Issue" by Benson P. Shapiro, Adrian J. Slywotzky and Stephen X. Doyle
*"Vertical Integration: 80‘s Fad or Health Care‘s Future?" by David G. Knott
*"The Rocky Road From Startup to Big-time Player: Biogen’s Triumph Against the Odds" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Saving the Chief Executive" by Daniel T. Carroll
*"How the National Basketball Association Put the Bounce in Basketball" by Glenn Rifkin
*"Thought Leader: Warren Bennis" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 9 — Q4 1997

*"Credit Cards on the Internet: Current Use and Future Potential" by David E. Howe and Shamal P. Ranasinghe
*"Why Knowledge Programs Fail: A C.E.O’s Guide to Managing Learning" by Charles E. Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"How Harley-Davidson Revs Its Brand" by Glenn Rifkin
*"Creating Value Through E.V.A. — Myth or Reality?" by Israel Shaked, Allen Michel and Pierre Leroy
*"Decentralizing Telecommunications in Latin America" by Raul L. Katz and Alexander Dichter
*"Learning from the Turnaround at AK Steel" by John Holusha
*"What Does Business Owe Society?" by Bernard Avishai
*"Making Information Technology Strategic" by Victoria Griffith
*"Thought Leader: Gary Hamel" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 10 — Q1 1998

*"Cost Modeling: A Foundation Purchasing Skill" by Julie A. Ask and Timothy M. Laseter
*"How ‘Gen X’ Managers Manage" by Jay A. Conger
*"Strategic Value Analysis for Competitive Advantage: An Illustration from the Petroleum Industry" by John K. Shank, Eric A. Spiegel and Alfred Escher
*"Complexity Theory: Fact-Free Science or Business Tool?" by David Berreby
*"How Snap-on Tools Ratchets Its Brand" by Glenn Rifkin
*"The Bamboo Network: Asia’s Family-Run Conglomerates" by Murray Weidenbaum
*"Inside Dell Computer Corporation: Managing Working Capital" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Putting Ideas to Work: The Case of Xerox PARC" by John Holusha
*"Thought Leader: Chris Argyris" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 11 — Q2 1998

*"Commodity Busting: Be a Price Maker, Not a Price Taker!" by Benson P. Shapiro
*"The Right Way to Achieve Profitable Growth in The Chinese Consumer Market" by Edward Tse
*"How to Brand Sand" by Sam I. Hill, Jack McGrath and Sandeep Dayal
*"Are There Limits to Total Quality Management?" by Arthur M. Schneiderman
*"Competing Through Innovation: The Case of Broderbund" by Glenn Rifkin
*"Conglomerates in Emerging Markets: Tigers or Dinosaurs?" by Zafer Achi, Chipper Boulas, Ian Buchanan, Jorge H. Forteza and Lando Zappei
*"Post-Merger Integration: How Novartis Became No. 1" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Institutionalizing Alliance Skills: Secrets of Repeatable Success" by John R. Harbison and Peter Pekar Jr.
*"Thought Leader: W. Brian Arthur" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 12 — Q3 1998

*"The Value of Big in Banking" by Peter C. Davis and Atul Kamra
*"The Centerless Corporation: A Model for Tomorrow" by Bruce A. Pasternack and Alvert. J. Viscio
*"Constrained Change — Unconstrained Results"
*"Creating Customer Value Through Industrialized Intimacy" by Peter Kolesar, Garrett Van Ryzin and Wayne Cutler
*"Post-Merger Integration: How I.B.M. and Lotus Work Together" by Glenn Rifkin
*"Corporate Breakups" by Andrew Campbell and David Sadtler
*"Market Entry Strategies: Pioneers Versus Late Arrivals"
*"Thought Leader: Jeffrey Pfeffer" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 13 — Q4 1998

*"Building the High-Impact Sales Force" by Benson P. Shapiro, Adrian J. Slywotzky and Stephen X. Doyle
*"Emergent Leadership: Bringing Free-Market Risks and Rewards to Command-and-Control Corporations" by Victoria Griffith
*"Competing in China: An Integrated Approach" by Edward Tse
*"Balanced Sourcing the Honda Way" by Timothy M. Laseter
*"HMO’s “R” Us: A Prescription for the Future" by Philip Lathrop and David C. Carlebach
*"How Richard Branson Works Magic" by Glenn Rifkin
*"Here Comes Front-Office Automation" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"New-Wave Restructuring" by Gary Neilson and Deven Sharma
*"The Innovation Incubator: Technology Transfer at Stanford University" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"An Interview with Paul Krugman" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 14 — Q1 1999

*"Are Financial Institutions Really Ready for the Euro?" by Dr. Klaus-Peter Gushurst, Charles L. Teschner Jr. and Markus Lammer
*"How to Capture Hidden Value" by John Houlihan
*"Ten Steps to a Global Human Resources Strategy" by John A. Quelch and Helen Bloom
*"The Battle for Your Attention" by Michael J. Wolf
*"Changing Channels in the Automotive Industry: The Future of Automotive Marketing and Distribution" by Evan R. Hirsh, Louis F. Rodewig, Peter Soliman and Steven B. Wheeler
*"The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise" by Cyrus F. Freidheim Jr.
*"How I.D.G. Builds Knowledge-Based Brands on Seven Continents" by Glenn Rifkin
*"The C.E.O.’s Information Technology Challenge: Creating True Value" by Charles V. Callahan and Joseph Nemec Jr.
*"An Interview with Howard Gardner" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 15 — Q2 1999

*"When Stories Create an Organization’s Future" by Janis Forman
*"Corporate Strategy in the Digital Age" by Charles V. Callahan and Bruce A. Pasternack

Issue 16 — Q3 1999

*"The Truth About Internet Business Models" by Jeffrey F. Rayport
*"To Win With Innovation — Kill R&D" by Charles E. Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"Multinationals in the Next Decade: Blueprint, Flow & Soul" by Jorge H. Forteza and Gary L. Neilson
*"Nonprofit Entrepreneurs: How WGBH Markets Its Brands" by Glenn Rifkin
*"21st Century Leadership: Redefining Management Education" by Mark David Nevins and Stephen A. Stumpf
*" [ The Hunter-Gatherers of the Knowledge Economy] " by David Berreby
*"How Elan Grew by Staying Small" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Airports as Engines of Economic Development" by Cyrus F. Freidheim Jr. and B. Thomas Hansson
*"An Interview with Rosabeth Moss Kanter" by Joel Kurtzman
*"The End of Overhead" by Charles E. Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"Five Rules for Winning Emerging Market Consumers" by James A. Gingrich
*"Mach 3: Anatomy of Gillette’s Latest Global Launch" by Glenn Rifkin
*"Label of Origin: Made on Earth" by Cesare R. Mainardi, Martin Salva and Muir Sanderson
*" How Bricks-and-Mortar Companies Can Make It on the Internet" by Victoria Griffith
*"Making ERP Succeed: Turning Fear Into Promise" by Scott Buckhout, Edward Frey and Joseph Nemec Jr.
*"How Mondavi Is Growing Around the World" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"An Interview with Michel Bon" by Joel Kurtzman

Issue 17 — Q4 1999

*"The Internet as a Marketing Medium" by Frank Ingari
*"Beyond Stupid, Slow & Expensive: Reintegrating Work to Improve Productivity" by Charles E. Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"Taking Wal-Mart Global: Lessons from Retailing’s Giant" by Vijay Govindarajan and Anil K. Gupta
*"Post-Merger Integration: What Makes Mergers Work?" by Albert J. Viscio, John R. Harbison, Amy Asin and Richard P. Vitaro
*"Tailored Marketing on the Internet: Does It Really Capture Customers?" by Victoria Griffith
*"Channel Champions: The Rise & Fall of Product-Based Differentiation" by Evan R. Hirsh and Steven B. Wheeler
*"Brand Zealots: Realizing the Full Value of Emotional Brand Loyalty" by Horacio D. Rozanski, Allen G. Baum and Bradley T. Wolfsen
*"The Action Lab: Creating a Greenhouse for Organizational Change" by Richard T. Pascale and Anne H. Miller
*"How the Boston Red Sox Touch All the Branding Bases" by Glenn Rifkin
*"An Interview with John Seely Brown" by Lawrence M. Fisher

Issue 18 — Q1 2000

*"The Trillion-Dollar Race to “E”" by Charles E. Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"The Biggest Myth of the New Economy" by David S. Bennahum
*"Corporate Culture in Internet Time" by Art Kleiner
*"Crossing the Digital Divide: A Transition Baedeker" by Michael S. Katz and Jeffrey Rothfeder
*"Digital Leadership" by James M. Citrin and Thomas J. Neff
*"Up the (E)Organization! A Seven-Dimensional Model for the Centerless Enterprise" by Gary L. Neilson, Bruce A. Pasternack and Albert J. Viscio
*"Globalism vs. Nationalism vs. E-business: The World Debates" by Martin Vander Weyer
*"To Hal Varian, The Price Is Always Right" by Michael Schrage
*"Amazon Your Industry: Extracting Value from the Value Chain" by Timothy M. Laseter, Patrick W. Houston, Joshua L. Wright and Juliana Y. Park
*"E-Education Is the New New Thing" by Michael Barker
*"REI Climbs Online" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"The Godzilla Companies of the New Economy" by Kenichi Ohmae
*"An Interview with Lynda Applegate" by Randall Rothenberg

Issue 19 — Q2 2000

*"How to Change the World" by Janet Dyer and Chuck Lucier
*"Does Six Sigma Belong in Sixth Grade?" by Art Kleiner
*"Assaying Edison… and His Equals" by Harold Evans
*"Health Care’s New Electronic Marketplace" by J. Philip Lathrop, Gary D. Ahlquist, and David G. Knott
*"Strategic Rollups: Overhauling the Multi-Merger Machine" by Paul F. Kocourek, Steven Y. Chung, and Matthew G. McKenna
*"Quaking Up with Geoffrey Moore"
*"Internet Access for All: The UK plan to Close the Digital Divide"
*"Toys “R” Us Battles Back" by Jeffrey Rothfeder
*"Jay Walker: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg
*"Cheese is Simple; Management is Hard" by Michael Schrage

Issue 20 — Q3 2000

*"Steal This Idea!" by Chuck Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"Revisiting Reengineering" by Art Kleiner
*"Is Genius Enough?" by Harold Evans
*"The Last Mile to Nowhere: Flaws & Fallacies in Internet Home-Delivery Schemes" by Timothy Laseter, Pat Houston, Anne Chung, Silas Byrne, Martha Turner, and Anand Devendran
*"Privacy War: The Europe-U.S. Struggle over Consumer Data" by Jeffrey Rothfeder
*"From Bricks to Clicks: The Four Stages of E-volution" by Jill Albrinck, Gil Irwin, Gary Neilson, and Dianna Sasina
*"Pattie Maes and Her Agents Provocateur" by Glenn Rifkin
*"The People Factor in Post-Merger Integration" by Victoria Griffith
*"An Interview with John Quelch" by Randall Rothenberg
*"The Days of Futurists Past" by Stuart Crainer

Issue 21 — Q4 2000

*"Climbing Up the Value Ladder" by Janet Dyer and Chuck Lucier
*"The Tyranny of “Community”" by Art Kleiner
*"They All Laughed at Christopher Columbus" by Harold Evans
*"Learning from the Links" by David K. Hurst
*"Business Schools: Fighting the Enemy Within" by Paul O. Gaddis
*"Making Mergers E-merge: Using the Internet to Jump-Start Integration" by Art Fritzson, Robert Lukefahr, Amy Asin, Sanjay Bhatia, and Viren Doshi
*"The Organization vs. The Strategy: Solving the Alignment Paradox" by Jeffrey W. Bennett, Thomas E. Pernsteiner, Paul F. Kocourek, and Steven B. Hedlund
*"Product or Service? Internet Infrastructure’s Battling Business Models" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Robert B. Reich: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg
*"Open for Business" by Michael Schrage

Issue 22 — Q1 2001

*" [ The Lake Wobegon Economy] " by Chuck Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"The Last Mile to Somewhere" by Timothy Laseter and Team
*"The Vision Thing" by Harold Evans
*"Zealots Rising: The Case for Practical Visionaries" by Paul Branstad and Chuck Lucier
*"The Model 2 Organization: Making Your Company Safe for Zealots" by Paul F. Kocourek and Paul Hyde
*"Beyond the Cult of the CEO: Building Institutional Leadership" by Bruce A. Pasternack, Thomas D. Williams, and Paul F. Anderson
*"The Three Phases of Value Capture: Finding Competitive Advantage in the Information Age" by Rhonda Germany and Raman Muralidharan
*"Here Comes Hyperinnovation" by Michael Schrage
*"Elliott Jaques Levels With You" by Art Kleiner
*"Adventures in Corporate Venturing" by Jill Albrinck, Jennifer Hornery, David Kletter, and Gary Neilson
*"Europe Ventures Forth" by Rob Schuyt, Mark Melford, and Frank Vrancken Peeters
*"Incubators in Europe: A Tough Egg to Hatch" by Des Dearlove
*"From Vertical to Virtual: How Nortel ’s Supplier Alliances Extend the Enterprise" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Why I Hate Flying and Other Tales of Management" by Henry Mintzberg
*"Jeffrey E. Garten: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg
*"Monomaniacs with a Mission" by David K. Hurst

Issue 23 — Q2 2001

*"Strike Up the Brand" by Art Kleiner
*"Beating the B2B Odds" by Timothy Laseter and David Evans
*"The Great Portal Payoff" by Horacio D. Rozanski and Gerry Bollman
*"And the New Economy Winner is...Europe" by Stuart Crainer
*"Why Banks and Telecoms Must Merge to Surge" by Wouter Rosingh, Adam Seale, and David Osborn
*"Italy’s Economic Half-Miracle" by Richard H.K. Vietor
*"The Dilemma Doctors" by Art Kleiner
*"Scrambled Egg: The Making and Breaking of an Online Bank" by Victoria Griffith
*"Beyond Utopia: The Realist’s Guide to Internet–Enabled Supply Chain Management" by Keith Oliver, Anne Chung, Nick Samanich, Tom Mayor, Timothy Laseter, James Gardiner, Suresh Krishna, and Michael Ilgner
*"Customer–izing the IRS" by Charles O. Rossotti
*"Arie de Geus: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg
*"Terrae Incognitae: Survival Guides for Curious Globalists" by Stephan Götz-Richter

Issue 24 — Q3 2001

*"Forget Your Troubles, Come On, Get Fired" by Janet Dyer and Chuck Lucier
*"The Cult of Three Cultures" by Art Kleiner
*"Oasis in the Dot-Com Delivery Desert" by Timothy Laseter, David Torres, and Anne Chung
*"Rethinking Strategy in a Networked World" by Don Tapscott
*"Seize the Occasion! The Seven-Segment System for Online Marketing" by Horacio D. Rozanski, Gerry Bollman, and Martin Lipman
*"Why Cisco Fell: Outsourcing and Its Perils" by Bill Lakenan, Darren Boyd, Ed Frey, and Keith Oliver
*"The Cluster Effect: Can Europe Clone Silicon Valley?" by Des Dearlove
*"Jack Stack’s Story is an Open Book" by Art Kleiner
*"Jared Diamond: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg
*"Bye-Bye Blackboards" by Michael Schrage

=Issue 25 — Q4 2001=
*"The New Strategy and Why It Is New" by Nick Demos (business journalist), Steven Chung, Michael Beck (business journalist), Paul Branstad, Chuck Lucier, and Rhonda Germany
*"The Bottom Line on Ethics" by Art Kleiner
*"Catching Travelers on the Fly" by Timothy Laseter, Brian Long, and Chris Capers
*"B2B Benchmark: The State of Electronic Exchanges" by Timothy Laseter, Brian Long, and Chris Capers
*"Climbing to Greatness with Jim Collins" by Art Kleiner
*"Toward Digital Democracy: A Strategist’s Plan for Fixing Flawed Elections" by Mark Gerencser, Ed Rodriguez, and Chris Siddall
*"The Best Business Books of the Millennium" by David K. Hurst, Bruce A. Pasternack, Charles Hampden-Turner, Kate Jennings, Louis Uchitelle, Jay A. Conger and Edward E. Lawler III, James O’Toole, Charles Handy, Janet Dyer and Chuck Lucier
*"An Interview with Clayton M. Christensen" by Lawrence M. Fisher

Issue 26 — Q1 2002

*"What Are the Measures That Matter?" by Art Kleiner
*"Marketing and Operations: Can This Marriage Be Saved?" by Timothy Laseter, Alex Kandybin, and Pat Houston
*"Reality Programming for MBAs" by Henry Mintzberg and Jonathan R. Gosling
*"Security and Strategy in the Age of Discontinuity" by Ralph W. Shrader and John Michael McConnell
*"From New Economy to Siege Economy" by Jeffrey E. Garten
*"The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid" by C. K. Prahalad and Stuart L. Hart
*"Profits and Perils in China, Inc." by Kenichi Ohmae
*"The Human(e) Factor Nurturing a Leadership Culture" by Rolf W. Habbel
*"Welcome to TESCO, Your Glocal Superstore" by Victoria Griffith
*"W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne: The Thought Leader Interview" by Stuart Crainer
*"Straight from the Brain" by David K. Hurst

Issue 27 — Q2 2002

*"Why Know-Who Trumps Know-How" by Sigvald J. Harryson
*"Marketing: Are You Really a Realist?" by Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg
*"Core Group Therapy" by Art Kleiner
*"The Four Phases of Continuous Sourcing" by Hugh Baker (business journalist) and Timothy Laseter
* [ "From Solutions to Symbiosis-Blending with Your Customers"] by Deven Sharma, Chuck Lucier, and Richard Molloy (business journalist)
*"The Co-Creation Connection" by C. K. Prahalad and Venkatram Ramaswamy
*"Reinventing Scale-How to Escape the Size Trap" by Alex Kandybin, Martin Kihn, and Cesare R. Mainardi
*"Yellow-Light Leadership-How the World's Best Companies Manage Uncertainty" by Bruce A. Pasternack and James O’Toole
*"Professor Chandler's Revolution" by Art Kleiner
*"Lawrence Lessig: The Thought Leader Interview" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Once Upon a Time" by Bill Birchard

Issue 28 — Q3 2002

*"Breaking Up Is Hard to Do - and to Manage" by Chuck Lucier, Janet Dyer, and Gerald Adolph
*"Diary of a Change Agent" by Art Kleiner
*"Why Outsourcing Is In" by Anne Chung, Tim Jackson, and Timothy Laseter
*"The Folly of Forced Ranking" by Edward E. Lawler III
*"Why CEOs Fall: The Causes and Consequences of Turnover at the Top" by Chuck Lucier, Eric Spiegel, and Rob Schuyt
*"Fast Brand Building in Slow-Growth Markets" by David A. Aaker
*"The Barista Principle: Starbucks and the Rise of Relational Capital" by Ranjay Gulati, Sarah Huffman, and Gary Neilson
*"CEO vs. CIO: Can This Marriage Be Saved?" by John O. Boochever, Thomas Park, and James C. Weinberg
*"STMicroelectronics: The Metaphysics of a Metanational Pioneer" by Lawrence A. Fisher
*"Larry Bossidy: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg
*"How to Manage Your Boss" by David K. Hurst

Issue 29 — Q4 2002

*"Flipping the “Switch”: Big Pharma’s Biggest Challenge" by Minoo Javanmardian, Alex Kandybin, and Martin Kihn
*"Apocalypse 2010?" by Art Kleiner
*"E-Marketplace Survival Strategies" by Timothy Laseter and Christopher Capers
*"Globalism without Tears" by Jeffrey E. Garten
*"Consolidation The Wireless Way" by Raul L. Katz, Maximilian E. Weise, and Daniel H. Yang
*"Karen Stephenson's Quantum Theory of Trust" by Art Kleiner
*"Best Business Books 2002" by Chuck Lucier, Janet Dyer, David K. Hurst, Frances Cairncross, Kenneth Roman, Bruce A. Pasternack, James O'Toole, Kate Jennings, Rob Norton, David Newkirk, Charles Handy, Michael Schrage
*"Yves Doz: The Thought Leader Interview" by Lawrence M. Fisher

Issue 30 — Q1 2003

*"Creating Chaos for Fun and Profit" by Chuck Lucier and Janet Dyer
*"What FreshDirect Learned from Dell" by Timothy Laseter, Barrie Berg, and Martha Turner
*"The Man Who Saw the Future" by Art Kleiner
*"The Better Half : The Artful Science of ROI Marketing" by Leslie H. Moeller, Sharat K. Mathur, and Randall Rothenberg
*"The Paradox of Corporate Entrepreneurship" by Julian Birkinshaw
*"Corporate Governance: Hard Facts about Soft Behaviors" by Paul F. Kocourek, Christian Burger, and Bill Birchard
*"Enterprise Resilience: Managing Risk in the Networked Economy" by Randy Starr, Jim Newfrock, and Michael Delurey
*"Symantec's Strategy-Based Transformation" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Noel M. Tichy: The Thought Leader Interview" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Finding Sanity with Game Theory" by Scott Borg

Issue 31 — Q2 2003

*"Bring on the Super-CMO" by Steve Silver
*"The Supply Side of Design and Development" by Timothy Laseter, Kamalini Ramdas, and Doran Swerdlow
*"Build Your Organizational Equity" by Art Kleiner
*"CEO Succession 2002 - Deliver or Depart" by Chuck Lucier, Rob Schuyt and Eric Spiegel
*"The Leadership Challenge 2003"
*"How the Telecom Industry Went Astray" by Raul L. Katz
*"The Wireless Industry's Killer "B" by Venkatesh Shankar, Tony O'Driscoll, and David Reibstein
*"A New Business Model for the Airline Industry" by Tom Hansson, Jürgen Ringbeck, and Markus Franke
*"Delphi Builds a Board" by Andrea Gabor
*"Lynn Sharp Paine: the Thought Leader Interview" by Ann Graham
*"My Coach and I" by Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer

Issue 32 — Q3 2003

*"Managing the Maze of Multisided Markets" by David S. Evans
*"Reality Is Perception: The Truth about Car Brands" by Evan Hirsh, Steve Hedlund, and Mark Schweizer
*"Making Patient Capital Pay Off" by Art Kleiner
*"When Will Supply Chain Management Grow Up?" by Timothy Laseter and Keith Oliver
*"What Business Needs From Business Schools" by Joyce Doria, Horacio Rozanski, and Ed Cohen
*"Colonizers and Consolidators: The Two Cultures of Corporate Strategy" by Costas Markides and Paul Geroski
*"Multinationals: Latin America’s Great Race" by Alonso Martinez, Ivan De Souza, and Francis Liu
*"Geopolitics and the Global Corporation" by Sven Behrendt and Parag Khanna
*"The Paradox of Charles Handy" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"John Kay: The Thought Leader Interview" by Des Dearlove
*"The Voice of the Stakeholder" by Judith Samuelson and Bill Birchard

Issue 33 — Q4 2003

*"Learning Success from Distress" by Jay Alix and Jay Marshall
*"The Big, the Bad, and the Beautiful" by Timothy Laseter, Martha Turner, and Ron Wilcox
*"GE's Next Workout" by Art Kleiner
*"Boardroom Supports" by Ram Charan
*"What Strategists Can Learn from Sartre" by James Ogilvy
*"The Four Bases of Organizational DNA" by Gary Neilson, Bruce A. Pasternack, and Decio Mendes
*"The New Architecture of Biomedical Research" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Best Business Books 2003" by Chuck Lucier, Janet Dyer, David K. Hurst, Randy Komisar, Rob Walker, Sylvia Nasar, Bruce A. Pasternack, James O'Toole, Kate Jennings, Charles Handy, Rob Norton
*"Daniel Kahneman: The Thought Leader Interview" by Michael Schrage

Issue 34 — Q1 2004

*"A CIO’s View of the Balanced Scorecard" by George Tillmann
*"Diversity and Its Discontents" by Art Kleiner
*"A New Window onto CRM Success" by David Moloney and Robert Bustos-McNeil
*"Smart Customization: Profitable Growth Through Tailored Business Streams" by Keith Oliver, Leslie H. Moeller, and Bill Lakenan
*"Japan's Coming Competitive Renaissance" by Cecilia S.V. Ng and George S. Yip
*"6 Truths About Emerging-Market Consumers" by Guillermo D’Andrea, E. Alejandro Stengel, and Anne Goebel-Krestlj
*"Power Laws & the New Science of Complexity Management" by Mark Buchanan
*"A Master Model for Mobile Multimedia" by Helmut Meier, Roman Friedrich, and Hanno Blankenstein
*"Philip Bobbitt: The Thought Leader Interview" by Art Kleiner
*"Privacy in the Age of Transparency" by Jeffrey Rothfeder

Issue 35 — Q2 2004

*"The 10 Principles of Change Management" by John Jones, DeAnne Aguirre, and Matthew Cal
*"HR on Top" by Edward E. Lawler III
*"The World's Most Exciting Accountant" by Art Kleiner
*"The Power of Plausibility Theory" by Timothy Laseter and Matthias Hild
*"Raising Your Return on Innovation Investment" by Alexander Kandybin and Martin Kihn
*"The Art of Scale" by Costas Markides and Paul Geroski
*"The Relevance of Brand Relevance" by David A. Aaker
*"The Perils of 'Good' Governance" by Chuck Lucier, Rob Schuyt, and Junichi Handa
*"Leading Witnesses"
*"The 7 Types of Organizational DNA" by Gary Neilson, Bruce A. Pasternack, and Decio Mendes
*"The Philosopher of Progress and Prosperity" by Art Kleiner
*"Herb Kelleher: The Thought Leader Interview" by Chuck Lucier
*"Does Nick Carr Matter?" by Steve Lohr

Issue 36 — Q3 2004

*"Mastering Imitation" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"Think Global, Act European" by Pascal Cagni
*"When Offshoring Isn't a Sure Thing" by Timothy Laseter
*"Building the Advantaged Supply Network" by William Jackson and Conrad Winkler
*"How Dell Got Soul" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"The Upwardly Global MBA" by Nigel Andrews and Laura D’Andrea Tyson
*"Leadership Is a Contact Sport" by Marshall Goldsmith and Howard Morgan
*"Post-capitalism's Drop-out Prophet" by Andrea Gabor
*"Ram Charan: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg
*"What's a Director to Do?" by Michael Schrage

Issue 37 — Q4 2004

*"The Superpremium Premium" by Leslie H. Moeller, Nick Hodson, and Brad Wolfsen
*"Bridging the Breakthrough Gap" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"The Lean, Green Service Machine" by Narayan Nallicheri, T. Curt Bailey, and J. Scott Cade
*"Recombinant Innovation" by Art Kleiner
*"Making The Perfect Marketer" by Paul Hyde, Edward Landry, and Andrew Tipping
*"The Fall and Rise of the CMO" by Gail McGovern and John A. Quelch
*"Old World or New?"
*"Flextronics" by Jeff Ferry
*"Best Business Books 2004" by Chuck Lucier, Janet Dyer, David K. Hurst, Steve Lohr, Bruce A. Pasternack, James O’Toole, Frances Cairncross, John Jones, Elizabeth Powers, John R. Patrick, Diane Coyle and Kate Jennings
*"Kenneth W. Freeman: The Thought Leader Interview" by Randall Rothenberg

Issue 38 — Q1 2005

*"Beware the Product Death Cycle" by Art Kleiner
*"The China Syndrome" by Mitchell Quint and Dermot Shorten
*"Suits to the Rescue" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"Not Your Father's CFO" by Vinay Couto, Irmgard Heinz, and Mark J. Moran
*"The Core’s Competence" by Steffen M. Lauster and J. Neely
*"Supermodels to the Rescue" by Mark Buchanan
*"Winning Hearts and Minds at Home Depot" by Victoria Griffith
*"Bjorn Lomborg Is the World’s Most Optimistic Statistician" by Jonathan Ledgard
*"Ira M. Millstein: The Thought Leader Interview" by Michael Schrage
*"Point or Shoot" by Michael Schrage

Issue 39 — Q2 2005

*"In Search of Overhead Heroes" by George Tillmann
*"The Right Mix for a Pricing Fix" by Timothy Laseter and Elliott Weiss
*"Top-Down Disruption" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"The World’s Most Prominent Temp Workers" by Chuck Lucier, Rob Schuyt, and Edward Tse
*"Are You Modular or Integral?" by Charles H. Fine
*"The Value of Corporate Values" by Reggie Van Lee, Lisa Fabish, and Nancy McGaw
*"Leadership Principles for Public School Principals" by Andrea Gabor
*"Leaning Toward Utopia" by Art Kleiner
*"Reinhard Selten: The Thought Leader Interview" by Matthias Hild and Timothy Laseter
*"Eurosclerosis Revisited" by Diane Coyle

Issue 40 — Q3 2005

*"Prescription for Change" by Gary Ahlquist, David Knott, and Philip Lathrop
*"Materials Witnesses" by Art Kleiner
*"The Life of a Plan" by Sam Hill
*"The Cat That Came Back" by Gary L. Neilson and Bruce A. Pasternack
*"Format Invasions" by Bertrand Shelton, Thomas Hansson, and Nicholas Hodson
*"Skoda Leaps to Market" by Jonathan Ledgard
*"The Advertising Saturation Point" by Evan Hirsh and Mark Schweizer
*"The Prophet of Unintended Consequences" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Daniel Yankelovich:The Thought Leader Interview" by Art Kleiner
*"Dirty and Clean Laundry" by Milton Moskowitz
*"Books in Brief" by David K. Hurst

Issue 41 — Q4 2005

*"China’s Five Surprises" by Edward Tse
*"Flying Blind" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"Beauty Parlors, Barbershops, and Boardrooms" by Leslie F. (“Skip”) Griffin Jr.
*"Our 10 Most Enduring Ideas" by Art Kleiner
*"The Realist’s Guide to Moral Purpose" by Nikos Mourkogiannis
*"Money Isn't Everything" by Barry Jaruzelski, Kevin Dehoff, and Rakesh Bordia
*"Building a Better Matchmaker" by Maarten Jager and Steven Wheeler
*"Ricardo Semler Won’t Take Control" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Best Business Books 2005" by Howard Rheingold
*"Carlota Perez:The Thought Leader Interview" by Art Kleiner

Issue 42 — Q1 2006

*"Commit and Deliver" by Cyrus Freidheim
*"Research Meets Practice" by Robin Portman, Kevin Vigilante, and Brenda Ecken
*"The Hidden Costs of Clicks" by Timothy Laseter, Elliot Rabinovich, and Angela Huang
*"The Beatles Principles" by Andrew Sobel
*"Manufacturing Myopia" by Kaj Grichnik, Conrad Winkler, and Peter von Hochberg
*"Sharpening Your Business Acumen" by Ram Charan
*"Love Your "Dogs" by Harry Quarls, Thomas Pernsteiner and Kasturi Rangan
*"Five-Star Hospitals" by Joe Flower
*"City Planet" by Stewart Brand
*"Yossi Sheffi:The Thought Leader Interview" by Amy Bernstein
*"Derivative Wisdom" by Rob Norton
*"Books in Brief" by David K. Hurst

Issue 43 — Q2 2006

*"Avian Flu: A Test of Collective Integrity" by Susan Penfield and John Larkin
*"Complementary Genius" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"The Captain's Challenge" by Eric Best
*"The Future of Advertising is Now" by Christopher Vollmer, John Frelinghuysen, and Randall Rothenberg
*"Beyond Brand Management" by Richard Rawlinson
*"Growth Champions" by Edward Landry, Andrew Tipping, and Jay Kumar
*"The Neuroscience of Leadership" by David Rock and Jeffrey Schwartz
*"The Mega Community Manifesto" by Mark Gerencser, Fernando Napolitano, and Reginald Van Lee
*"A Cooperative Solution" by Riccardo Lotti, Peter Mensing, and Davide Valenti
*"CEO Succession 2005-The Crest of The Wave" by Chuck Lucier, Paul Kocourek, and Rolf Habbel
*"Deirdre McCloskey's Market Path to Virtue" by Andrea Gabor
*"William G. Ouchi: The Thought Leader Interview" by Art Kleiner
*"Engines of Change" by John Wormald
*"Books in Brief" by David K. Hurst

Issue 44 — Q3 2006

*"Unrecognized Assets" by Molly Finn, Gary M. Rahl, and William Rowe Jr.
*"The Craft of Connection" by Timothy Laseter and Rob Cross
*"The Case for Long Shots" by James Tennant Baldwin
*"How to Be an Outsourcing Virtuoso" by Vinay Couto and Ashok Divakaran
*"Innovators without Borders" by Kevin Dehoff and Vikas Sehgal
*"The Innovation Sandbox" by C. K. Prahalad
*"FedEx Delivers on the Deal" by Michael V. Copeland
*"Who Manages Manufacturing?" by Peter von Hochberg, Marcello Rodrigues, and Georgina Grenon
*"The Ambassador Next from the Economy" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Janine Benyus: The Thought Leader Interview" by Amy Bernstein
*"On Trust and Culture" by Karen Otazo
*"Books in Brief" by David K. Hurst

Issue 45 — Q4 2006

*"Marketers of Life" by Kate Roberts
*"The Productivity Riddle" by Robert Glenn Hubbard
*"The Weakest Link" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"Toward a Flexible Energy Future" by Lord Andrew Turnbull
*"Smart Spenders: The Global Innovation 1000" by Barry Jaruzelski, Kevin Dehoff, and Rakesh Bordia
*"The Company That Anticipated History" by Ann Graham
*"Best Business Books 2006" by Howard Rheingold, Michael Schrage, Nick Wreden, Nell Minow, Nikos Mourkogiannis, Chuck Lucier, Janet Dyer, Michele Leder, David K. Hurst, Dov S. Zakheim, Jonathan Weber, James O’Toole
*"Alvin Toffler: The Thought Leader Interview" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Masters of the Breakthrough Moment" by Sally Helgesen

Issue 46 — Q1 2007

*"Winning the Devil’s Bargain" by Elizabeth Doty
*"Lessons of the Last Bubble" by Timothy Laseter, David A. Kirsch, and Brent Goldfarb
*"The Luxury Touch" by Robert Reppa and Evan Hirsh
*"LIGHTS! WATER! MOTION!" by Viren Doshi, Gary Schulman, and Daniel Gabaldon
*"A Gold-Medal Partnership" by Michael Payne
*"The Flatbread Factor" by Alonso Martinez and Ronald Haddock
*"The Retail Health-Care Solution" by David Knott, Gary Ahlquist, and Rick Edmunds
*"The Game Maven of New Haven" by Michael V. Copeland
*"Joseph Ellis: The Thought Leader Interview" by Art Kleiner and Melissa Master
*"Does Health Care Have a Future?" by Joe Flower and David Knott
*"Books In Brief" by David K. Hurst

Issue 47 — Q2 2007

*"Health Meets Wealth" by Joni Bessler, Susanne Leisy, and Sanjay Saxena
*"Why Wait for Trouble?" by Kenneth W. Freeman
*"Nondestructive Creation" by Robert Glenn Hubbard
*"The Ignorance of Crowds" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"The Era of the Inclusive Leader" by Chuck Lucier, Steven Wheeler, and Rolf Habbel
*"The Empty Boardroom" by Thomas Neff and Julie Hembrock Daum
*"Win-Win Sourcing" by William Jackson and Michael Pfitzmann
*"Innovation Agility" by Kevin Dehoff and John Loehr
*"Howard Gardner Does Good Work" by Lawrence M. Fisher
*"Gary Pisano: The Thought Leader Interview" by Amy Bernstein
*"Chronicling the Future" by Jonathan Weber
*"Books In Brief" by David K. Hurst

Issue 48 — Q3 2007

*"See for Yourself" by Timothy Laseter and Larry Laseter
*"My Unfashionable Legacy" by Ralph Sink
*"Exercising Common Sense" by Gary Neilson and Jack McGrath
*"Context and Complexity" by Edward Tse
*"Partners at the Point of Sale" by Rich Kauffeld, Johan Sauer, and Sara Bergson
*"Rebuilding Lego Brick By Brick" by Keith Oliver, Edouard Samakh, and Peter Heckmann
*"The Science of Subtle Signals" by Mark Buchanan
*"The New Complete Marketer" by Gregor Harter, Edward Landry, and Andrew Tipping
*"When There Is No Cavalry" by Douglas Himberger, David Sulek, and Stephen Krill Jr.
*"The Thought Leader Interview: Anne-Marie Slaughter" by Art Kleiner
*"The Productivity Promisers" by Tom Ehrenfeld
*"Books in Brief" by David K. Hurst

Issue 49 — Q4 2007

*"Military of Millennials" by Art Fritzson, Lloyd W. Howell Jr., and Dov S. Zakheim
*"Shall I Compare Thee to an Andy Grove?" by Harriet Rubin
*"The Community Network Solution" by Karen Stephenson
*"The Google Enigma" by Nicholas G. Carr
*"A Blueprint For Strategic Leadership" by Steven Wheeler, Walter McFarland, and Art Kleiner
*"The Dance of Power" by Sally Helgesen
*"The Customer Connection: The Global Innovation 1000" by Barry Jaruzelski and Kevin Dehoff
*"Best Business Books 2007" by Michael Schrage, David Newkirk, Joe Flower, Diane Coyle, Tom Ehrenfeld, Howard Rheingold, R. Gopalakrishnan, James O’Toole
*"The Thought Leader Interview: Bill George" by Amy Bernstein

Issue 50 — Q1 2008

*"New Life for Tired Brands" by Nikhil Bahadur and John Jullens
*"Twenty Hubs and No HQ" by C. K. Prahalad and Hrishi Bhattacharyya
*"The Myth of Cost-Benefit Analysis" by Denise Caruso
*"Launch and Learn" by Timothy Laseter and Ron Kerber
*"Oasis Economies" by Joe Saddi, Karim Sabbagh, and Richard Shediac
*"The Practical Visionary" by Michael Farber, Tom Greenspon, and Jeffrey S. Tucker
*"On Track For Growth" by Andrew Tipping and Justin Zubrod
*"Ambassador for the Asian Century" by Sheridan Prasso
*"Convenors of Capability" by Michael Delurey, David Sulek, and Lawrence Frascella
*"Pankaj Ghemawat: The Thought Leader Interview" by Art Kleiner
*"Lessons for Business Schools" by Andrea Gabor
*"Books in Brief" by David K. Hurst


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