Ĉ or ĉ (C circumflex) is a consonant in Esperanto orthography, representing the sound [t͡ʃ].

Esperanto orthography uses a diacritic for all four of its postalveolar consonants, as do the Latin-based Slavic alphabets. Letters and digraphs that are similar to ĉ and represent the same sound include Slovene č, Polish digraph cz, English and Spanish ch, and Italian c before i or e.

Ĉ is also the fourth letter of the Esperanto alphabet. While it is written as cx in the x-system, it is C with a circumflex (ĉ) when written accented. Dr Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto, recommended using ch.

Character mappings

Charset Unicode ISO 8859-3
Majuscule Ĉ U+0108 C6
Minuscule ĉ U+0109 E6

See also

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Letter C with diacritics
Ćć Ĉĉ Čč Ċċ Çç Ḉḉ Ȼȼ Ƈƈ ɕ
Letters using circumflex accent ( ◌̂ )
Ââ Ĉĉ Êê Ĝĝ Ĥĥ Î î Ĵĵ Ôô Ŝŝ Ûû Ŵŵ Ŷŷ Ẑẑ

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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