Mons pubis

Mons pubis
Mons pubis
Poolside 03.jpg
Anterior view of human female pelvis, indicating mons pubis
Latin mons pubis
Gray's subject #270 1265
Precursor Genital tubercle

In human anatomy or in mammals in general, the mons pubis (Latin for "pubic mound"), also known as the mons veneris (Latin, mound of Venus) or simply the mons, is the adipose tissue lying above the pubic bone of adult females, anterior to the pubic symphysis. The mons pubis forms the anterior portion of the vulva.

The size of the mons pubis varies with the general level of hormone and body fat. After puberty it is covered with pubic hair and enlarges. In human females this mound is made of fat and is supposed to be larger. It provides protection of the pubic bone during intercourse.

In humans, the mons pubis divides into the labia majora (literally "larger lips") on either side of the furrow, known as the pudendal cleft, that surrounds the labia minora, clitoris, vaginal opening, and other structures of the vulval vestibule. The fatty tissue of the mons pubis is sensitive to estrogen, causing a distinct mound to form with the onset of puberty. This pushes the forward portion of the labia majora out and away from the pubic bone.


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  • mons pubis — n, pl mon·tes pubis .män .tēz a rounded eminence of fatty tissue upon the pubic symphysis esp. of the human female see MONS VENERIS * * * [TA] the rounded fleshy prominence over the symphysis pubis …   Medical dictionary

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  • mons pubis — /monz pyooh bis/, pl. montes pubis /mon teez pyooh bis/. Anat. a rounded prominence of fatty tissue over the pubic symphysis, covered with hair after puberty. Also called mons. Cf. mons veneris. [ < NL: elevation of the pubes; see MONS, PUBES1] * …   Universalium

  • mons pubis — noun (plural montes pubis) Etymology: New Latin, pubic eminence Date: circa 1903 a rounded eminence of fatty tissue on the pubic symphysis especially of the human female …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • mons pubis — noun a fleshy protuberance over the pubic bones that becomes covered with hair during puberty See Also: mons veneris …   Wiktionary

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