
  • 1Plausible Portraits of James Lord: With Commentary by the Model , James Lord (2003)
    Book Description Incisive reflections on more than twenty portraits of the author by some of the greatest artists of the last century Over the course of his life as a friend and confidant of artists… 1122.3 руб

  • 2ДСМ-метод автоматического порождения гипотез. Логические и эпистемологические основания , Финн В.К. (2009)
    В книге представлены теоретические основания формализации правдоподобных рассуждений, используемых в… 757 руб

  • 3ДСМ-метод автоматического порождения гипотез. Логические и эпистемологические основания , Финн В.К. (2009)
    В книге представлены теоретические основания формализации правдоподобных рассуждений, используемых в… 607 грн (только Украина)

  • 4Ukridge , P.G. Wodehouse (2008)
    Money makes the world go round for Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge– and when there isn’t enough of it, the world just has to spin a bit faster. Ever on the lookout for a quick buck, a solid… 570 руб

  • 5Two On A Tower , Thomas Hardy (1905)
    All night the astronomer's mind was on the stretch with curiosity as to what the Bishop could wish to say to him. A dozen conjectures entered his brain, to be abandoned in turn as unlikely. That… 1314 руб

  • 6Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream , Barbara Ehrenreich (2006)
    Americans’ working lives are growing more precarious every day. Corporations slash employees by the thousands, and the benefits and pensions once guaranteed by “middle-class” jobs are a thing… 894 руб

  • 7Ukridge , Wodehouse Pelham Grenville (2012)
    Money makes the world go round for Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge - and when there isn't enough of it, the world just has to spin a bit faster. Ever on the lookout for a quick buck, a solid gold… 783 руб

  • 8Black Sheep , Georgette Heyer (2004)
    Charming and wise in the ways of the world, Bath society-belle Miss Abigail Wendover has tried hard to detach her spirited niece Fanny from a plausible fortune-hunter. Her valiant efforts on behalf… 946 руб

  • 9Суверенитет , Никита В Гараджа
    Не часто в одной обложке оказываются статьи крупных государственных чиновников, опытных политиков и… 99.9 руб электронная книга

  • 10Blood of Tyrants , Novik Naomi (2014)
    Naomi Novik's beloved Temeraire series, a brilliant combination of fantasy and history that reimagines the Napoleonic wars as fought with the aid of intelligent dragons, is a twenty-first-century… 303 руб