
  • 71deflation flat —    (colloquial: US Gulf Coast)    A series of low ridges and troughs on an essentially flat surface on barrier islands formed by dune field migration during alternating wet and dry periods; a type of interdune.    Troughs are eroded down to the… …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 72everglades —    (colloquial: southern USA)    A large expanse of marshy land, covered mostly by grasses, e.g., the Florida Everglades.    GG …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 73flatwoods —    (colloquial: southeastern USA)    Broad, low gradient (generally < 1 % slope but up to 2% near drainageways), low relief interstream areas and characterized by non hydric, poorly drained soils (seasonal saturation or water table) at depths… …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 74glade —    (colloquial: Ozark uplands, USA)     a) A largely treeless, open, grassy area (e.g., oak savanna) on high, broad interfluves and hillsides, commonly with shallow soils.    Compare: park.    SW.     b) (not preferred) refer to park: An… …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 75gulch —    (colloquial: western USA; not preferred refer to ravine)    A small stream channel, narrow and steep sided in cross section, and larger than a gully, cut in unconsolidated materials.    General synonym: ravine.    Compare: arroyo, draw, gully …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 76inset fan —    (colloquial: southwestern USA)    The flood plain of an ephemeral stream that is confined between the fan remnants, ballenas, basin floor remnants, or closely opposed fan toeslopes of a basin.    FF & SW …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 77mawae —    (colloquial: Hawaii)    A natural surface channel commonly found near the middle of an a a lava flow, formed by the surficial draining of molten lava rather than by erosion from running water; a type of lava trench.    Compare: lava tube.… …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 78mogote —    (colloquial: Caribbean Basin)    An isolated, steep sided, commonly asymmetrical hill or ridge composed of limestone, generally steeper on its leeward side (prevailing downwind side) and surrounded by nearly level to sloping coastal plain… …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 79paha —    (colloquial: Midwestern USA)    Commonly a low, elongated, rounded ridge or hill cored by an erosional remnant of drift, rock, or windblown sand, silt, or clay and capped with a thick cover (e.g., up to 10 m) of loess; found especially in… …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 80park —    (colloquial: Rocky Mountains, USA; not preferred refer to valley, intermontane basin)     a) An ecological term for a grassy or shrubby, wide, open valley lying at high elevation and confined between forested mountain slopes, as in a high… …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms