Johanna Zorn

Johanna Zorn

Johanna Zorn is founder and executive director of the Third Coast International Audio Festival from Chicago Public Radio. From 1991 through 2001, she was the executive producer of Chicago Matters,

Johanna started active at Chicago Public Radio as an intern in 1980, and was engaged as an aid producer for the programming of children in 1982. Two years later she created a magazine for teenagers called "Airplay." In 1990, she invented a general interest discussion show called "Studio A." Johanna has also worked as a director of a lot of live national music retransmissions for the Chicago Public Radio including the Jazz Fests and the Blues Fests. Johanna is the recipient of different journalism granting for programming of children of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Education Association. For its work on "Chicago Matters", they a number of granting including the Herman Kogan Award from the Chicago Bar Association and the Lisagor Journalism Award from the Chicago Headline Club. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan.

Her husband is Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn. They were married in 1985 and have three children,Alex(1989)and twins Annie and Ben (1997). Her father is the late Carnegie Mellon University biophysicist Jerome Wolken [] . Her mother is Tobey Wolken, a fiber artist in Pittsburgh Her siblings are artist Ann Alexandra Wolken [] , furniture designer Erik Wolken [] and Pilobolus [] dance company co-founder Jonathan Wolken.

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