Alazan rocket

Alazan rocket

The Alazan rocket was a Cold War-era, 82mm Soviet rocket originally developed to distribute cloud-seeding chemicals such as potassium or silver iodide. Some were converted into improvised munitions and modified to carry explosive warheads. Others were retrofitted with a warhead reputed to contain up to 400g of radioactive caesium-137 and strontium-90, to help scientists track clouds and other meteorological events. Both types were acquired by militants following the Soviet collapse.

Its existence in the old Soviet arsenal, and hence in old ammunition deposits in Eastern Europe, has caused some concern following the increase in terrorist activity that has followed the September 11, 2001 attacks. Significant local fallout would result if the devices were detonated close to the ground.


* [ Brochure]
* [ Biohazard News]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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