

Lasa can refer to:

* Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa, German chess master.
* In Etruscan mythology, the Lasas were gods and goddesses who accompanied Turan, the goddess of love.
* Lasa (France) is a small village in the province of Basse-Navarre, in the South part of France.
* Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region of People's Republic of China.
* Lasa, the Italian name for Laas, a commune in Italy.
* Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School of Austin, Texas is an advanced program magnet school admitting select students from the Austin Independent School District.
* Mikel Lasa (born 1971), Spanish football (soccer) player.
* Lasa, Paphos a village in Paphos District,Cyprus.

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