

Endeis in Greek mythology was the wife of Aeacus and mother of Telamon and Peleus. Endeis was the daughter of either the Centaur Chiron and the nymph Chariclo, or of Sciron of Megara. In the latter case her mother was either Chariclo or a daughter of Pandion of Athens. Endeis hated her stepson Phocus (Aeacus' son by the Nereid Psamathe) and wished he were dead. It is also thought that Telamon and Peleus were jealous of Phocus because he excelled at athletic sports. In either case they drew lots and Telamon was chosen to murder Phocus, his half brother. This was done in a ruse at the pentathlon which they convinced Phocus to participate in. In the sport Telamon threw a discus that was a large stone. It was thrown to look like part of the competition and just an accident, however Teleamon intentionally threw it at Phocus. The projectile hit its target, killing Phocus. Both Telamon and Peleus hid the body of Phocus, but it was soon discovered. For this Aeacus exiled them both from Aegina. [ [http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Peleus.html Greek Mythology Link (Carlos Parada) - Peleus] ]



*M. Grant and J. Hazel. "Who's Who in Classical Mythology". David McKay & Co. Inc, 1979.

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