Other Ranks

Other Ranks

Other Ranks (ORs) in the British Army, Royal Marines and Royal Air Force (and in the armies and air forces of many other Commonwealth countries) are those personnel who are not commissioned officers. In the Royal Navy, these personnel are called ratings. Non-commissioned member is the equivalent term for the Canadian Forces.

The term is sometimes considered to exclude Warrant Officers and occasionally also excludes non-commissioned officers (NCOs).[citation needed]

British India

In British India, a distinction was made between British Other Ranks (BORs) and Indian Other Ranks (IORs).

Comparative ranks

NATO Code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
United Kingdom British Army
UK Army OR9b.png UK Army OR9a.png UK Army OR8b.png UK Army OR8a.png UK Army OR7.png UK Army OR6.png No
UK Army OR4.png UK Army OR3.png No
(Warrant Officer Class One)
Warrant Officer Class One Warrant Officer Class Two Staff Sergeant /
Colour Sergeant
Sergeant Corporal /
Lance-Corporal /
(or equivalent)
Abbreviation Cdr WO1 WO2 S/Sgt
Sgt Cpl L/Cpl Pte
United Kingdom Royal Air Force
(United Kingdom)
RAF-Warrant Officer-OR-9.png
RAF-Master Aircrew-OR-9.png
No Equivalent RAF-Flt Sgt-OR-7.png
RAF-Flt Sgt AC-OR-7.png
RAF-Chf Tch-OR-7.png RAF-Sgt-OR-6.png
RAF-Sgt AC-OR-6.png
RAF-Cpl-OR-4.png RAF-Ln Cpl-OR-7.png RAF-SAC Tech-OR-2.png RAF-SAC-OR-2.png RAF-LAC-OR-2.png No Insignia
Warrant Officer
Master Aircrew
Flight Sergeant
Flight Sergeant Aircrew
Chief Technician Sergeant
Sergeant Aircrew
Corporal Lance Corporal
RAF Regiment Only
Senior Aircraftman Technician Senior Aircraftman (or Aircraftwoman) Leading Aircraftman (or Aircraftwoman) Aircraftman (or Aircraftwoman)
Abbreviation WO MAcr FS Chf Tech Sgt Cpl LCpl SAC(T) SAC LAC AC
United Kingdom Royal Navy (United Kingdom) No Equivalent No Equivalent OR2 RN Able Rate.gif No Equivalent
Warrant Officer Class 1 Warrant Officer Class 2 Chief Petty Officer Petty Officer Leading Rate Able Rate Ordinary Rate
Abbreviation WO1 WO2 CPO PO LH AB ORD

See also