Journal of Materials Chemistry

Journal of Materials Chemistry

Infobox Journal

discipline = Materials Science
abbreviation = J. Mater. Chem
website =
publisher = Royal Society of Chemistry
country = United Kingdom
history = 1991 to present
ISSN = 0959-9428
eISSN = 1364-5501

"Journal of Materials Chemistry" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing original (primary) research and review articles on the applications, properties and synthesis of exciting new materials. "Journal of Materials Chemistry" is published weekly by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The editor of "Journal of Materials Chemistry" is Dr Carol Stanier and the present chairman of the Editorial Board is Maurizio Prato, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Trieste, Italy. The Editorial Board comprises leading international scientists who meet regularly to discuss all scientific matters concerned with the Journal; in particular the standards necessary for the acceptance of papers for publication, the standards of refereeing, and ways and means of acquiring suitable papers for publication.

"Journal of Materials Chemistry" has an impact factor of 4.339. [ Journal Citation Reports, June 2008 ]

Significant and newsworthy articles appearing in "Journal of Materials Chemistry" are also featured in the RSC supplements "Chemical Science", "Chemical Technology" and "Chemical Biology". "Journal of Materials Chemistry" hosts the two RSC publications, "Chemical Technology" and "Chemical Science".

ubject coverage

;"Journal of Materials Chemistry" publishes articles on the following topics:

*Inorganic: ceramics; layered materials; microporous solids and zeolites; silicates and synthetic minerals; biogenic minerals; nanomaterials; bio-related materials; organometallic precursors for thin films/ceramics

*Organic: novel molecular solids and synthetic polymers with materials applications; polymer composites; biopolymers; biocompatible and biodegradable polymers; liquid crystals (both lyotropic and thermotropic); Langmuir-Blodgett films and self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), nanomaterials, biomaterials

*Electrical properties of materials: semi-, metallic and super-conductivity; ionic conductivity; mixed ionic/electronic conductivity; ferro-, pyro- and piezo-electricity; electroceramics; dielectrics

*Optical properties of materials: luminescence, phosphorescence, laser action; non-linear optical effects; photoconductivity; photo- and electro-chromism, resists, glasses, amorphous semiconductors; optical modulation and switching

*Magnetic properties of materials: ferro-, ferri- and antiferro-magnetism, spin glass behaviour, organic magnetism, magnetic bubbles and information storag

*Chemical properties of materials: ion exchange, molecular separation, catalytic action, sensor action, topochemical control of reactions

*Structural properties: structural ceramics, refractories, hard materials, protective coatings, composites, adhesives, prosthetic applications

*Thermodynamic properties and phase behaviour

Article types

"Journal of Materials Chemistry" publishes the following types of articles: Research Papers (original scientific work that has not been published previously); Communications (original scientific work that has not been published previously and is of an urgent nature); Feature articles (reviews intended to bring the reader up-to-date with research in a particular field, highlighting areas of special excitement and progress); Highlights (short review articles that single out important new developments (a single paper or group of papers) and explain the significance of the work to a broad audience) ; and Applications (interdisciplinary review articles covering the applications and properties of a class of materials). Feature articles, Highlights and Applications are written by special invitation of the Editor or Editorial Board only.


Readership of "Journal of Materials Chemistry" is interdisciplinary and includes materials scientists, chemists, physicists, ceramicists, engineers, and metallurgists

ee also

* List of scientific journals in chemistry
* List of scientific journals
* Soft Matter


External links

* [ Journal of Materials Chemistry]
* [ RSC Publishing homepage]

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