AFP may refer to:

In medicine:
* Alpha-fetoprotein, a molecule produced in the developing embryo and fetus
* Acute flaccid paralysis, a clinical manifestation characterized by paralysis and reduced muscle tone
* Antifreeze protein, a class of polypeptides produced by certain vertebrates, plants, fungi, and bacteria

In media:
* Agence France-Presse, a news agency
* American Family Publishing, a magazine subscription company
* Advertiser funded programming, a television funding model
* "American Family Physician", a semimonthly, peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
* "American Free Press", a weekly newspaper

In military and police organizations:
* Armed Forces of the Philippines
* Australian Federal Police

In political organizations:
* America First Party, multiple United States political parties
* Australia First Party, a political party in Australia
* Americans for Prosperity, a Washington D.C.-based political advocacy group

In technology:
* Advanced Function Presentation, an IBM architecture for information presentation control
* Apple Filing Protocol, a network protocol for file services
* AFP-675, a Space Shuttle experiment package
* Advanced Flexible Processor or CYBERPLUS processor, Parallel Processing Systems

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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