

Bender may refer to:


The surname Bender derives from both British and German origin.In England it derives from old Benden or Benbow. In Germany it is a form of Fassbinder or Cooper. It is an occupational name in both English and German forms.

Art, music, film, television and radio

* Aimee Bender, American novelist
* Darren Bender
* David Bender, political activist and host of the radio show "Politically Direct" on Air America Radio
* Dawn Bender (born 1935), American film, stage, and radio actress
* Hank Bender, Irving, Texas-based trucker and syndicated advice columnist
* Hy Bender, author
* Jack Bender, American film and television director
* Lawrence Bender (born 1958), Hollywood movie producer
* Lionel Bender (1934-2008), American expert in Northeast African (especially Ethiopian) languages
* Arik Bender, Israeli journalist. Parliamentry reporter with Maariv daily newspaper.
* Stephen Bender, American actor
* Steve Bender (1946–2006), German musician and record producer, formerly of the group Dschinghis Khan
* Ted Bender (born 1925)
* Tim Bender, American drummer for the hardcore punk band, Death by Stereo

Military and politics

* Austin Letheridge Bender, mayor of Chattanooga, Tennessee from 1969 to 1971
* Birgitt Bender (born 1956), German politician
* Brian Bender
* Chester R. Bender (1914–1996), fourteenth Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
* Kate Raphael Bender, American Jewish lesbian peace activist
* Riley A. Bender, Republican presidential candidate
* Ryszard Bender, Polish nationalist author and politician


* Carl M. Bender, Professor of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis
* George H. Bender (born 1896–1961), Republican politician
* Hans Bender (1907–1991), German lecturer on the subject of parapsychology
* Harold S. Bender (1897–1962), professor of theology at Goshen College and Goshen Biblical Seminary
* Lauretta Bender, child neuropsychiatrist, developer of the Bender-Gestalt Test
* Margaret Bender, American anthropologist
* Mark Bender Gerstein, American physical and biological scientist
* Tom Bender


* Bob Bender (born 1958)
* Chief Bender (1884–1954), (actually Charles Albert Bender) Hall of Fame U.S. baseball pitcher of the early 20th century
* Gary Bender, American sportscaster
* Jacob Bender (born 1985), NFL offensive tackle
* Jakob Bender (1910–1981), German footballer
* John R. Bender, college football and basketball coach
* Jonathan Bender (born 1981), former NBA player
* Lars Bender, German footballer, twin brother of Sven Bender
* Manfred Bender (born 1966), German football player and coach
* Sven Bender, German footballer, twin brother of Lars Bender
* Todd Bender


* Jason Bender, computer game designer
* Jo Bender, Minnesota-based beauty queen
* Levi Yitzchok Bender (1897–1989), rabbi and leader of the Breslov community in both Uman and Jerusalem
* Steven Bender, serial entrepreneur
* Walter Bender, president of One Laptop Per Child Software and Content


* Bender (Futurama), a character on "Futurama"
* Elaine Bender, detective from "Blue Murder"
* John Bender (character), a character from "The Breakfast Club" played by Judd Nelson
* Ostap Bender, a fictional antihero by Ilf and Petrov
* Sally Bender Hyde, film character played by Jane Fonda in "Coming Home" (1978)
* An Airbender, Waterbender, Firebender, or Earthbender off of the fictional Nickelodeon series ""


* Bendery (also known as "Tighina" or "Bender") fourth-largest city in Moldova, controlled by Transnistria
* Bender Arena, a multi-purpose arena in Washington, D.C.
* Bender Hamlet, a Baron Maurice de Hirsch sponsored Jewish farm colony in the interlake region of Manitoba, Canada
* Bender Qassim International Airport


* B-Bender, a guitar accessory that allows the player to change the pitch of one or more strings 'on the fly'
* Bending brake, a sheet metal bender machine
* Bender tent, a type of makeshift shelter made using bended tree branches
* "Mind Bender", a steel roller coaster located at Six Flags Over Georgia near Atlanta, Georgia


* An expression for a Binge drinking spree, referring to the act of bending over to vomit, or now used also for going on a legal or illegal binge drug spree, such as large use of cocaine or heroin in short amount of time.
* Former British slang for a sixpence
* A derogatory British slang for a male homosexual, derived from the practice of bending over to permit buggery.
* An expression used in hockey for a player who can't skate, as his ankles cave or bend in.


* Bender (band)
* FC Dinamo Bender, a Moldovan football club based in Bendery (also known as "Tighina" or "Bender")
* Gardner Bender, a manufacturer of professional electrician's tools and supplies

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  • Bender [3] — Bender, 1) Johann Blasius, Freiherr von, österreich. Feldmarschall, geb. 1713 zu Gengenbach in Schwaben, gest. 20. Nov. 1798 in Prag, trat 1733 in österreichische Kriegsdienste, kämpfte unter Prinz Eugen in den Türkenkriegen, im ersten… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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