Bona Fide

Bona Fide

Infobox Album |
Name = Bona Fide
Type = Studio Album
Artist = Wishbone Ash

Released = May 21, 2002
Genre = Rock
Producer = Andy Powell
Reviews =
*Allmusic (Not rated) [ Link]
Last album = "Live Dates 3"
This album = "Bona Fide"
Next album = ""

"Bona Fide" is a studio album from rock band Wishbone Ash. It is the first studio album in six years (since 1996's "Illuminations") and is the only studio album to feature guitarist Ben Granfelt. The band began on a two-year, worldwide tour in support of the album beginning in 2002.

Track listing

#"Almighty Blues"
#"Faith, Hope and Love"
#"Ancient Remedy"
#"Changing Tracks"
#"Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda"
#"Bona Fide"
#"Difference in Time"
#"Come Rain, Come Shine"


*Andy Powell - guitar, vocals
*Ben Granfelt - guitar
*Bob Skeat - bass
*Ray Weston - drums

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  • bona fide — bo·na fide / bō nə ˌfīd, bä nə ; ˌbō nə fī dē, fī də/ adj [Latin, in good faith] 1 a: characterized by good faith and lack of fraud or deceit a bona fide offer b: valid under or in compliance with the law retirement incentives made part of a bona …   Law dictionary

  • bona fide — bona fide, bona fides 1. Bona fide is an adjectival and (now rarely) adverbial phrase meaning ‘in good faith’ and hence ‘genuine(ly)’ (a bona fide tourist); bona fides is a noun phrase meaning ‘good faith’ and hence ‘honest intention’. Bona fides …   Modern English usage

  • Bona fide — Bo na fi de [L.] In or with good faith; without fraud or deceit; real or really; actual or actually; genuine or genuinely; as, you must proceed bona fide; a bona fide purchaser or transaction. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bona fide — [bō′nə fīd΄, bän′əfīd΄; bō΄nə fī′dē] adj., adv. [L] 1. in good faith; made or done without fraud or deceit [a bona fide offer to negotiate] 2. genuine; real [a bona fide Chippendale chair] SYN. AUTHENTIC …   English World dictionary

  • bona fide — (izg. bȍna fȉde) pril. DEFINICIJA pravn. u dobroj vjeri, pošteno, bez zlih misli; dobronamjerno, opr. mala fide ETIMOLOGIJA lat …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • BONA FIDE —         (лат.) заслуживающий доверия. Философский энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия. Гл. редакция: Л. Ф. Ильичёв, П. Н. Федосеев, С. М. Ковалёв, В. Г. Панов. 1983. BONA FIDE …   Философская энциклопедия

  • bona fide — 1540s, Latin, lit. in good faith, ablative of bona fides good faith (see FAITH (Cf. faith)). Originally used as an adverb, later (18c.) also as an adjective. The opposite is mala fide …   Etymology dictionary

  • bona fide — лат. (бона фиде) букв. «по доброй вере»; чистосердечно, вполне искренне; честно, добросовестно. Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина. М: Русский язык, 1998 …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

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