Theta representation

Theta representation

In mathematics, the theta representation is a particular representation of the Heisenberg group of quantum mechanics. It gains its name from the fact that the Jacobi theta function is invariant under the action of a discrete subgroup of the Heisenberg group. The representation was popularized by David Mumford.


The theta representation is a representation of the continuous Heisenberg group H_3(mathbb{R}) over the field of the real numbers. In this representation, the group elements act on a particular Hilbert space. The construction below proceeds first by defining operators that correspond to the Heisenberg group generators. Next, the Hilbert space on which these act is defined, followed by a demonstration of the isomorphism to the usual representations.

Group generators

Let "f"("z") be a holomorphic function, let "a" and "b" be real numbers, and let au be fixed, but arbitrary complex number in the upper half-plane; that is, so that the imaginary part of au is positive. Define the operators "S""a" and "T""b" such that they act on holomorphic functions as

:(S_a f)(z) = f(z+a)


:(T_b f)(z) = exp (ipi b^2 au +2pi ibz) f(z+b au).

It can be seen that each operator generates a one-parameter subgroup:

:S_{a_1} (S_{a_2} f) = (S_{a_1} circ S_{a_2}) f = S_{a_1+a_2} f


:T_{b_1} (T_{b_2} f) = (T_{b_1} circ T_{b_2}) f = T_{b_1+b_2} f,

However, "S" and "T" do not commute:

:S_a circ T_b = exp (2pi iab) ; T_b circ S_a.

Thus we see that "S" and "T" together with a unitary phase form a nilpotent Lie group, the (continuous real) Heisenberg group, parametrizable as H=U(1) imesmathbb{R} imesmathbb{R} where U(1) is the unitary group. A general group element U_ au(lambda,a,b)in H then acts on a holomorphic function "f"("z") as

:U_ au(lambda,a,b);f(z)=lambda (S_a circ T_b f)(z) = lambda exp (ipi b^2 au +2pi ibz) f(z+a+b au)

where lambda in U(1). "U"(1) = Z("H") is the center of H, the commutator subgroup ["H", "H"] . The parameter au on U_ au(lambda,a,b) serves only to remind that every different value of au gives rise to a different representation of the action of the group.

Hilbert space

The action of the group elements U_ au(lambda,a,b) is unitary and irreducible on a certain Hilbert space of functions. For a fixed value of τ, define a norm on entire functions of the complex plane as

:Vert f Vert_ au ^2 = int_{mathbb{Cexp left( frac {-2pi y^2} {Im au} ight) |f(x+iy)|^2 dx dy.

Here, Im au is the imaginary part of au and the domain of integration is the entire complex plane. Let mathcal{H}_ au be the set of entire functions "f" with finite norm. The subscript au is used only to indicate that the space depends on the choice of parameter au. This mathcal{H}_ au forms a Hilbert space. The action of U_ au(lambda,a,b) given above is unitary on mathcal{H}_ au, that is, U_ au(lambda,a,b) preserves the norm on this space. Finally, the action of U_ au(lambda,a,b) on mathcal{H}_ au is irreducible.


The above "theta representation" of the Heisenberg group is isomorphic to the canonical Weyl representation of the Heisenberg group. In particular, this implies that mathcal{H}_ au and L2(R) are isomorphic as "H"-modules. Let

: operatorname{M}(a,b,c) = egin{bmatrix} 1 & a & c \ 0 & 1 & b \ 0 & 0 & 1 end{bmatrix}

stand for a general group element of H_3(mathbb{R}). In the canonical Weyl representation, for every real number "h", there is a representation ho_h acting on L2(R) as : ho_h(M(a,b,c));psi(x)= exp (ibx+ihc) psi(x+ha) for xinmathbb{R} and psiin L^2(mathbb{R}).

Here, "h" is Planck's constant. Each such representation is unitarily inequivalent. The corresponding theta representation is:

:M(a,0,0) o S_{ah}:M(0,b,0) o T_{b/2pi}:M(0,0,c) o e^{ihc}

Discrete subgroup

Define the subgroup Gamma_ ausubset H_ au as

:Gamma_ au = { U_ au(1,a,b) in H_ au : a,b in mathbb{Z} }.

The Jacobi theta function is defined as

:vartheta(z; au) = sum_{n=-infty}^infty exp (pi i n^2 au + 2 pi i n z).

It is an entire function of "z" that is invariant under Gamma_ au. This follows from the properties of the theta function:

:vartheta(z+1; au) = vartheta(z; au)


:vartheta(z+a+b au; au) = exp(-pi i b^2 au -2 pi i b z)vartheta(z; au)

when "a" and "b" are integers. It can be shown that the Jacobi theta is the unique such function.


* David Mumford, "Tata Lectures on Theta I" (1983), Birkhauser, Boston ISBN 3-7643-3109-7

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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