

Autotype is a function in some computer applications or programs, typically those containing forms, which fills in a field once you have typed in the first few letters. Most of the time, such as in Internet Explorer, the entries that appear in the list depend on the form's name, so as to not propose street names in a last name field or vice-versa.

*"See: AutoComplete"
*"Compare: Autofill"

Autotype can also refer to automatically determining a peripheral's configuration or a program's variables.

Autotype is defined as a 'true representation of the original' (see O.E.D). The term autotype was coined in the late 19th century and referred to a process for making photographic prints using a carbon process. Many autotype prints were produced and the process was popular well into the 20th century, particularly since autotype prints are very long lasting (it is said that an autotype could last up to 500 years without fading). Autotype may also refer to halftone printing.

External links

* [,2542,t=autotype&i=38283,00.asp PCMag Encyclopedia entry]
* [ History of Autotype]

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  • Autotype — Au to*type, n. [Auto + type: cf. F. autotype.] 1. A facsimile. [1913 Webster] 2. A photographic picture produced in sensitized pigmented gelatin by exposure to light under a negative; and subsequent washing out of the soluble parts; a kind of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • autotype — (entrée créée par le supplément) (ô to ti p ) adj. Terme de photographie. Synonyme d héliographie. •   Série chronologique des monnaies de Syracuse, 1874, in 8°, accompagné de 14 planches exécutées par le procédé autotype, FERD. DELAUNAY Journ.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • autotype — autotypic /aw teuh tip ik/, adj. autotypy /aw teuh tuy pee/, n. /aw teuh tuyp /, n. 1. facsimile (defs. 1, 2). 2. Photog. a. a process for producing permanent prints in a carbon pigment. b. a print made by this process. [1850 55; AUTO 1 + TYPE] * …   Universalium

  • autotype — noun a) A copy or facsimile b) An early form of photograph produced using autotypy …   Wiktionary

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  • autotype — /ˈɔtətaɪp/ (say awtuhtuyp) noun 1. a photographic process for producing prints in black and white. 2. a picture so produced; facsimile. –verb (t) 3. to produce by an autotypic process. –autotypic /ɔtəˈtɪpɪk/ (say awtuh tipik), adjective –autotypy …  

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