Francis Aidan Gasquet

Francis Aidan Gasquet

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Francis Aidan Gasquet, O.S.B. (5 October, 1846 at Somers Town, England – 5 April 1929 in Rome) was an English Benedictine monk and historical scholar.

Educated at Downside School, he entered the Benedictines in 1865 at Belmont Priory. He moved to Downside Abbey where he was professed and, on December 19, 1871, ordained a priest. From 1878 to 1885 he was prior of Downside Abbey, resigning because of ill health.

Upon his recovery he became a member of the Pontifical Commission to study the validity of the Anglican ordinations (1896) leading to "Apostolicae Curae", to which his historical contribution was major. In 1890, he became abbot president of the English Benedictines. He was President of the Pontifical Commission for Revision of the Vulgate, 1907. He also authored the major history of the Venerable English College at Rome.

He was created Cardinal-deacon in 1914 with the title San Giorgio in Velabro. His title was changed to San Maria in Portico in 1915.

In 1917, he was appointed Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archives. In 1924, he was appointed Librarian of the Vatican Library and elevated to Cardinal Priest of San Maria in Portico.


* "Henry VIII and the English Monasteries." 1899.
* "The eve of the Reformation; studies in the religious life and thought of the English people in the period preceding the rejection of the Roman jurisdiction by Henry VIII." 1900
* "English Monastic Life." 1904
* "The Last Abbot of Glastonbury and Other Essays",1908


*Leslie, Shane. "Cardinal Gasquet, A Memoir." London: Burns, Oates, 1953.
*Knowles, David. "Cardinal Gasquet As an Historian." London: Univ. of London: Athlone Press, 1957.
*Jacob, E. F., Lewis Bernstein Namier, Theodore Frank Thomas Plucknett, Hugh Hale Bellot, W. K. Hancock, David Knowles, and John Goronwy Edwards. "The Creighton Lectures, 1951-57." London: University of London, Athlone Press, 1952.

External links

* [ Schaff-Herzog entry]
* [ Catholic Hierarch Entry]

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