- Robert Higgs
school_tradition =Austrian School
color = #B0C4DE
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name = Robert Higgs
birth = 1 February 1944
death =
nationality =United States
field =Economic history ,political economy , natural resource economics,health economics , military economics
influences =Simon Kuznets ,Douglass C. North ,Ronald Coase ,Joseph Schumpeter ,Ludwig von Mises ,F.A. Hayek ,Murray Rothbard
opposed =
influenced =
contributions =Robert Higgs (born
1 February 1944 ) is an American economist of theAustrian School . His writings in economics and economic history have most often focused on the causes, means, and effects of government growth.Participation in academia
Higgs graduated "
cum laude " fromSan Francisco State College with aBachelor of Arts in economics (1965). He received hisPh.D. with Distinction in economics fromJohns Hopkins University in 1968.He is a Senior Fellow in
Political Economy at theIndependent Institute (since September 1994), and is editor of "Independent Review " (since 1995)."Senior Fellow Robert Higgs." "Independent.org". Independent Institute. [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=489] ] He is an adjunct faculty member of theLudwig von Mises Institute ["Faculty and Staff." "Mises.org". Ludwig von Mises Institute. [http://mises.org/faculty.aspx] ] and is an adjunct scholar at theCato Institute . ["Robert Higgs." "Cato.org". Cato Institute. [http://www.cato.org/people/robert-higgs] ] Higgs is also a contributor toLewRockwell.com . ["Robert Higgs: Archives." "LewRockwell.com" [http://www.lewrockwell.com/higgs/higgs-arch.html] ] His areas of special interest include defense economics, natural resource economics, theFood and Drug Administration (FDA) and health care issues, government growth,property rights ,race relations , andwar .Higgs has held teaching positions at
University of Washington ,Lafayette College , andSeattle University . He has also been a visiting scholar atOxford University andStanford University . Higgs held a visiting professorship at theUniversity of Economics, Prague in 2006, and has superviseddissertation s in the Ph.D. program atUniversidad Francisco Marroquín . [Cole, Julio. "World Economic Growth, 1980-1999:A Growth-Regression Approach". p. 9. September 2003. [http://fce.ufm.edu/Catedraticos/jhcole/TesisDoctoral.htm] ] He also belongs to theLiberty and Power group blog at theHistory News Network .Higgs currently resides in
Covington, Louisiana .The Ratchet Effect
One significant contribution by Higgs is his description of what he refers to in "Crisis and Leviathan" and elsewhere as the "
ratchet effect ." According to Higgs, government tends to grow at a fairly regular rate under normal circumstances. When a crisis such as war oreconomic depression arises, however, government expands at a far more rapid pace in response. Then, when the crisis subsides, the size of government is reduced, but not to the pre-crisis levels. Thus, crises "ratchet up" the size of government at a rate greater than would otherwise be the case.Daniel McCarthy praised Higgs and summarized his ratchet effect theory in a review of "Against Leviathan" that appeared in "
The American Conservative ". In the review, McCarthy remarked that,:"What made "Crisis and Leviathan" a milestone was the rigor with which it elaborated upon the logic ofJames Madison ’s 1794 warning against "the old trick of turning every contingency into a resource for accumulating force in government." Other political economists had studied the growth of state power during times of war, depression, and general upheaval before, but none had done so as thoughtfully and thoroughly as Higgs. He took special care in describing the "ratchet effect"—once a crisis has passed state power usually recedes again, but it rarely returns to its original levels; thus each emergency leaves the scope of government at least a little wider than before." [McCarthy, Daniel. "Enemy of the State." "The American Conservative". 9 May 2005. [http://www.amconmag.com/2005_05_09/article1.html] ]Jörg Guido Hülsmann , [Hülsmann, Jörg Guido. "Legal Tender Laws and Fractional Reserve Banking." "Journal of Libertarian Studies". Summer 2004. [http://wew.mises.org/journals/jls/18_3/18_3_3.pdf] ]Joseph Salerno , [Salerno, Joseph. "The Place of Mises' "Human Action" in the Development of Modern Economic Thought." "Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics". Vol. 2, No. 1. [http://www.mises.org/journals/qjae/pdf/qjae2_1_3.pdf] ]Lew Rockwell , [Rockwell, Llewellyn H. Jr. "What Not To Do." "Mises.org". 14 September 2001. [http://mises.org/story/780] ] and other scholars have discussed the Higgs Ratchet Effect in their writings.The Iraq War
A vehement critic of the
Iraq war , Higgs wrote in the "Los Angeles Chronicle" in February 2008 that only a high toll in casualties or economic hardship will end the Iraqi war, not cogent arguments. Higgs continued::"It follows directly that up to this point the continued prosecution of the war has served the leaders´ interests. They may say they are trying to end the war. They may have secured their election or reelection, as many of the Democrats now serving in Congress have, by promising to do whatever they can to end the war. Yet the truth is that they´ve sold the public a bill of goods. When the leaders have considered all the personal consequences they expect to follow from acting to end the war, they have concluded that, all things being considered, doing so does not serve their interest, and therefore they have refrained from doing so." [Higgs, Robert. "The War in Iraq: 1,760 Days and Counting." "Los Angeles Chronicle". 5 February 2008. [http://www.lachronicle.com/articles/51428] ]
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Social Security
Higgs's 10 September 2008 article, "Ticking Time Bomb Explodes, Public Is Shocked," stated that :" [t] he failure of
Fannie Mae andFreddie Mac , setting in motion the biggest government bailout/takeover in U.S. history, brings a grim sense of fulfillment to competent economists.... Our political economy is rife with such catastrophes in waiting, yet the public always seems startled, and outraged, when the day of reckoning can no longer be deferred, and another apartment collapses in the state’s Hotel of Impossible Promises, loading onto the taxpayers more visibly the burden of sheltering the previous occupants.... Call it democracy in action or utterly corrupt governance; they are the same thing." ["Ticking Time Bomb Explodes, Public Is Shocked." Independent Institute. 10 September 2008. [http://www.independent.org/blog/?p=186] ]The article was praised and quoted on-air by several talk radio personalities, with WBEN Buffalo's Tom Bauerle stating that it was one of his favorite "all-time articles." [The Rush Limbaugh Show. Episode aired 15 September 2008.] [The Tom Bauerle Show. Episode aired 17 September 2008. [http://www.wben.com/Tom-Bauerle-Show/2575150] ]
As author:
*"The Transformation of the American Economy, 1865-1914" (1971)
*"Competition and Coercion: Blacks in the American Economy, 1865-1914" (1977; paperback edition 1980) Nominated for theAmerican Historical Association 'sBeveridge Award
*"Crisis and Leviathan : Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government" (1987)
*"Against Leviathan: Government Power and a Free Society" (2004)
*"Resurgence of the Warfare State: The Crisis Since 9/11" (2005)
*"Depression, War and Cold War: Studies in Political Economy" (2006)
*"Politická ekonomie strachu" ("The Political Economy of Fear") (Czech language ; 2006)
*"Neither Liberty Nor Safety: Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government" (2007)
*"Relentless Warfare State: The Enduring Emergency and Its Perpetrators" (forthcoming, 2009)As editor:
*"Emergence of the Modern Political Economy" (1985)
*"Arms, Politics, and the Economy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" (1990)
*"Hazardous to Our Health? FDA Regulation of Health Care Products" (1995)
*"Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy" with Carl P. Close (2005)
*"The Challenge of Liberty: Classical Liberalism Today" with Carl P. Close (2006)
*"Opposing the Crusader State: Alternatives to Global Interventionism" with Carl P. Close (2007)Notes
External links
* [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=489 Independent Institute biography]
* [http://www.libertyandpower.com Liberty and Power Group Blog] .
* [http://www.lewrockwell.com/higgs/higgs-arch.html LewRockwell.com archive]
* [http://www.mises.org/articles.aspx?author=Higgs Mises.org archive]
* [http://www.losangeleschronicle.com/articles/51428 Los Angeles Chronicle]
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