List of The Belgariad locations

List of The Belgariad locations

This is a list of The Belgariad locations including natural features, such as deserts and islands, as well as man-made features, such as roads and cities.


Natural features


  • Great Desert of Araga
  • Wasteland of Murgos


  • Arendish Forest
  • Jungles of Gandahar
  • Great Southern Forest
  • Forest of Nadrak
  • Jungles of the Snake People
  • North Woods
  • Forest of Vordue
  • Wood of the Dryads


  • an unnamed archipelago forms a land bridge between Gar og Nadrak and Mallorea
  • Isle of the Winds
  • Turim Reef
  • Isle of Verkat


Perivor is an island district located in the Dalasian Protectorates, lying in the Eastern Sea to the southwest of the eastern continent and east from the Turim Reef. Originally occupied by Dals, it was discovered by Mimbrates some centuries ago when their ship wrecked there. The Dals took on some of the feudal societal elements of Mimbrates, but serfdom was abolished, possibly because of their mixed heritage.


Melcena may mean several things. It may refer to the whole of the Melcene Empire, the largest island in the Melcene Islands archipelago, or the capital city of the empire which is on that island. Melcena is on the east coast of the eastern continent. People from Melcena are known as Melcenes and are, in general, very urbane and cultured, and not given much to religious concerns. Melcena is one of the two principal players in a confederation that forms the current Mallorean Empire. One of Aldur's disciples, Belmakor, was a Melcene. He was described as an urbane, civilised man, who argued extensively over philosophy with Beldin, before committing suicide with sorcery. Melcena is the only place Silk uses his title Prince Kheldar.

Lakes and swamps

  • Lake Atun
  • Lake Cthaka
  • Lake Erat
  • Lake Hagga
  • Lake Karanda
  • Mrin Marsh, alternatively called Aldurfens, or simply "the fens"
  • Lake Penn Daka
  • Tarn of Cthok


  • Kahsha
  • Prolgu
  • The Eastern Escarpment


Kell is a city located near or on the mountain of the same name in the fictional universe of David Eddings' Belgariad. This mountain is reputed to be the highest in its world. It lies in the province of Likandia, a protectorate of the Mallorean Empire located on the eastern continent. Kell is the holy and capital city of the society known as Dalasia, and is where the society's seers, necromancers, and diviners dwell. It is divided into several smaller communities according to the specialities of the people. Kell is permeated by a hive mind or noosphere that contains the memories of every Dal that has ever lived and the thoughts of all Dals living, providing constant communication, allowing immense feats of magic, and possibly imposing harmony on the whole ethnicity. This continuum emits a constant vibration audible only to natives and to users of the Will and the Word, the chief magical discipline practiced in the story.


  • Aldur River
  • River Araga
  • River Arend
  • Astur River
  • River Borgasa, the border between Nyissa and Cthol Murgos
  • River Camaar, part of the border between Sendaria and Arendia
  • River Cthaka
  • River Cthrog
  • River Cordu(border of Mishrac Ac Thull/ Gar Og Nadrak)
  • River Hagga
  • River Jenn
  • River Magan
  • River Mardu
  • Mrin River
  • Nedrane River
  • River of the Serpent
  • Raku River
  • Taur River
  • River of Veils
  • River of the Woods, the border between Tolnedra and Nyissa, flowing through the Wood of the Dryads

Seas, bays, gulfs, and straits

  • Great Western Sea
    • Gulf of Cherek
      • Cherek Bore, location of a hazard known as the Great Maelstrom
    • Gorand Sea
    • Gulf of Urga
    • Sea of the Winds, the part of the Western Sea north of the hook of Arendia, southeast of the Cherek peninsula, and west of Riva
  • Sea of the East

Vale of Aldur

The Vale is an area holy to the God Aldur containing the towers and living spaces of his disciples, including Beltira and Belkira, Beldin, Belgarath, and lately Polgara and Durnik. It is located at the southern end of the Algarian plain. Originally, before their deaths, the characters Belsambar and Belmakor also lived in the Vale, and the books imply but do not state outright that their ruined towers persist to the present day. Another previous inhabitant of the Vale is the apostate Zedar, however some time after switching allegiance to Torak he left and did not return. Also contained in the vale is the abandoned tower of Aldur himself. The vale is bordered on Algaria, where near the border, lived Poledra. In a map of the vale the towers are varying distances from Aldurs tower, maybe depending on his most beloved or their importance in the story. In the center of the Vale is a tree called The Tree, where Polgara received instructions from her mother and the tree. Belgarath, Eriond and Garion all visit the tree, who teaches them about time. Out of "politeness to neighbours", when the sorcerers change shape, they do not hunt in the vale.

Political and man-made features

Countries and cities

  • Aloria, which split into:
    • Algaria
      1. Aldurford
      2. The Stronghold
    • Cherek, a nation located in the Cherek peninsula west of Drasnia and north of Sendaria
      1. Emlain
      2. Halberg
      3. Jarviksholm
      4. Maelorg
      5. Trellheim
      6. Trollgard (Iron Mines)
      7. Val Alorn(Capital)
    • Drasnia, a nation located north of Algaria and west of Gar og Nadrak
      1. Boktor(Capital)
      2. Kotu
      3. Rheon
    • Riva, a mountainous kingdom which is only accessible at the River of Veils on the eastern side of the Isle of the Winds
      1. Riva(Capital)
  • Arendia, the country of the people of the god Chaldan composed of two (previously four) grand duchies:
    • Asturia
      1. Wildantor
      2. Vo Astur
      3. Vo Enderia
      4. Vo Serin
    • Erat, which largely became Sendaria during a civil war
    • Mimbre, a region peopled with armored knights and their ladies, all of whom speak in an archaic form (lots of "thee"s and "thou"s), very much reminiscent of Arthurian legend
      1. Vo Ebor
      2. Vo Kriederin
      3. Vo Mallerin
      4. Vo Mandor
      5. Vo Mimbre(Capital)
    • Wacune, largely vanquished by Asturia, some areas merged with Erat to become Sendaria
      1. Vo Wacune
  • Cthol Murgos, a country bordered on the east by the Sea of the East and administered by the military by district:
    • Araga
      1. Kahsha
      2. Rak Araga
    • Cthaka
      1. Rak Cthaka
    • Cthan
      1. Rak Cthan
    • Gorut
      1. Rak Gorut
    • Goska
      1. Rak Cthol
      2. Rak Goska
    • Hagga
      1. Rak Hagga
    • Morcth
      1. Rak Morcth
    • Urga
      1. Rak Urga
    • Verkat
      1. an unnamed village
      2. Rak Verkat
  • Gar og Nadrak, an Angarak nation
    1. Yar Gurak
    2. Yar Marak
    3. Yar Nadrak(Capital)
    4. Yar Turak
  • Mallorean Empire, an alliance of two great powers, and their subject nations:
    • Mallorea proper, the eastern continent of the Eddings' world
      1. Cthol Mishrak, the ancestral home of the Angaraks situated in a marshy area in extreme North-Western Mallorea close to the coast and the land bridge to Gar og Nadrak
      2. Mal Camat
      3. Mal Gemila
      4. Mal Yaska
      5. Mal Zeth(Capital)
    • Melcene Empire, with six provinces:
      • Celanta
      • Darshiva
      • Gandahar
      • Melcena
        1. Melcene(Capital)
      • Peldane
      • Rengel
    • Dalasia, nominally subject to Mallorea but fairly autonomous
      1. Dal Zerba
      • Likandia
        1. Kell
      • Perivor
        1. Dal Perivor
        2. Vo Astellig
    • Karanda, composed of seven petty kingdoms which are vassal states to the Mallorean Emperor:
      • Delchin
        1. Ushad
      • Ganesia
      • Jenno
        1. Calida
        2. Jenn
        3. Torpakan
      • Katakor
        1. Akkad
        2. Ashaba
        3. Bakan
        4. Kordaku
      • Pallia
        1. Dorikan
        2. Penn Daka
        3. Rakand
      • Voresbo
      • Zamad
  • Mishrak ac Thull
    1. Thull Mardu(Capital)
    2. Thull Zelik
  • Nyissa, the smallest of the countries of the West
    1. Sthiss Tor(Capital)
  • Sendaria, the land of the Sendar people
    1. Camaar
    2. Darine
    3. Erat
    4. Medalia
    5. Muros
    6. Seline
    7. Sendar(Capital)
    8. Sulturn
    9. Upper Gralt
  • Tolnedra, an empire in the West named after the god Nedra
    1. Anadile
    2. Dravor
    3. Tol Borune
    4. Tol Honeth(Capital)
    5. Tol Horb
    6. Tol Marin
    7. Tol Rane
    8. Tol Vordue
    9. Valdet
    • Maragor, the land of an extinct people called the Marags, conquered and annexed after a genocidal war
      1. Mar Amon(Capital)
      2. Mar Terrin, on the border with Tolnedra, site of a monastery where monks do penance to assuage the nation's guilt
  • Ulgoland
    1. Prolgu(Capital)


  • Great North Road, runs from Muros on the west to Boktor on the east, crossing the Aldur River at Aldurford, construction of a causeway was necessary to pass the Mrin Marsh
  • Great West Road, with a southern terminus in Tol Borune, it runs north through Tol Honeth and the Forest of Vordue, crosses the River Arend and skirts the foothills of the mountains of Ulgoland until it enters Sendaria and meets the Great North Road at Muros
  • North Caravan Route, from Boktor on the west to Yar Turak in the east, by way of Yar Nadrak
  • South Caravan Route, begins in the west at Tol Honeth and passes by the northern border of Maragor, through the mountains until it meets the Sea of the East at Rak Goska


The Turim Reef is all that remains of the High Places of Korim, an Angarak holy site in the fictional Belgariad universe of David Eddings. It lies to the southwest of the eastern continent, west of Perivor.

When Torak split the world to create the Sea of the East, the mountains of Korim plunged until only their peaks remained above the new ocean level. Navigating this area by ship can be treacherous, as there are unexpected swirls and tides. A cave on the highest peak is the final resting place of the Sardion, and the site of the ultimate EVENT (known also as the CHOICE) between Light and Dark, where Cyradis of Kell makes her fateful decision.

The confusion of the main characters in the novel is caused by the use of the term "Place Which Is No More" to indicate Korim. The solution lies in the fact that over the thousands of years since Torak cracked the world the name of the reef gradually changed from 'Korim' to 'Turim', so that 'Korim' became no more. This is done in part by the divided prophecies to disguise the place of the meeting so that no one can stumble upon the Sardion. Another defense set in place to stop travelers from entering is the storms created when one approaches the reef, which drive them back out to sea.

Faldor's Farm

Faldor's Farm is located in the earldom of Erat in the country of Sendaria. It is notable for being the childhood home of Garion. Polgara fled here with Garion after Chamdar destroyed Garion's family by setting fire to their house, killing his parents, and sending Polgara off on a fool's errand by mind-controlling his grandmother off a cliff (Chamdar had killed his grandfather some months earlier). The farm is relatively prosperous, employing a goodly number of farmhands, while keeping them and their families well-cared-for. Durnik, later Beldurnik and Polgara first meet here, where Durnik was the blacksmith and Polgara, the cook. As the embodiment of Prophecy observes in the Seeress of Kell, thinking of the farm seems to calm Belgarion. Polgara once wondered if Faldor knew that his cook was receiving the rent his family paid. One notable event there is when Garion nearly drowns. The Grolim Chamdar often visited Garion there. Zubrette, Doroon and Rundorig were Garion's childhood friends, who also lived at the farm. Zubrette and Rundorig later got married and had several children. The owner, Faldor, is a typical Sendar, who is not very good at mathematics (his columns never add up). Just a little way from the farm is where Garion met Silk and Barak, who later become his closest friends.

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