

There are two isomers of propanol. If the isomer is unstated, it is more likely to refer to propan-1-ol.
*Propan-1-ol (or "n"-propanol) — CH3CH2CH2OH
*Propan-2-ol (or isopropyl alcohol, or isopropanol) — (CH3)2CHOH

See also:
* Propanal (propionaldehyde), differing in spelling from propanol by a single letter, a different compound.
* Propranolol which is a much more complex molecule, used for reducing blood pressure and hand-shaking (it's an illegal drug for sport-shooters, just like other beta blockers, but otherwise it's use is legal)


*Propanol was given as the chemical to be manufactured in the contentious chemical plant run by the British Chemical Corp in the 1981 British comedy Yes Minister episode 'The Greasy Pole'. In that episode it was described as being manufactured with "meta"dioxin', not the toxic "dioxin" which caused protests by the constituants of the local Member of Parliament.

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