

Pointillism is a style of painting in which small distinct points of primary colors create the impression of a wide selection of secondary and intermediate colors. __TOC__The technique relies on the perceptive ability of the eye and mind of the viewer to mix the color spots into a fuller range of tones and is related closely to Divisionism, a more technical variant of the method. It is a style with few serious practitioners and is notably seen in the works of Seurat, Signac and Cross. The term Pointillism was first coined by art critics in the late 1880s to ridicule the works of these artists and is now used without its earlier mocking connotation.

The practice of Pointillism is in sharp contrast to the more common methods of blending pigments on a palette or using the many commercially available premixed colors. Pointillism is analogous to the four-color CMYK printing process used by some color printers and large presses, and to a lesser degree to computer monitors and television sets which use tiny dots of primary red, green, and blue to render color.

Neuroplasticity is a key element of observing a pointillistic image. While two individuals will observe the same photons reflecting off a photorealistic image and hitting their retinas, someone whose mind has been primed with the theory of pointillism will "see" a very different image as the image is interpreted in the visual cortex. [cite book
last =Schwartz
first =Jeffrey M.
authorlink =
coauthors = Begley, Sharon
title =The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force
publisher =Harper Perennial
date =2003
location =
pages =p 337
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 0060988479


If red, blue and green light (the additive primaries) are mixed, the result is something close to white light. The brighter effect of pointillist colours could rise from the fact that subtractive mixing is avoided and something closer to the effect of additive mixing is obtained even through pigments.

The painting technique used to perform pointillistic color mixing is at the expense of traditional brushwork which could be used to delineate texture.

Pointillism also refers to a style of 20th-century music composition, used by composers like Anton Webern.

Notable Artists

*Chuck Close
*Henri-Edmond Cross
*John Roy
*Georges-Pierre Seurat
*Paul Signac
*Maximilien Luce
Vincent van Gogh also learned and used Pointillism

ee also

* Stippling
* Circulism
* Color separation


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  • pointillism — 1901, from Fr. pointiller to cover with pointilles, small dots, plural diminutive of point (see POINT (Cf. point) (n.)). Pointillist is attested from 1891 …   Etymology dictionary

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  • pointillism —    A method of painting developed in France in the 1880s in which tiny dots of color are applied to the canvas. When viewed from a distance, the points of color appear to blend together to make other colors and to form shapes and outlines.… …   Glossary of Art Terms

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