

: "For the graphics technique known as Frustum culling, see Hidden surface determination"A frustum [ "frustum" is Latin and means "piece, crumb". The English word is often misspelled as frustrum, probably due to the similarity with the common words "frustrate" and "frustration", also of Latin origin.] (plural: frusta or frustums) is the portion of a solid – normally a cone or pyramid – which lies between two parallel planes cutting the solid.

Elements, special cases, and related concepts

Each plane section is a "base" of the frustum. The "axis" of the frustum, if any, is that of the original cone or pyramid. A frustum is "circular" if it has circular bases; it is "right" if the axis is perpendicular to both bases, and "oblique" otherwise.

Cones and pyramids can be viewed as degenerate cases of frustums, where one of the cutting planes passes through the apex (so that the corresponding base reduces to a point). The pyramidal frusta are a subclass of the prismatoids.

Two frusta joined at their bases make a bifrustum.


The volume of a frustum is the difference between the volume of the cone (or other figure) before slicing the apex off, minus the volume of the cone (or other figure) that was sliced off::V = left | frac{1}{3} h_1 B_1 - frac{1}{3} h_2 B_2 ight |.where h_1 and h_2 are the perpendicular heights from the apex to the planes of the smaller and larger base, B_1, B_2 are the areas of the two bases.

Let h be the height of the frustum, that is, the perpendicular distance between the two planes. Considering that h = left | h_1 - h_2 ight | , and frac{B_1}{h_1^2}=frac{B_2}{h_2^2}, one gets the alternative formula for the volume:V = frac{1}{3} h(B_1+sqrt{B_1 B_2}+B_2)(See Heronian mean.)

In particular, the volume of a circular cone frustum is :V = frac{1}{3} pi h(R_1^2+R_1 R_2+R_2^2) where pi is 3.14159265..., and R_1, R_2 are the radii of the two bases.

Circular Frustum

Using the definitions above, in the case of a circular frustum (or truncated cone), the volume function reduces to::V = frac{pi}{12} h D_1^2 left(1 - left(frac{D_2}{D_1} ight)^2 ight) , where 'D' is the diameter of the respective base.
Equivalently::V = frac{pi}{12} h left(D_1^2 - frac{D_2^2}{D_1/D_2} ight) (Although the former equation can be reduced further, this form is more intuitive.)

Also, the volume ratio can be written as a function of length ratios, or area ratios::frac{V_1}{V_2} = left(frac{D_1}{D_2} ight)^3 = left(frac{R_1}{R_2} ight)^3 = left(frac{h_1}{h_2} ight)^3 = left(frac{B_1}{B_2} ight)^frac{3}{2}.


* An example of a pyramidal frustum may be seen on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, as on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill. The "unfinished pyramid" is surmounted by the "Eye of Providence".
* Certain ancient Native American mounds also form the frustum of a pyramid.
* The John Hancock Center in Chicago, Illinois is a frustum whose bases are rectangles.
* The Washington Monument is a narrow pyramidal frustum (with square bases) with a pyramid attached to the top base.
* In 3D computer graphics, the usable field of view of a virtual photographic or video camera is modeled as a pyramidal frustum, the viewing frustum.


External links

* [ Paper models of frustums (truncated pyramids)]
* [ Paper model of frustum (truncated cone)]

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