

Tunnbröd (literally "thin bread") is the Swedish version of flatbread. Tunnbröd can be soft or crispy, and comes in many variants depending on choice of grain, leavening agent (or lack thereof) and rolling pin. The dough is made from any combination of wheat, barley and rye.

Traditionally, crispy tunnbröd is eaten with Surströmming (fermented herring) and as dopp i grytan (lit. "dip in the pot"), where the bread is soaked in the stock left from cooking the Christmas ham. Crispy tunnbröd differs from knäckebröd in being thinner and more compact, containing fewer air bubbles.

Soft tunnbröd is commonly used as a wrap for other food, not unlike a crêpe or burrito. A popular fast food dish of the Swedish post-war generation was soft tunnbröd rolled around mashed potatoes and a hot dog.

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