

: : |year=1998 |title=The Code of Kings: The Language of Seven Sacred Maya Temples and Tombs |publisher=Scribner |location=New York |pages= |isbn=0-684-80106-X |oclc=37819972: cite journal |author=aut|Šprajc, Ivan |year=2000|title=Astronomical Alignments at Teotihuacan, Mexico|journal=Latin American Antiquity|volume=11|issue=4 |location=Washington, DC |publisher=Society for American Archaeology |doi= |issn=1045-6635 |pages=pp403–415|id= |url=|format=|accessdate=2008-02-07 : cite book |author=aut|Taube, Karl A. |authorlink=Karl Taube |year=2000 |title=The Writing System of Ancient Teotihuacan |url=http://www.mesoweb.com/bearc/caa/01.html |format=PDF |series=Ancient America series #1|location=Barnardsville, NC |publisher=Center for Ancient American Studies |oclc=44992821 : cite book |author=aut|Varela Torrecilla, Carmen |coauthors=and aut|Geoffrey E. Braswell |year=2003 |chapter=Teotihuacan and Oxkintok: New Perspectives from Yucatán |title=The Maya and Teotihuacan: Reinterpreting Early Classic Interaction |editor=Geoffrey E. Braswell (Ed.) |location=Austin |publisher=University of Texas Press |pages=pp.249–272|isbn=0-292-70587-5 |oclc=49936017: cite book |author=aut|Weaver, Muriel Porter | year = 1993 | title = The Aztecs, Maya, and Their Predecessors: Archaeology of Mesoamerica | edition = 3rd ed. | publisher = Academic Press | location = San Diego | isbn =0-012-63999-0: cite paper |author=aut|Webmoor, Timothy |year=2007 |date=2007 |title=Reconfiguring the Archaeological Sensibility: Mediating Heritage at Teotihuacan, Mexico |url=http://humanitieslab.stanford.edu/Teotihuacan/180 |format=online digital publication, in "Symmetrical Archaeology" [2005–, collaboratory directors T. Webmoor and C. Witmore] |version=PhD thesis |publisher=Stanford Humanities Lab/Metamedia, Stanford University |accessdate=2008-06-02

External links

* [http://astro.temple.edu/~dcm/teo.htm Teotihuacan Research Guide] , academic resources and links, maintained by Temple University
* [http://jqjacobs.net/mesoamerica/teotihuacan.html Teotihuacán Photo Gallery] , by James Q. Jacobs
* [http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~dhixson/teo/teo.html Mesoamerican Photo Archives: Teotihuacán] , by David Hixson
* [http://flickr.com/photos/robinryan/sets/72157602160963297/ More photographs of Teotihuacan on Flickr]
* [http://nd.edu/~sniteart/collection/Azatlan/Pages/Cultures/Teotihuacan_Culture.html Twelve artifacts] from the Snite Museum at the University of Notre Dame.
* [http://www.LostWorlds.org/ocmulgee_mounds.html Did Teotihuacános Migrate to Southeastern U.S.?]
* [http://amazingplanet.info/index.php/Ancient-Civilizations/Teotihucan.html Teotihuacán at AmazingPlanet.info]

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