Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio

Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio

Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio or Beltraffio (1466 or 1467 [ According to his tombstone he was 49 at his death in 1516.] – 1516) was an Italian painter of the High Renaissance from Lombardy, who worked in the studio of Leonardo da Vinci. [Leonardo records a "Gian Antonio" in his studio in 1491.] Boltraffio and Bernardino Luini are the strongest artistic personalities to emerge from Leonardo's studio. According to Giorgio Vasari, he was of an aristocratic family and was born in Milan.

His major painting of the 1490s is the "Resurrection" (painted with fellow da Vinci pupil Marco d'Oggiono and now in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin). A Leonardesque "Madonna and Child" in the Museo Poldi Pezzoli of Milan, is one of the high points of the Lombard Quattrocento.

His portraits, often in profile, and his half-length renderings of the Madonna and Child are Leonardesque in conception, though the clean hard edges of his outlines lack Leonardo's "sfumato".

In Bologna, where he remained in 1500-1502, he found sympathetic patrons in the Casio family, of whom he painted several portraits and for whom he produced his masterwork, the "Pala Casio" for the Church of the Misericordia (Louvre Museum); it depicts a "Madonna and Child with John the Baptist and Saint Sebastian and two Kneeling Donors", Giacomo Marchione de' Pandolfi da Casio and his son, the Bolognese poet Girolamo Casio [Girolamo Casio (1464-1533)] , who mentioned Boltraffio in some of his sonnets. Boltraffio's portrait of Girolamo Casio is at the Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.

The standard monograph is Maria Teresa Fiorio, "Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio: Un pittore milanese nel lume di Leonardo." (Milan and Rome) 2000.


elected works with disputed attribution

*"Madonna Litta", (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, sometimes attributed to Marco d´Oggiono).
*"Holy family", (National Gallery in Prague, probably a copy after the unknown original).
*"Virgin(:->) and child with donor", (Rome, Sant´Onofrio, Museo del Tasso, sometimes attributed to Cesare da Sesto).
* [ (Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco) "Portrait of a Man"] , probably by Ambrogio de Predis.


* [ Brief biography] from National Gallery of Art entry.
* [ Artcyclopedia entry] on Boltraffio.
* [ "Pala Casio"] at Louvre Museum.
* [ "Madonna and Child"] (1495) at Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan.
* [ "Madonna and Child"] at Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest.
* [ "Portrait of Girolamo Casio"] (1500-1502) at Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.
* [ "Portrait of a Youth"] at National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.
* [ "Portrait of a Man" and 2 renditions of "Madonna and Child"] (one of the latter by a follower of Boltraffio) at National Gallery, London.
* [ (Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA) "Youth Holding an Arrow".] The sitter portrayed crowned with a laurel-entwined fillet, is likely to be the poet, Girolamo Casio.
* [ Web Gallery of Art] Gallery of Boltraffio artworks.
* [ Database:] Photo repertory of Boltraffio.

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