Topic outline of robotics

Topic outline of robotics

Robotics is the science and technology of designing, making, and applying robots, including theory from many contributing fields. A robot is a mechanical or virtual, artificial . It is usually an electromechanical system, which, by its appearance or movements, conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and introduction to robotics:

Essence of robotics

: "Main articles: Robotics and Roboticist"

* Automation
* High tech
* Machine

Branches of robotics

* Android science
* Anthrobotics
* Artificial intelligence
* Autonomous research robotics
* BEAM robotics
* Behavior-based robotics
* Biomorphic robotics
* Bionics
* Biorobotics
* Cognitive robotics
* Computer vision
* Machine vision
* Developmental robotics
* Driverless cars
* Electronic Stability Control
* Epigenetic robotics
* Evolutionary robotics
* Home automation
* Human robot interaction
* Intelligent vehicle technologies
* Laboratory robotics
* Nanorobotics
* Passive dynamics
* Programming by Demonstration
* Rapid prototyping
* Robotic surgery
** Remote surgery
** Robot-assisted heart surgery
* Robot kinematics
* Robot locomotion
* Speech processing
* Swarm robotics
* Telepresence

Contributing fields

* Aerospace
** Biomechanics
* Computer science
** Computational linguistics
** Artificial Intelligence
* Engineering
** Acoustical engineering
** Automotive engineering
** Chemical engineering
** Control engineering
** Electrical engineering
** Electronic engineering
** Mechanical engineering
** Microelectromechanical engineering
** Nanoengineering
** Optical engineering
** Safety engineering
** Software engineering
** Telecommunications
* Fiction
** Literature
** Movies
* Military science
** Cognitive science
** Behavioral science
* Physics
** Dynamics
** Kinematics

Additionally, contributing fields include the specific field(s) a particular robot is being designed for. Expertise in surgical procedures and anatomy, for instance would be required for designing robotic surgery applications.


Types of robots

Industrial robots

* Articulated robot
* Bang-bang robot
* Cartesian coordinate robot
* Delta robot
* Gantry robot
* Liquid handling robot
* Parallel manipulator
* Serial manipulator
* SCARA robot

Mobile robots

* Aerobot
* Analog robot
* Android
* Artificial human companion
* Artificial powered exoskeleton
* Automated Guided Vehicle
* Autonomous robot
* Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
** Underwater gliders
* BEAM robots
** Audiotrope
** Climber (BEAM)
** Crawler (BEAM)
** Flier (BEAM)
** Jumper (BEAM)
** Phototrope
** Photovore (light eater)
** Radiotrope
** Roller (BEAM)
** Sitter (BEAM)
** Slider (BEAM)
** Solarroller
** Squirmer (BEAM)
** Swimmer (BEAM)
** Thermotrope
** Walker (BEAM)
* Cruise missile
* Cryobot
* Cyborg
* Differential wheeled robot
* Domestic robot
** Automated pool cleaner
* Driverless car
* Drone
* Entertainment robot
* Gynoid
* Hexapod
* Humanoid robot
* Hybrot
* Microbot
* Military robot
* Non-silicon robot
* Remotely Operated Aircraft
* Remotely operated vehicle
* Remotely Piloted Vehicle
* Robot dog
* Robotic pet
* Robotic telescope
* Robotic unicycle
* Self-replicating machine
* Service robot
* Smart car
* Snakebot
* Social robot
* Space probe
* Unmanned aerial vehicle
* Unmanned Aircraft
* Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
* Unmanned ground vehicle
* Unmanned space mission
* Walker
* Wired intelligence

Real-life cyborgs

* Claudia Mitchell
* Jesse Sullivan
* Kevin Warwick

Specific robots and robot models

* Actroid - (humanoid robot developed by Osaka University)
* Aesop - (Surgey robot commercialized by Intuitive Surgical)
* Albert Hubo - (humanoid robot)
* Albert one - (chatterbox robot)
* Alice - (mobile robot)
* Anthropos - (social robot)
* ASIMO - (Honda's latest bipedal humanoid robot)
* Ballbot - (robotic unicycle prototype)
* Battlebots contenders
** Deadblow - (combat robot)
* BigDog - (quadruped robot)
* Boe-Bot - (robot kit)
* Choromet - (mini humanoid robot)
* Cog - (humanoid robot, research project)
* Corobot - (mobile robot)
* Cosmobot - (therapist assistant)
* Crusher - (off-road unmanned ground vehicle)
* Da Vinci - (Telesurgery robot developed and commercialized by Intuitive Surgical)
* Deep Drone - (submersible remotely operated vehicle)
* Don Cuco El Guapo - (pianist robot)
* Dragon Eye - (military unmanned aerial vehicle)
* Dragon Runner - (4kg urban combat RC military robot)
* Dymiad - (versatile domestic robot)
* Electrolux Trilobite - (autonomous vacuum cleaner)
* Elektro - (antique robot)
* Enon - (personal assistant robot)
* Entomopter - (flying/crawling insect-like robot)
* European Robotic Arm - (autonomous and complete space walk robot)
* EveR-1 - (gynoid)
* ExoMars - (rover scheduled to explore Mars)
* Foosbot - (automated game)
* Foster-Miller TALON - (remote-controlled military robot)
* Friendly Vac - (autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner)
* Gastrobot - (robot with stomach)
* GuRoo - (humanoid robot)
* H1ghlander - (unmanned ground vehicle)
* HAL 5 - (artificial powered exoskeleton)
* Honda E0 - (bipedal humanoid robot)
* Honda E1 - (bipedal humanoid robot)
* Honda P series - (bipedal humanoid robot)
* HUBO - (humanoid robot)
* Huygens probe - (ESA atmospheric entry probe)
* I-bot - (robot kit)
* ICub - (humanoid robot)
* Inkha - (interactive robotic head)
* Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation - (swarmbots)
* Joe Robot - (social robot)
* Khepera - (small mobile robot)
* KHR-1 - (programmable bipedal humanoid robot)
* Kismet - (antique head with ELIZA-style interaction)
* Land Walker - (one-man, two-legged walker transport)
* Lewis - (wedding photographer robot)
* LORAX - (autonomous rover)
* Mars Rover - (autonomous rovers sent to Mars)
** Mars Exploration Rover Mission - (unmanned space mission)
*** Opportunity rover - (NASA autonomous rover)
*** Spirit rover - (NASA autonomous rover)
*** Scientific information from the Mars Exploration Rover mission
* Mars Pathfinder Mission Probe - (lander and autonomous rover)
* Marvin - ("Mobile Autonomous Robot Vehicle for Indoor Navigation")
* Megasaurus - (robotic car-eating dinosaur)
* Mobile Servicing System - (robotic system on the ISS)
** Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator - (robotic arm)
* Multifunctional Utility/Logistics and Equipment - (MULE, autonomous military ground vehicle)
* Musa - (Kendo fighting robot)
* Nomad rover - (NASA unmanned ground vehicle)
* PackBot - (line of military robots)
* PaPeRo - ("partner-type personal robot")
* Paro - (therapeutic baby harp seal robot)
* PatrolBot - (service robot)
* Polly - (behavior based robot)
* Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly - (PUMA, industrial robot arm)
* qfix - robot kits for hobby and education
* Ravon - (Robust Autonomous Vehicle for Offroad Navigation)
* Remote Manipulator System - (Space Shuttle's robotic arm)
* Repliee Q1Expo - (gynoid)
* Robomaxx - (autonomous vacuum cleaner)
* RoboMower - (autonomous lawnmower)
* Robonaut - (humanoid robot for spacewalks)
* Robosaurus - (robotic car-eating dinosaur)
* Roboshark - (robotic shark, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
* RoboTurb - (industrial welding robot)
* Robot Wars contenders
** 101 - (combat robot)
** Behemoth - (combat robot)
** Bigger Brother - (combat robot)
** Bulldog Breed - (combat robot)
** Chaos 2 - (combat robot)
** Crushtacean - (combat robot)
** Dantomkia - (combat robot)
** Derek - (combat robot)
** Díotóir - (combat robot)
** Evil Weevil - (combat robot)
** Firestorm Robot Series - (combat robot)
** Gemini - (combat robot)
** Gravity - (combat robot)
** House Robots of Robot Wars - (combat robots)
*** Matilda - (combat robot)
** Hypno-Disc - (combat robot)
** King Buxton Robot Series - (combat robots)
** Milly Ann Bug - (combat robot)
** Ming Die-nasty - (combat robot)
** Mortis - (combat robot)
** Napalm - (combat robot)
** Nemesis - (combat robot)
** Panic Attack - (combat robot)
** Plunderbird Robot Series - (combat robots)
** Psychosprout - (combat robot)
** Pussycat - (combat robot)
** Razer - (combat robot)
** Recyclops - (combat robot)
** Roadblock - (combat robot)
** Roger Plant Robot Series - (combat robots)
** Spikasaurus - (combat robot)
** Storm II - (combat robot)
** The Steel Avenger - (combat robot)
** Tornado - (combat robot)
** Tough as Nails - (combat robot)
** Typhoon 2 - (combat robot)
* Push the Talking Trash Can - (remote controlled mobile trash can)
* Roomba - (autonomous vacuum cleaner)
* Sandstorm - (unmanned ground vehicle)
* S-bot mobile robot - (swarm-bot)
* Scooba - (autonomous robotic floor washer)
* Scorpio ROV - (remotely operated Deep Submergence Vehicle)
* Shakey the Robot - (early mobile robot)
* SIGMO - (humanoid robot based on passive dynamics)
* Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle - (military robot)
* Stanley - (autonomous unmanned ground vehicle; modified SUV)
* SYRANO - (French remote-controlled tank)
* Talisman UUV - (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
* Transaurus - (robotic car-eating dinosaur)
* Tug - (delivery system for use in hospitals)
* Ulysses - (bomb-detecting robot)
* Vex - (robot kit)
* VaMP - first driverless car driving long distances in traffic (1994)
* Viky - (Surgery Robot commercialized by EndoControl Medical)
* Wakamaru - (personal companion domestic robot)
* Walking truck - (quadruped robot)
* XBC - (Xport Botball Controller)
* Xianxingzhe - (bipedal humanoid robot)
* XR-2 - (PC-operated robotic arm)
* Zoë - (solar-powered autonomous rover)

Robotic toys and toy robots

* Big Loo
* Hexbug (hexapod insect)
* I-Cybie (robot dog)
* IDog
* Lego Mindstorms
* MANOI 01
* Robo Hopper
* Plen
* Pleo (simple robotic dinosaur)
* Poo-Chi (simple robot dog)
* Roboraptor
* Robonova-1
* RoboPhilo
* RoboSapien
* Robosapien v2
* Roboraptor
* Roboreptile
* Sakura Best Friend Robot
* WR-07 (transformer robot)

Notable Robots in fiction

* 790, from "LEXX"
* Ash, from "Alien"
* The Bicentennial Man
* Bishop, from "Aliens"
* C-3PO, from "Star Wars"
* Cylons, from "Battlestar Galactica"
* Blade Runner (not a robot, but a robot hunter)
* Data, from "Star Trek"
* Goddard, Jimmy Neutron's robot pet dog
* "I, Robot"
* Johnny 5, from "Short Circuit"
* Kryten, from "Red Dwarf"
* Marvin the Paranoid Android
* The Protoss, from "Starcraft" (Specifically the Dragoon, a cyborg)
* Replicants, from "Blade Runner"
* R2-D2, from "Star Wars"
* Robby the Robot
* RoboCop (actually a cyborg)
* Robot Archie
* Super Robot
* The Terminator
* The Transformers

History of robotics

: "Main article: History of robots"

* History of artificial intelligence
* History of behavior-based robotics
* History of industrial robotics
* History of mobile robots
* History of robotic surgery
* History of remote surgery
* History of unmanned aerial vehicles
* History of Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles
* Timeline of Humanoid Robots

Basic robotics concepts

* Actuator
* Adaptable robotics
* Anthrobotics
* Artificial consciousness
* Artificial intelligence
* Astrochicken
* Assembly line
* Automatic speech recognition
* Automation
* Automaton
* Autonomous automation
* Autonomous research robotics
* Battery
* BEAM robotics
* Behavior based AI
* Behavior-based robotics
* Biomechanics
* Biomechatronics
* Biomorphic
* Biomorphic robotics
* Bionics
* Biorobotics
* Bow Leg
* Brain-computer interface
* Cog project
* Cognitive robotics
* Computer
* Computer vision
* Computing
* Constructionist design methodology
* Control System
* Control theory
* Creative robotics
* Cybernetics
* Cyberware
* Datalink
* Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
* Developmental robotics
* Dialog management
* Digesting Duck
* Domotics
* Electronic Stability Control
* Embodied cognitive science
* Epigenetic robotics
* Face recognition
* Frankenstein complex
* Gesture recognition
* Ground Control Station
* Guidance system
* Haptics
* Home automation
* Human-computer interaction
* Human robot interaction
* Inductive logic programming
* Inertial guidance system
* Intelligent agent
* Intelligent vehicle technologies
* Japanese robotics
* Laboratory robotics
* Leonardo's robot
* Machine
** Machine consciousness
** Machine learning
** Machine olfaction
** Machine vision
* Mechanical self-replication
* Mechatronics
* Modality
* Motor
* Nanorobotics
* Neuroevolution
* Neuromorphic
* Passive dynamics
* Process control
* Proprioception
* Rapid prototyping
* RC Servo
* Reciprocating Chemical Muscle
* Remote control
* Robot calibration
* Robot combat
* Robot control
* Robot fetishism
* Robot Football
* Robot kinematics
* Robot kit
* Robot learning
* Robot locomotion
* Robot rights
* Robot-sumo
* Robot welding
* Roboteer
* Robotic book scanner
* Robotic mapping
* Robotic paradigms
* Robotic surgery
** Remote surgery
** Robot-assisted heart surgery
* Robotics conventions
* Screw theory
* Sensors
* Servo drive
* Servomechanism
* Simultaneous localization and mapping
* Software
** Robot software
*** Player/Stage Project
** Software development
** Software engineering
** Software programming
* Solar panel
* Speech recognition
* Speech synthesis
* Subsumption architecture
* Swarm robotics
* Synthetic biology
* Tactical Control System
* Telematics
* Telepresence
* Three Laws of Robotics
** References to the Three Laws of Robotics
* Tilden's Law of Robotics
* Transhumanism
* Walking city
* Zero Moment Point

Robotics software projects

* DROS, Dave's Robotic Operating System, free software for the robotics researcher or hobbyist
* MARIE - Mobile and Autonomous Robotics Integration Environment, a free software tool for building robotics software systems
* Marilou Robotics Studio, an integrated graphics environment for robotics prototyping, physics simulations and robots programming
* Microsoft Robotics Studio
* The [ Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)] - An open-source set of C++ libraries and applications which cover grabbing, visualizing and manipulating datasets, particle filter and Kalman filter-based SLAM, linear algebra, robotics sensors and MATLAB-like plot rendering.
* OROCOS - Open Robot Control Software project, a free software toolkit for realtime robot arm and machine tool control
* Player/Stage Project, a free software robot interface and simulation system, used for robotics research and teaching worldwide
* RoboRealm, free robot vision software
* Robot Intelligence Kernel from Idaho National Laboratory
* URBI - Universal Real-Time Behavior Interface
* Webots, a professional robot simulator used widely in academic and education
* YARP - Yet Another Robotic Platform, an open source platform for research in robotics

Robotics tradeshows and conventions

* Robonexus

Robotics contests and competitions

* BattleBots
* BEST Robotics
* Botball
* Centennial Challenges
* DARPA Grand Challenge
* European Land-Robot Trial
* FIRST Robotics Competition
* Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition
* International Aerial Robotics Competition
* National Robotics Challenge
* Northeast Robotics Club
* Robocon
* RoboCup
* RobocupJunior
* Robot Wars
* Robotica

Robotics companies and brands

* ABB Group
* ActivMedia Robotics
* Adept Technology
* ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Labs
* Audio-Animatronics
* Automatix
* Consolidated Robotics
* Epson Robots
* Environmental Robots Inc.
* FANUC Robotics
* Foster-Miller
* Friendly Robotics
* Honda
* Institute of Robotics in Scandinavia AB (iRobis)
* Intelligent Actuator
* IRobot
* Jim Henson's Creature Shop
* Kawasaki Robotics
* Perrone Robotics
* qfix robot kits for hobby and education
* Transbotics Corporation
* Yaskawa Electric Corporation

Robotics agencies, organizations, schools, and education programs

* Australian Centre for Field Robotics
* [ CSIRO Australia]
* European Robotics Research Network
* Federation of International Robot-soccer Association
* Laboratory Robotics Interest Group
* Maine FIRST Robotics Coalition
* Robot Fighting League
* Robot Hall of Fame
* Robotics Institute
* TekBots

Robotics periodic publications

* The encoder (newsletter)
* Real Robots
* SERVO Magazine

Robotics scholars

* Isaac Asimov

Leaders in robotics

* George Devol
* Ernst Dickmanns
* Rodney Brooks
* Robert C. Michelson
* Peter Nordin
* Sebastian Thrun
* Mark W. Tilden
* Kevin Warwick

Robotics lists

* List of inductees to the Robot Hall of Fame
* List of fictional robots and androids

See also

* Aerospace
* Aircraft
* Automobile
* Driverless cars
* Human enhancement
* Singularitarianism
* Submarine
* Technology
* Technological singularity

External links

* [ Adaptive Robotics Software at the Idaho National Laboratory]
* [ Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)]
* [ Automata and Art Bots mailing list home page]
* [ Automonous Robots Journal]
* "The Basics - [ Robot Software] ". Seattle Robotics Society.
* [ Beginner's Tutorial for Building a Robot]
* [ Creators of robots for people] Autonomous mobile robots.
* [ DARPA Grand Challenge]
* [ DIY Learning robot] Build your own autonomous learning programmable robot.
* [ FSI-All Japan Robot-Sumo Tournament]
* [ Grape - Graphical Programming Environment] for embedded controllers and [ qfix robots] .
* [ Guarding the fence - 2 Autonomous combat vehicles developed in Israel] - An article
* [ Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC)]
* " [ Mobile Autonomous Robot Software] " (MARS)". Georgia Tech Research Corporation.
* [ Cognitive Robotics Lab] of Juergen Schmidhuber at IDSIA and Technical University of Munich
* [ qfix robot kits] Robot kits for hobby and education
* [ RoboCupJunior]
* [ RobotRoom]
* " [ Robot software components] ". Sluggish Software.
* [ Robot Tutorials for Beginners]
*" [ Rossum Project] ". G.W. Lucas.
* [ Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's Robot-Sumo Competition]
* " [ Tech Database] ".
* [ Robotics and Electronics Tutorials and Educational ressources]
* [ RoombaGuide - The A to Z guide on Roomba]

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