

Dalles is the plural form of the French dalle, usually translated as a flagstone or paving-stone but with other meanings, including a drain-gutter on the bridge of a ship. In the combination dalles des morts it usually means a gravestone. In voyageur French, it came to mean a rapids or narrows on a river. Its most famous application is for The Dalles, Oregon, which is at the site of the former Grandes Dalles de la Columbia, but there are many locations in North America that are named a "dalles":

Placename County
or Region
State/Province Type USGS Quad
or NTS topo
Latitude Longitude Comments
Côte des Dalles QC road feature 47.796ºN 72.852ºW
Côte des Dalles QC Cape 46.413ºN 61.418ºW
Coulée des Dalles QC valley 49.221ºN 72.852ºW
Dalles Bridge Skagit WA Bridge 48.525ºN 121.772ºW Over Skagit River near Concrete, Washington
Dalles Campground Granite MT Locale 47.796ºN 72.852ºW
Dalles Creek ON River 45.970ºN 80.889ºW
Dalles Creek Menominee WI Stream 45.023ºN 88.665ºW
Dalles Creek Granite MT Stream 46.557ºN 113.712ºW
The Dalles Dam Klickitat WA Dam 45.628ºN 121.138ºW
Dalles de la Chicotte QC Island 49.233ºN 63.033ºW
Dalles des Morts Columbia Country BC Rapids (historical) 51.5ºN 118.5ºW
Dalles Lakes Pierce WA Lake 47.083ºN 121.545ºW head of Lightning Creek trib. of White River above Dalles Campground.
Dalles of the St. Croix River Polk WI Park 45.398ºN 92.651ºW
Dallesport Klickitat WA Populated Place 45.617ºN 121.180ºW
Dalles Ranch Albany WY Locale 41.364ºN 105.934ºW
Dalles Rapids ON Rapids 45.970ºN 80.879ºW
Dalles Ridge Pierce WA Ridge 47.047ºN 121.511ºW
Dalles Ridge Trail Pierce WA Trail 47.032ºN 121.494ºW
Fort Dalles Wasco OR Military (historical) 45.600ºN 121.184ºW
Lake O' the Dalles Polk WI Lake 45.393ºN 92.653ºW
Les Dalles QC Channel 46.358ºN 74.168ºW
Les Dalles QC Falls 46.200ºN 73.585ºW
Les Dalles QC Unincorporated area 45.988ºN 73.527ºW
Little Dalles Stevens WA Gap & Rapids 48.872ºN 117.869ºW
Little Dalles Canyon Columbia Country BC Valley 51.050ºN 118.183ºW aka Revelstoke Canyon, site of Revelstoke Dam
Little Dalles, Washington (historical) Stevens WA Populated place 48.854ºN 117.870ºW
Northdalles Station Klickitat WA Lake 45.610ºN 121.180ºW
Parc régional des Chutes-Monte-à-Peine-et-des-Dalles QC Park 46.200ºN 73.567ºW
Pont des Dalles QC Road feature 46.019ºN 73.438ºW
Pont des Dalles QC Road feature 45.988ºN 73.509ºW
Port of the Dalles Wasco OR Locale 45.604ºN 121.180ºW
Réserve indienne The Dalles Kenora ON Indian reserve 49.883ºN 94.533ºW
Saint Croix Dalles Polk WI Valley 45.399ºN 92.650ºW
The Dalles Kenora ON Channel 49.901ºN 94.550ºW
The Dalles Pierce WA Cliff 47.052ºN 121.571ºW
The Dalles Menominee WI Rapids 45.025ºN 88.666ºW
The Dalles Wasco OR City 45.595ºN 121.179ºW
Port of the Dalles Wasco OR Locale 45.604ºN 121.180ºW
The Dalles Indian Reserve Kenora ON Indian reserve 49.883ºN 94.533ºW
Saint Croix Dalles Polk WI Valley 45.399ºN 92.650ºW
The Dalles Kenora ON Channel 49.901ºN 94.550ºW
The Dalles Bridge Klickitat WA/OR Bridge 45.611ºN 121.141ºW
The Dalles Campground Pierce WA Locale 47.104ºN 121.578ºW
The Dalles City Waterworks Hood River OR Locale 45.408ºN 121.519ºW
The Dalles Dam Klickitat WA Locale 45.612ºN 121.135ºW
The Dalles General Hospital Wasco OR Hospital 45.587ºN 121.165ºW
The Dalles High School Wasco OR School 45.596ºN 121.189ºW
The Dalles (historical) Klickitat WA Falls 45.606ºN 121.165ºW "Les Grandes Dalles de la Columbia" falls location
The Dalles (historical) Klickitat WA Rapids 45.629ºN 121.114ºW "Les Grandes Dalles de la Columbia" rapids location
The Dalles Junior High School Wasco OR School 45.592ºN 121.176ºW
The Dalles Municipal Airport Wasco OR Airport 45.618ºN 121.173ºW
The Dalles Post Office Wasco OR Post office 45.595ºN 121.179ºW
The Dalles Recreation Area Pierce WA Locale 47.070ºN 121.580ºW
The Dalles Substation Wasco OR Locale 45.612ºN 121.215ºW
The Little Dalles Kenora ON Channel 49.870ºN 94.567ºW

See also


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