- Prosopis
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Prosopis caldenia", a species of centralArgentina .
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Fabales
familia =Fabaceae
subfamilia =Mimosoideae
tribus =Mimoseae
genus = "Prosopis"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text."Prosopis" is a
genus of about 45 species of leguminous spinytree s andshrub s found in subtropical and tropical regions of theAmericas ,Africa and southwestAsia . They often thrive in arid soil and are resistant todrought s, on occasion developing extremely deeproot systems. Theirwood is usually hard, dense and durable. Their fruits are pods and may contain large amounts ofsugar .pecies
Some of the species in this genus are:
*Mesquite s (southernUnited States ,Mexico )
** "Prosopis glandulosa " –Honey Mesquite ; "haas" (Cmiique Iitom)
** "Prosopis pallida " –American Carob , "huarango, kiawe"
** "Prosopis pubescens " –Screwbean Mesquite , "tornillo "
** "Prosopis reptans " – "tornillo "
** "Prosopis strombulifera " –Creeping Mesquite
** "Prosopis velutina " –Velvet Mesquite
*"Algarrobo s", bayahondas etc. (Neotropics , particularly theGran Chaco )
** "Prosopis affinis " –Ñandubay , Algarrobillo, Espinillo, Ibopé-Morotí
** "Prosopis alba " –Algarrobo blanco ; "ibopé" or "igopé" (Guaraní )
*** "Prosopis alba" var. "panta" –Algarrobo panta
** "Prosopis caldenia " –Caldén
** "Prosopis chilensis " –Algarrobo chileno
** "Prosopis fiebrigii "
** "Prosopis flexuosa " –Alpataco
** "Prosopis hassleri "
** "Prosopis juliflora " –Bayahonda blanca , Bayarone Français; "Kabuli Kikar, Vilayati Babul, Vilayati Khejra" or "Vilayati Kikar" (Hindi ); "trupillo" or "turpío" (Wayuunaiki)
** "Prosopis kuntzei " –Itín , Barba de tigre, Carandá, Palo mataco
** "Prosopis nigra " –Algarrobo negro , Algarrobo amarillo, Algarrobo dulce, Algarrobo morado
** "Prosopis rojasiana "
** "Prosopis ruscifolia " –Vinal
** "Prosopis tamarugo " –Tamarugo
*Africa n species
** "Prosopis africana "
*Asia n species (India - mainlyRajasthan - toArabia )
** "Prosopis cineraria " – Jand; "ghaf" (Arabic); "sami" or "sumri" (Gujarati); "khejri", "sangri" (Rajasthani); "kandi" (Sindhi)Phytochemistry
"Prosopis" has been found to contain
5-hydroxytryptamine ,apigenin , isorhamnetin-3-diglucoside,l-arabinose ,quercetin ,tannin andtryptamine . [ [http://medplant.nmsu.edu/mesquite4.htm Medicinal Plants of the Southwest] ]Photos
General References
*Paciecznik, N. M., Harris P. J. C., & S. J. Smith. 2003. [http://www.frp.uk.com/dissemination_documents/R7295_-_prosopis_field_guide_-_July_03.pdf Identifying Tropical Prosopis Species: A Field Guide] . HDRA, Coventry, UK. ISBN 0-905343-34-4.
* [http://www.fao.org/documents/show_cdr.asp?url_file=/DOCREP/006/Q2580E/Q2580E07.htm Handbook on taxonomy of Prosopis in Mexico, Peru and Chile] (FAO Document Repository)
* [http://eebweb.arizona.edu/herb/PLWALK/pw1.html Plant Walk I: Old Main] (website of the Vascular Plant Herbarium of the University of Arizona in Tucson)
* [http://arboretum.arizona.edu/mainplants.html Plant Walk 1 UofA]
* [http://cals-cf.calsnet.arizona.edu/arboretum/plantwalk/chart.cfm Plant Walk 2 UofA]ee also
Arabian Desert and East Sahero-Arabian xeric shrublands
*Northwestern thorn scrub forests
*Invasive species in Australia External links
* [http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/weeds/downloads/weedlist2006.pdf U.S. Federal Noxious Weed List (USDA)]
* [http://www.prosopis.net/ The Prosopis Website (Has a nice range map)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.