

Alpa was formerly a Swiss camera design company and manufacturer of 35 mm cameras. The current owners bought the company name after bankruptcy of the original company and the company exists today as a designer and manufacturer of high end medium format cameras.

Alpa was an offshoot of the Pignons company, which made a particular part for Swiss watches. They made high end, all metal 35mm cameras with a similar high end but smaller volume market to Germany's Leica, Contax, and Rolleiflex. In true Swiss fashion, each camera was individually crafted. Thus, production was low, but quality was high. It is estimated that as few as 40,000 cameras of all models of Alpa were made during the company's 40 year history. Allowing for certain gaps, the serial numbers would support that, as the last cameras made (in about 1990) carried serial numbers of only 64,xxx.

There is the on-going question of which camera company was first with such innovations as the quick return mirror, through the lens metering, and the bayonet lens mount. Alpa was a contender for being first with each of these innovations and several others.

Unfortunately, Alpa didn't have the resources to keep up with the technological advances that the main stream camera companies were introducing in the 1970s and sales began to decline.

There is argument about whether the lack of technological "innovation" was due to lack of money, or actually a choice made by the company about whether the automation brought about by other companies was desirable.

A more popularly priced "Alpa" camera made in Japan by Chinon was introduced. It used M42 screw mount lenses, but it didn't sell very well in part because the premium Alpa lenses couldn't be used on it. (The Si2000 used the M42 Screw mount, the Si3000 used the Pentax K bayonet mount). Neither model was popular and they aren't considered true Alpas by collectors.

Some feel the Japanese Alpa was a mistake that hurt the company.

The Kern Macro Switar lens was a 50 mm lens at F1.8 or F1.9. It was an apochromat, and is still highly regarded as possibly the best standard lens ever offered. Other apochromats offered by Alpa included the 100 mm F2 and 150 mm F2.8 Kinoptik lenses.

A total of six different models of motor drive and magazine back were reputed to have been made. Two models each for the 9d, 10d, and 11 series cameras, one full frame, one half frame. Estimates of less than 250 were made. Example in the photo is full frame, 11 series.

Unlike Nikon magazine backs, the Alpa ones were designed to allow for an entire 100-foot roll of 35 mm film to be inserted at once, and to allow for the operator to open the takeup side individually to cut off a portion of the film in a changing bag for processing without unloading the rest of the roll. The motor drive resembled some oil pumps in that the motor rocked a lever back and forth to shoot the normal trigger, after a second gear moved the normal shutter cocking mechanism. In actual use, photos can be shot at approximately 1 second intervals.

Both wall transformers and NiCad battery packs were originally offered. The example unit has a wall transformer, but only photographs of the battery packs may survive.

The company retained the same lens mount on the Swiss made cameras from 1942 until they ended production. The back focus of the body was the thinnest of any 35 mm camera, and as a result, it was possible to make adapters to use lenses designed for almost any other 35 mm SLR on an Alpa. Adapters offered included Exakta, M42 (automatic diaphragm and manual), Nikon (auto and manual), Leicaflex, T-mount, and Contax. Other adapters included one to allow mounting Alpa lenses to C-mount movie cameras and another to mount the Alpa bodies to a microscope.

Alpa didn't make their own lenses — and sourced them through some of the best lens makers — Angenieux, Kern, Kinoptik, Schneider, and others. They were the only company to guarantee optical quality of the lenses they sold.

The clearness of the pentaprism in the Alpa models, and the use of "rings" of different surfaces in the eyepiece of the 11 series especially made then a great choice for using on a T-mount, attached to large telescopes. Coupled with the manual mirror raise switch, even the vibration of the mirror slap was removed.

The new "Alpa" is a brand of the Swiss company Capaul & Weber, and is used for minimalistic medium format cameras using specifically mounted lenses from Rodenstock, Scheider and Carl Zeiss.

See also

* List of photographic equipment makers

External links

* [ Alpa Reflex]
* [ Alpa of Switzerland]
* [ Listing of Alpa camera manuals]

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